I'm Never Changing

Chapter 12: I'm Not Going Anywhere

Nixon’s POV:

It was odd to finally have a night to rest for once seeing as most of time that was when I was sent out to help people. Trust me I’m not complaining about this, I was happily tucked under the sheets embracing sleep with open arms.

What I didn’t know was I was about to receive a very abrupt wakening. My eyes shot awake, a long pained scream sounded beside me. At this point I sat up blinking in a desperate endeavour to clear my hazy vision. It soon cleared revealing a very distressed looking mortal sat bolt upright trembling like crazy.

“Alex?” my voice still hoarse and a little croaky as the younger turned towards me. It was enough to break anyone’s heart the way he looked, his eyes a harrowing mix of fear and grief. My first response was to comfort him in any way possible. So quite cautiously I moved towards him wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. For a second he looked unsure, debating internally if he was ready to let his guard down but his walls soon came crashing down.

Without further hesitation he shifted so he was on his knees facing me as he held on to me tightly, hushed sobs catching in his throat. It was only then when his scent hit me like a ton of bricks, his pheromones where obviously going hay-wire due to the nightmare he just had. This was really going to be a test of my self control. Wait a minute, if he had a nightmare that must of meant-

“Fuck! Alex I’m so sorry I forgot to give you the medication before you went to sleep. Shit.” The guilt washed over me all of sudden, I can’t believe I forgot that one basic thing that he needed daily. God, how could I forget? He pulled away slightly rubbing his red lined eyes and sniffling.

“S’okay, I didn’t have the nightmares that I usually have. It was just a bad dream, a really, really bad dream.” His face twisted in pain at the recollection of the broken memories that plagued his mind. He was still shaking a little in my grasp so I moved us other to his bed pulling the sheets over us. I opted to sit beside him my arm wrapped tightly to waist. I think it was the best decision distancing myself from his throat as I didn’t want to take any chances with him.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He squirmed somewhat uneasily before nodding and laying his head on my shoulder.

“I went in this house a-and one after the o-other I found bodies. All of them slashed open in such disgusting ways and e-each was a person I c-cared about. T-then I h-heard someone scream and it was J-jack, someone was hunched over him, there was so much b-blood. I tried to help but I couldn’t move then the person looked up and I realised he was drinking J-jacks blood. It was me Nixon.” It all kinda came out of his mouth in one long stuttered sob but I heard every word.

“And now you’re worried that you’re going to become that same monster in the nightmare you had right?” I whispered all too knowingly, I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment to clear the memories in my head. However when I opened them his mouth hung open a little in shock.

“How did you know that?” I sighed, letting my hand run through my hair, I looked towards him.

“Well let’s just say you aren’t the only to have experienced those kinds of nightmares.” It was true although mine were probably a little different compared to his. He sniffled slightly, a sense of sorrow still clouded over him.

“I wanna go home, I miss my family.” It’s easy to forget that Alex is completely new to this, including the home sickness. At the end of the day, he's only a kid. It must be hard for him trying to go through all this as well as be separated from all the people he has grown up with. However if he wants to survive he has to be able to cope with it. I mean I haven’t seen my family in many years, although I haven’t wanted to see them if I’m honest.

“I know Alex, but we have to keep moving. If you stay at home more trackers would find not only you but your family as well. I’m sure you don’t want those monsters after them too?” He sighed in frustration tugging the covers closer to him.

“I guess, it’s just really hard you know?” I nodded hoping he wouldn’t linger on these emotions; it would only make him feel worse. In an attempt to get off this uneasy topic I reached over to my bag grabbing the familiar pills.

“I am really sorry about forgetting the tablets. But they should help. Besides we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” An uninspired frown settled amongst his features a sarcastic and lack lustre “Great” was muttered under his breath. Even though I completely understood how tiring and frustrating hiking is especially with the constant threat of Terrador and his minions was, we had to do it. Otherwise he won’t have the proper attention he needs when going through the morph but also who knows, danger is imminent around here.

“I’m sorry you have to go through all this, but this is your life Alex. It’s time to except that you’re changing and so is your future.” His dark irises were flooded with so many emotions it was hard to decipher them. All I know is that none of them were positive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awh Alex :(
At least he's got Nixon by his side :P
My wonderful commenters are: CoolNerd;; and nelli you guys really spur me on :)
Comments and subs are always welcome xXx