I'm Never Changing

Chapter 11: Scream To Be Heard

Alex’s POV:

Everything around me was swirling and distorting at an incredible pace creating incredibly vivid colours. It was making me nauseous. All I knew for some reason was I had to keep running, no matter how out of breath I felt. Even when I reached the doorway in front of me it still didn’t feel right.

The surroundings stopped swirling with an abrupt halt revealing I was in the midst of a dense wooded area. My eyes focused upon looking at the door, I noticed handprints sprawled across it, decorating it some sick fashion. The worst part was blood was dripping down from each of the markings, and it was recent. My head was screaming not to continue although my heart ruled over it. So against my better judgement I slowly eased the door open.

The uneasy groaning of the rusting hinges did little to calm me nor did the sight in front of me. It was evident that this place was incredibly ancient, old furniture and cobwebs occupied every crevice. There weren’t many signs of human life here until I saw a figure in the corner of this vicinity. The first person I noticed was Rian; he looked like he was hunched over in an arm chair in front of me. Taking a few tentative steps towards my friend I frowned.

“Rian? What’s going-” My feared question was answered instantaneously as I pushed his shoulders lightly. With one sickeningly lifeless movement his body lurched backwards revealing the large open slash that was ripped through the flesh of his chest. Secondary slits were cruelly sliced into his throat leaving barely any skin there.

The thing that disgusted me the most was obvious bite marks where chunks of his body were torn leaving fountains of dried scarlet in its wake. Screaming in absolute horror I stumbled back, anything to get away from the mutilated body of one of my best friends. When I did my heel connected with something solid causing me to tumble to the ground.

Searching to find what I had tripped on I gagged loudly at the sight of my mother, she suffered the same fate as Rian did. The bloody remains were left contorted on the ground, the overwhelming stench traumatizing me even more. Scrambling to my feet I sprinted out of this gut wrenchingly disturbing room before my eyes widened. It seemed where ever I ran too I was always faced with another body.

This time my father was left behind on the staircase beside me, deep lacerations littered his now cold body, bones protruding outwards, eyes wide and vacant. The carpet had torrents of crimson tainting it accompanied by matching footprints that lead down the hallway to an open doorway. Not being able to contain my stomach much longer I quickly ran forward in the direction of the door, tears blurring my sight. Everyone I love was being killed in front of my eyes.

Maybe I could make it out alive. One of these busted doors must lead to an exit. That however was wishful thinking as a pained scream of my name stopped me in my tracks. It was raw, broken and came from the room in front of me. Gulping loudly my mind went into overload. Should I go through the door and help that person? Should I run? Yet again my heart pulled me onwards no matter how freaked out I was. Carefully opening the wooden obstacle in my way with shaking hands, I squinted into the darkness. The room was relatively small and apparently occupied.

Two people were situated in the middle of the dank floorboards the moonlight illuminating them. One was hidden in shadows the other was clear as day. Jack. He was weakly thrashing under the iron grip of the other man wailing for help. Laying in a puddle of blood his clothes were torn and his shoulder looked dislocated from the way his bone twisted against his skin. The other man was straddling him head bowed low by his neck, dark snarls leaving his lips. I couldn’t move every time I tried it was like I was nailed to the spot.

“Alex! Please!” He cried desperately his life was being drained more and more by the second. Suddenly the monster was disturbed as he eased his head up, both eyes glowing a malicious shade of red. It wasn't just his pupils the whole sockets of his eyes were painted in a glowering shade of malevolence. His lips tugged into a smirk and a dark cackle left his lips. It revealed a pair of jagged daggar like incisors that had punctered the boy beneath him.

Meanwhile Jack became limp his eyes rolled back towards the heavens. As the hunched monster turned towards the moonlight it finally illuminated its face, long trails of blood ran down his chin and stained its fangs. That thing killed the only living person left in my life and all I could do was stand there and watch. Yet the undeniable resemblence shone in an almost sickening fashion making my stomach lurch violently. The last thing I heard was myself screaming as his identity was revealed. It was me.

My body shot forward, bolt upright with an incredibly loud scream. Trembling in complete fear my brain was in a haze, shirt wet with sweat. I was so lost and scared that I didn’t notice the small rustling beside me until a small whisper of my name was heard. Blinking a few times just to make sure I was actually awake I could feel the hot tears start to well up in my eyes. Poor Nixon I felt guilty waking him up like that especially since he never gets much sleep because he’s too busy guarding me.

For some reason his appearance distracted me for a fleeting second, the way in which his raven hair stuck up in different directions made my heart pound momentarily. He could obviously tell something was wrong by the way he was looking towards me a worried expression painting his face. Except what happened next surprised me the most, he leant over before wrapping his arms tightly around me waist. Nixon was hugging me.
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Posted as early as possible due to my awesome comments :)
Just to clear some things up, Alex and Jack are just good friends in this one. Jack may come into play a lil later to stir it up abit but for now I think Alex has enough drama atm :P
My wonderful commenters are: LuBearr; drastic.dreamer and LanaLove93 it really is great to hear from my readers :D
I know it was quite graphic but theres going to be quite a few scenes of that nature being as it is about pretty volatile immortals :P
Hope you enjoyed, updates soon! xXx