Family Ties

Cray Hayes 3

Cray Hayes 12:00 pm – Sabrina’s apartment – November 7th

“Good afternoon sleepyhead.” Sabrina chuckled.
“Afternoon? Have I been sleeping for a day?” I inquired.
“Actually almost two days, but you’re perfectly healed and I cooked your favourite meal, pizza.” Sabrina stated
“Did you really cook it or did you order it?” I asked
“Actually I had pizza last night so its leftovers.” Sabrina giggled
“I love you beautiful.” I said
We ate, cleaned up and then started to head to the Cross Brothers house. When we made it there, a girl answered the door.
“Hi is, uh Vincent or Micheal here?” I questioned
“Yeah one minute.” The girl said closing the door.
“Who the hell was she?” Sabrina questioned.
“I don’t know babe, never seen her before.” I stated.
Vincent came to the door “Hi what, are you guys doing here?”
“Dude, my dad was running a blood feast in my house and I stopped him but just as I was going to kill him because he threatened me, he disappeared…” I stated
“Through a portal?” Micheal inquired.
“Yeah how’d you know?” I requested an answer.
“Same thing happened to us.” Vincent answered.
“So what do you think is going on with this?” I inquired.
“Babe, come back tell your friends to go away.” The girl that answered the door yelled.
“Busy, its business that needs to be dealt with.” Vincent replied.
We talked about what had happened as well as the portals, as well as how to find them and finish the jobs. We decided to wait it out just in case, and that was probably the worst thing we did. For a month, life went on, we bought a house, but just as Christmas was right around the corner, and something happened.
I woke up on Christmas Eve to notice Sabrina was not beside me. I assumed she was cooking because I heard some commotion from down stairs and went to check. I walked down the stairs as quietly as I could I wanted to surprise her. I turned the corner and then…
“DAD!” I screamed I drew a knife from the chop block. “Get out of my house I don’t want you here.”
“Aw but son, I love you and I forgive you for freaking out on me…” my dad started saying with a sickening tone.
“Shut your mouth. Where is my fiancée?” I yelled in rage.
“Well you see I held to my promise son. She’s being feasted on right now.” My father cackled maniacally.
I charged him in rage and I almost got to him but I was thrown back by magic. Who the hell? I thought, as I looked up I saw a man whose eyes were pure white. He also had a few scars on his face. Just then, Vincent and Micheal came bulleting through the door and cast some spells my dad and the other man disappeared through a portal.
“Are you ok?” Micheal questioned.
“I’m fine but…” just as I was about to finish my sentence, Sabrina appeared with cuts and fang marks on her. I rushed over to her as quick as possible for my battered body.
“Babe, are you ok?” She asked with the last ounce of strength she could.
“I’m fine how are you beautiful?” I asked with anger in my voice.
“In, in a little pain but, but I’m ok.” She stammered.
Weeks went by and I nursed her back to health; werewolves do not heal as quickly as vampires do. When she had healed, we both sore that we would get revenge on my father and the other man; whom we found out was Vincent and Micheal’s father. We started towards Jayme’s house and were ready to tell her and Eric; who had matured and grown to like the fact of us all being supernatural beings, everything that had happened and was about to.