I'm Never Changing

Chapter 13: A Little Less Obvious

Alex’s POV:

After an eventful night I awoke from a turbulent sleep feeling a little disoriented. It was only when I felt a pair of hands shaking my shoulders lightly when I found the reason I was awake so suddenly. Instead of the familiar pair of dark eyes I was used to seeing, Bill’s hazel irises graced my sight.

What intrigued me the most was there was an almost violet lining to them that I had never seen before. I didn’t have time to question it as he beamed at me in typical positive Kaulitz style.

“Guten Morgen schlafmütze!” I groaned lightly burying my face back into the warmth of my pillow completely bemused with his strange words.

“What the fuck does that even mean?!” I grumbled feeling the covers being ripped away from me.

“It means, good morning sleepyhead. Now come on I’ve made breakfast!” He chirped slipping out of the tent and bounding over to the camp fire in the distance. Great I have to deal with him every time I get up, I hate morning people. It was useless trying to get back to sleep now so regretfully I stumbled outside leaving behind the warmth of my bed. Judging by the sun it looked to be quite early in the morning, go figure.

However what surprised me was the fact that my guardian wasn’t present around the campsite, only Bill was sat happily by the fire making what looked to be pancakes. I shrugged my main priority was food accented by the fact that my stomach was rumbling noisily. He seemed to notice as he patted the log beside me chuckling lightly.

Handing a worn metal pot towards me I smiled at the smell of the food. It smelt like home. But it’s not the same. As I pushed a small portion of the pancake into my mouth he smiled looking off to the distance.

“Nixon’s washing at the moment if you wondered, I think you should take advantage of the lake seeing as you probably won’t be able to bathe for a good few days.” I grimaced at the thought, I already felt gross enough as it is. Although another thought seemed to embed itself in my mind. The mere thought of Nixon a few metres away from me, bathing. It sent weird feelings swirling around my gut to the point in which it was unbearable.

Shaking my head of the more than inappropriate thoughts I blushed feeling ashamed that I would even think of him in that way. These hyped up hormones were really starting to make themselves known.

“I have to wash in a creek? I didn’t bring anything with me.” It was true, to be honest I didn’t have much time to debate on which shampoo to bring when I had crazed freaks banging at my door.

“S’ok Alex, you can use my stuff, there’s plenty there.” A voice emanated from the other side of the camp fire revealing itself as Nixon. The only problem was the obvious lack of clothes on the immortal, only a towel slung low on his hips. His dark hair was dripping from the recent trip to the creek which really wasn’t adding to the situation. I gulped averting my eyes to the campfire instead trying to rid that image from my retinas.

“Um, thanks...” I mumbled hating the colour that was flooding my cheeks. He simply chuckled before disappearing into the tent leaving me more than confused. Just when I thought the atmosphere couldn’t get any more awkward, Bill proved otherwise.

“You like him.” He smirked, the emphasis heavy on the middle word; it was as if it was dripping with school boy humour. My expression must have been the definition of embarrassment at his words, fingers tugging nervously at the hem of my shirt. Was I that obvious?

“N-no I don’t!” I squeaked pressing my palm flat to my mouth, knowing I can’t lie for shit. The break in my voice was proof of it. In a matter of seconds he was beside me arms wrapped tightly around my waist. At first it was a little awkward seeing as I only met the guy yesterday. However I surmised it was just a part of his loving nature and slumped my shoulders in defeat.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of Alex. You only want someone to love you, how is that wrong?” He had a point I guess, although it didn’t sit right with me. It did feel wrong for numerous different reasons.

“Maybe because Nixon’s a dude, or that he’s an immortal, oh wait maybe because he’s my guardian Bill!” I didn’t mean my voice to escalate to this level but this felt like the straw that broke the camel’s back. So much stress and anxiety is already being thrown at me, I didn’t need this on top of all it.

Shrugging out of his grip I paced across the campsite grabbing a handful of various products before disappearing down to the creek. Anywhere to escape all of this was a God sent for me, besides like Bill said earlier I best make the most of the water while we still have it. Feeling like I was beyond caring about anything I simply stripped off and sunk into the water in front of me. Okay bad idea, cold, fucking cold.

“Shit!” I hissed trying to get accustomed to the ice cold temperatures. Once acclimatised I got on with washing my hair and everything else until I was satisfied that I was clean enough. Yet I couldn’t shake the feeling that I forgot something. Looking around the seemingly peaceful forest surroundings I couldn’t pinpoint what I was missing. That was until I realised what it was.

I forgot a towel.
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Oh Alex like he hasn't got enough to worry about ;)
Sorry about earlier I posted the wrong chapter, but Ive sorted it out.
Guess I just got a little eager in updating this :L
My beautiful commenters are: JeT'aime. yournightmareXO and rossakamfzb big love for you all
Updates soon xXx