I'm Never Changing

Chapter 10: Back To Go Again

Nixon’s POV:

One by one we crossed the borderline between both of our worlds. We all ended up deep into the woodland area near the black mountains, I was just glad that the sun was still hanging above the horizon. As soon as nightfall approaches activity around here goes from nought to ape-shit in a matter of seconds. Don’t get me wrong shadow minions will attack during the day although they are most powerful at night. That’s why I was rushing to get out of this territory so we can find a safe place to camp.

I turned to see Alex sticking close to my side. He visibly looked worn out a slight hunch to his walk and a small pant falling from his lips every so often. Hopefully he’ll be able to rest soon as I worry about him as a Guardian. The only thing is there’s something more, I never usually get this protective of a mortal. I guess I feel bad for him going through all this at such a young age; the morph is never a great experience for anyone let alone a teenage boy.

“You okay Alex?” I asked softly he jumped a little at my question obviously he was zoning out and was caught off guard.

“Yeah, I’m fine, a little tired I guess. I’m not used to all this hiking.” Moving his fringe out of his eyes the fatigue showed deep in his irises. He tried to hide the fact behind his signature grin but to me I could tell. I nodded understandingly.

“I know how you feel, we’ll set up the tent as soon as we’re out of this place.” Whilst readjusting his bag straps he hissed loudly.

“How’s your back?” My eyes wondered to his lower spine where he rubbed the wound tentatively behind his bag.

“It’s sore but it’s healing.” A hint of exasperation laced his tone yet he tried to remain positive. On the other hand Bill was eagerly pacing ahead of us leading the way.

“Nixon? Is it alright if I shape-shift? If Alex wants I could carry him, he looks tired.” The ever caring German stopped ahead of us his eyes trained on the mortal beside me. I nodded it would definitely be beneficial for him. He didn’t waste any time sinking down to his knees and springing into the air transforming in mid-air. Landing with a weighted thud the proud form of a charcoal black lion stood in front of us.

The intensity of his deep red eyes shifted towards Alex whilst he moved his head to the side a little in a gesture for us to follow him. After a few steps he came to halt letting himself lie flat on the ground, looking back at Alex expectantly.

“Bill said to lay flat on his back on to hold onto his mane quite tight, he can carry you the rest of the way.” At first he looked hesitant but it soon subsided as he complied moving tentatively around Bill. Once he was had a good grip Bill slowly rose to his feet again effortlessly and continued walking. It was as if Alex weighed nothing to him. To say I was impressed was an understatement.

“I think we are almost by the Nukan Mountains, we should rest there for tonight.” Bills familiar voice floated through my mind startling me from my previous thoughts. Looking over to him it almost seemed like he was smirking. Telepathy as well as shape shifting, those are some impressive powers.

“Sounds good to me.” We continued through the grounds stopping occasionally when we spotted a few stray shadow minions. Thankfully when they spotted us both they knew they didn’t stand a chance if they challenged us. They simply hissed at our presence before slinking back into the darkness and disappearing from our sight.

After around twenty minutes had passed my eyes darted back to Alex. I was surprised to find his head buried amongst Bills unruly mane but his eyes were firmly closed. How he ever managed to fall asleep on the back of a lion was beyond me, I simply chuckled continuing our journey.

There was barely any sunlight left now as it was faintly tainting the dark clouds above us a soft shade of pink. The high peaks of the Nukan mountains also graced my eyes. We stepped into the clearing of a small field; a winding lake was carved in the midst of it. It was home, for now. Bill slowly led down in the middle of it being careful not to stir Alex in the process. In the meantime I set up our makeshift camp site by putting up the tent and blowing up the air mattresses. It took awhile but soon it was done. However Bill being a lazy bugger laid there all the while using the excuse that he didn’t want to wake Alex up.

“Since you haven’t done much could you set up a fire while I take Alex off your back?” He made a noise resembling a low chuckle but nodded all the same. Although I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the awkwardly sprawled out mortal sleeping soundly on the animal beside me. It was an odd moment to say the least however he would be a lot more comfortable in the tent. As gently as possible I scooped the younger into my arms which was a surprisingly easy task, he felt so light, it was slightly worrying.

The instant he was torn away from the fur of Bills back his arms locked around my neck tightly followed by a soft noise in disagreement. It kind of threw me off guard for a second seeing him so vulnerable. Yet his neck being so close to me was tempting me way more than it should of.

“It’s okay Nixon get some rest too. I’ll stay out here and guard the grounds.” Bills soft voice spooked me once more echoing around me head out of nowhere. Fuck did he hear me thinking about me being tempted by Alex? I gulped and managed to mumble a thanks as I slowly entered the tent. It took awhile simply to peel the younger’s arms from my neck.

It was a relief when I finally managed to lay him down on the mattress. He instantly found comfort beneath the sheets and his breath evened once more. Deep down though I couldn’t stop feeling anxious, what if Bill found out about these weird feelings I’ve being having for the mortal?
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Delay caused by further exams, sorry about that :P
I like how this chapter has turned out :)
My incredibly awesome commenter LuBearr; gets major love this week, thanks again for your dedication!
So any opinions? xXx