Family Ties

Jayme Kraayvenger 1


Jayme Kraayvenger - East Boston High, October 20th, Per 2.
Class was boring, more boring than the usual day at East Boston. Then finally the bell rang it was lunch. I went to my locker to meet up with Eric, when someone dark and mysterious approached me. He handed me a letter with my name on it.
“Who are you and why are you handing me this?” I asked.
“You must read now.” The guy said. I’ve never seen him in the school before. I didn’t even bother opening it until Eric came to my locker followed by Michael and Vincent, then Cray and Sabrina. We were a group now. Somehow, we bonded over the last two months. We’ve learned a lot about each other although Eric still didn’t know that I was a vampire. I handed the letter to Vincent and Michael to see what their input about it was.
“It seems to be a note from the council.” Vincent said as he took the letter from me and read it out loud:

It seems to us, that you have been romantically involved with a human. This is against our most sacred rules and endangers our existence. You will be asked to meet with the council in two weeks time where if you have not either changed or killed this human, you will be severely punished.
The Council

“Uh, babe, what the hell is this about?” Asked Eric.
“Yeah, um, I have to talk to you about that.” I said.
“Well, you know, this is, uh, this isn’t really our business, so we’re, uh, going to, uh, go. Bye!!” Micheal said. Micheal and Vincent ran down the hallway just to get away.
“Yeah we’re going to go too.” Sabrina said. Then she and Cray left as well.
I walked with Eric down the hallway to the lunchroom. We sat down at a vacant table and began to talk.
“So, what is this letter from the ‘Council’ about?” Eric asked.
“Well, you see, I’m a bit different from everyone else. I didn’t make it this way, it just, happened, I guess you can say.” I answered.
“You know, I will always love you no matter what happens. No matter what you are, whatever you are.” Eric exclaimed.
“I am a vampire” I confessed.