I'm Never Changing

Chapter 15: I'm Such A Terrible Mess

Alex’s POV:

Well that was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, even more than that time I threw up on Kelsey Goodwin at my 18th birthday party. She was incredibly hot and sweet and being typical dickhead me I drank way too much. It’s easy to say we haven’t talked much since then. But that’s beside the point.

God like I don’t have enough to think about, me being not entirely human and all. I exhaled loudly pulling myself up onto the ledge and wrapping the towel firmly around my waist. Gathering up the numerous amounts of bottles I managed to stumble back up to camp. Sure that made my feet dirty but after all this I couldn’t give a damn.

To my surprise the tent was already packed away leaving a faint indent in the grass beside the campfire, which was now extinguished. Damn Nixon wasn’t lying about this whole we have a lot of ground to cover thing. Although it left me with a problem, where the hell was I supposed to get changed without getting perved on?

Bill obviously looked amused as I managed to grab some clothes from my bag without Nixon showing up. Even when I was walking away into a part of the forest in which I could get changed privately I could feel his eyes on me. Let’s just say it didn’t help my frustration at this point.

“Stop fucking harrassing me!” I yelled, except at the end of my tirade that creepy growl rumbled in my throat again. It’s already happened once before but it still freaked me out. It simply served as a reminder that I’m not human anymore, and I hated that.

Turning away quickly I frowned leaning back against a old shaded tree and let my eyes close momentarily. I needed a moment to myself; the gravity of this whole situation was a burden that was hard to bare most of the time.

“I’m such a freak.” I mumbled, it was true though, I mean c’mon I’m pretty much a naked immortal living in a forest. There isn’t much weirder then that. Choosing it was best to get changed in case someone might rape me I pulled on my clothes wearily and set off to find my guardian.

I was glad to see him pulling on the familiar backpack over his shoulder too engrossed with his conversation with Bill to notice my entrance. Yanking on my Nikes I heard someone cough next to me causing me to jump a little at their presence. I was still really not used to everyone having inhuman speed. My eyes met with the dark irises of Nixon a frown prevalent on his features.

“Are you ready yet?” Hmm someone’s in a good mood today, not. I hope he’s not like this all day. Standing up and ruffling my hair lightly I nodded meekly. Bill sat behind me so when I turned around I was met with the very intimidating form of lion, which scared the heck out of me.

I jumped back a little cursing loudly until I collided against solid. Nixon obviously didn’t seem too pleased about it and grabbed my shoulder tightly. On the other hand Bill was having a whale of a time chuckling low and gruff in his throat. With a slight push of my body away from him he sighed.

“Look there’s no time for this, grab the bags and let’s go.” Yep he is definitely pissed off about something, Bill shrugged, both of us had no idea why he was like this. All we could do is follow his orders, gather up the remaining things and begin trekking for the day. It was pretty uneventful and quite painful as I could already feel at least three blisters on my feet from all this walking.

The journey was almost completely silent, most of the time Nixon was too focused on surveying the surroundings and its possible dangers. He had only said that we were going to be near a shadow minion base camp soon so that we had to be on our guard. Although Bill was as cheerful as ever, walking beside me the entire time. He could obviously sense the tension in the air.

“It’s okay Alex, he’s probably cranky because he hasn’t had any blood recently.” The words in my head startled me, I knew it was Bill but his mouth didn’t move. Well that’s really creepy. Also the thought that Nixon needs to drink sometime soon was simply adding to that creeped out feeling. Lets pray he doesn’t suddenly start jumping on me for a drink anytime soon. Afterwards we stopped briefly for lunch finally being able to take a break.

Yet Bills words wouldn’t stop running through my head. The more I looked at Nixon’s eyes the more I saw what he meant. Like when Bill woke me up he had the same purple lining to his irises, except it was a lot more prominent then Bills. I guessed the purple edging meant they needed blood. It only made me wonder more did I have that colouring in my eyes yet? Barely having half an hour to rest Nixon got up again and pointed towards the horizon.

“We have to keep our pace up now, if we don’t pass the shadow minion camp before nightfall there will be trouble.”
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Revision is a bitch, sorry for the delay :/
Awh Alex :P It's not too fun when Nixons feeling cranky :L
On a more positive note my beloved commenters are: rossakamfzb, JeT'aime & yournightmareXO you guys are incredible, thanks for the comments :)
Updates soon xXx