I'm Never Changing

Chapter 16: We're Miles From The Finishing Line

Nixon’s POV:

Ever since this morning I’ve been in a pretty horrible mood. First the whole Alex incident didn’t set things off very well. Then later on I got a call from John which really infuriated me. Basically he said that Terrador had invaded a village near May-Bridge which I went to not long ago. He had found one of my hiding places there and found enough stuff of mine to be able to track me. So now not only do I have to worry about protecting Alex, we now have more trackers on my tail and we have to find a way of passing a shadow minion camp safely today.

Also the fact that we can’t stay in that village anymore means I have to find another place to stop off on our journey. And to top it all off I haven’t fed in 2 weeks, so being around Alex was torture. It just felt like everything was against me today, so far being a guardian sucked.

It was now around seven at night and the mortal couldn’t walk anymore so Bill let him sit on his back. Thankfully he didn’t look too bothered about it, we were more concerned about the fact we were less than a few metres from possibly 200 shadow minions. Even with Bill I doubt we would ever be able to take on that many at once.

“Right, from now on we can’t talk beyond this point, if they hear so much of a word from us we’ll be goners. Got it?” I whispered looking at the both of them; Alex was completely mortified choosing to hide deep in Bills mane as I spoke. Without further hesitation we moved forward slowly, the stench of them was overwhelming when we reached their guard huts. Although it had my mouth watering slightly, any blood would be heaven right now. Focusing back on my surroundings I grimaced, it certainly hadn’t changed one bit around here.

The place was a dishevelled wreck, they’re only defence was the sheer number of them living here. It had a crude wall surrounding their territory compiled mainly of boulders and various different sorts of detritus piled high. There were a small group of guards situated around the place decked in typical skins of their prey; they used animal hides as their armour. Deep within the place was an abundant number of huts also made out of skins and logs, the place were practically crawling with them.

From this distance I could just about make out a flickering fire in the centre, no doubt it’s where they communicate with Terrador using Dactrine powder. But I couldn't stay and observe them now, we had to get out of here. I was glad that Bills black colouring served as a great camouflage as we passed the guards near us undetected. We had just made it out into a safe clearing until it all happened.

“Say it ain’t so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home. Na na na na na na na-”

“Intruders! On the south side!” The watchers immediately screamed, sprinting towards the clearing, blades wielded for battle. I had no time to wander where the noise came from but instead worried about our own safety.

“Run!” I yelled as we started sprinting out of the place, towards a well hidden cave system near the centre of the woods. It was a blessing that Immortals had more speed over the shadow minions at this point whilst we charged in the direction of the caves. The familiar sounds of snapping jaws and laughter wasn’t far behind us which only spurred us all to move quicker.

Sure it was painful seeing as we were trekking all day yet it was our only option. It was life or death at this point. After around 10 more minutes of solid sprinting that I finally found the shelter I was looking for. In one swift movement I pulled Bill by the scruff of his neck behind the cave wall with me signalling everyone to be silent. Pressing against the dank walls we all breathed shallowly, desperate to try and gain composure and be as silent as possible.

“Where did they go?” A low gravelly voice yelled eventually, probably only a few metres away from us.

“They must have gone North, follow me.” Afterwards there was only the sound’s of their distant footfalls that was outside until it gradually disintegrated into the sounds of the forest surrounding us. Once it was safe I slumped against the wall sighing.

“Fuck that was way too close.” I gasped while Bill padded over to the centre lying down and panting. Alex on the other hand obviously looked terrified although something else looked to be in his eyes. Guilt maybe?

“Where the hell did that noise com from anyway?” it sounded like a song that I have never heard of however I knew it came from around us. Alex reached into his back-pocket and produced one of those annoying contraptions known as a phone. That’s when it all clicked. The display lit up and he instantly blushed.

“It was me, Jack called me.” He got up from Bills back and pressed a few buttons leaning almost casually against the wall. When he finally put the thing away and looked up at me he flinched from my expression.

“That was because of you?” I growled stepping forward as Bills ears pricked up watching us intently. The younger trembled a little, only being able to manage a small nod, fear evident in his eyes. By this time the anger was overwhelming me and I had to let it out.

“Are you serious! We could’ve been killed back there all because of your stupid ringtone! Do you know how much danger we were in, if it wasn’t for Bill carrying you, you probably wouldn’t have made it here.” My voice reverberated harshly around us making the mortal shrink even further away from me, his lip tucked firmly between his teeth.

“You know Alex, I’m trying so damn hard to be your guardian. I don’t need you making it anymore difficult for me.” I snarled feeling my hands shake with fury, I decided the best option was to leave them both in the shelter as I slid the bag off my back ready to leave. I needed to get this frustration out so I opted to go hunt, not only did I crave blood badly, I also craved an escape from all this stress. So I ran deep into the woods without a second glance back leaving the sounds of the soft sobs behind me.
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Well that was a close call!
Looks like Nixons got a lot on his plate :S
Sorry about update times, I'm trying but my exams are looming and so is my revision :/
Anyway my gorgeous commenters are: JeT'aime & yournightmareXO you two seriously are amazing <3
On a sidenote whos listened to I Feel Like Dancing? Do you like it?
I personally love it jw what your everyone's take on it was xD
Updates soon xXx