Family Ties

Vincent Cross 11

Vincent Cross – Secret Room inside the Cross Brother’s house, January 23
I paced the floor, anxious. Waiting for some sign that things would be alright. Micheal sat on the floor in the corner with Nicole’s head in his lap. Haley was next to the small bed in the room tending to Natalie. My younger sister, who I had never even known about until my father used her to attack us. How could I not have known I had a little sister, when dealing with my father one could never really know all the facts but still for him to hide something this big from us. I slammed my fist into the wall in frustration.
“What the hell are you doing, V?” Micheal asked getting up from the floor.
“Three days, it’s been three days and she hasn’t even moved, the stuff we used on her should have only lasted a few hours, she should be awake by now.” I felt terrible, I hadn’t slept or eaten much in the past three days.
“She will wake up, she is a Cross after all and we are notoriously resilient.” Micheal smiled.
“And good looking.” I said as I smiled, releasing all my frustrations away and trying to calm myself. “What are we even going to say to her?” I looked at my brother and could tell the neither of us had even the slightest clue.
“Well now is your chance, it looks like she is waking up.” Haley said as Natalie began to stir. After a moment her eyes blasted open and she jerked herself upright, scrunching herself up against the headboard of the bed. Her eyes flashed around the room erratically.
“Its alright, no one is going to hurt you.” Haley said as she grabbed some water off the table and held it out to Natalie. After a moment she reached for the water and when she had her hand around it snatched it away quickly. She looked at the glass for a moment then held her hand over it and closed her eyes. When her eyes opened again she began to drink from the glass desperately. Once she had finished Haley gestured for the glass and began pouring more water into it from the jug sitting on the table.
“Can you speak?” Nicole said as she moved closer to the bed. Natalie nodded as she took the water from Haley.
“Do you know who we are?” I asked pointing to myself and Micheal. She nodded again.
“You are my brothers, Vincent and Micheal.” She said confidently.
“Can you tell us about yourself? Or about what our father did to you?” Micheal asked.
“Father kept me hidden from the world, he said my abilities would need to be contained. I am a siphon, I have the ability to steal the magic from anyone within range and channel it into my body, I cant use magic like all of you can but I can use it to make me stronger and faster and even more durable. Father came to me not too long ago and said it was time for me to fulfill my purpose, once he told me that I was going to have to kill the two of you I rebelled and that’s when he put me under the influence of some herb he mixed it into a tea and gave it to me. He made me attack you, I didn’t want to I tried so hard to stop, I have been dreaming of meeting you for so long. She used to tell me stories about you.” She finished.
“Who told you stories about us?” I asked.
“Mama, she would visit me and tell me about you two, and she always talked about how father was making it so that she couldn’t tell you about me but that she was going to make you both strong so that one day you could all come and rescue me. One day I heard father yelling at Mama and she never came to see me again.” She began to cry and I felt a lump for in my throat. After a moment she began smiling through her tears, “But Mama did do what she promised you became strong and you rescued me. Where is she, where is Mama?” I felt sick, the lump seemed to be growing to the point of choking me.
“Mom, she.., she was killed, Natalie. By our father.” I watched her face as she processed and I saw in her the exact moment she understood. She cried and as she did my heart broke, tears stung at my eyes and then fell freely, I moved to the bed and sat on the edge of it, Micheal stood where he had been standing and continued wiping at his eyes. Natalie reached out and hugged me, I hugged her back and we sat there until she had finished crying. “There are two things I am absolutely sure of, number one you are my little sister and I would die before I let anyone hurt you and number two, our father will pay for what he has done, to all of us, with his life.”