I'm Never Changing

Chapter 2: I'm A Rolling Stone

Nixon’s POV:

The soft winds around me carried the faint scent of an all too familiar evil that had made it's way into this area. Tonight was a full moon and it unnerved me. It always seemed that shadow minions were at their most active at this time. It was obvious that they were around, they were leaving tracks everywhere. Although the smell was getting stronger by the hour I wasn't anxious. By the time they would get here I would be long gone.

I sighed my best bet was to head back over to May-Ridge. The only safe place we have now. I was thankful that I was ultimately heading home and not camping out in various places like I have been for awhile now. Being nomadic really does take its toll. Nevertheless this was my job and I couldn’t give it up knowing that there are people out there who need me. Packing up the rest of my belongings I heard a familiar annoying buzz in my pocket. It took me a minute to figure out what it was until I remembered. I really regret John forcing this frustrating human contraption on me. Pressing the device against my ear I growled.

“What do you want?” the sound of a small chuckle on the other end of the line only pissed me off further.

“What’s wrong Nixon? You miss me?” I’ll give it to him, Callaghan was a right bitch when he wanted to be, like now for instance. However I can’t deny that I miss talking to him. Actually talking to anyone for that matter.

“Oodles, now tell me what’s going on before I smash this thing into oblivion.” I was glad to hear him drop the act but that was short lived as he whispered that dreaded sentence.

“We have another case for you.” It didn’t take long for my anger to boil over once more as I gripped the phone even tighter.

“What?! I’ve only just finished the demonic sightings, this is the 16th time this month, I haven’t been home in weeks!” I snarled trying my best to even my breathing; I didn’t mean to take it out on him all the time, but this was getting ridiculous.

“Dude I am so sorry, you know I hate doing this. It’s just there’s been a lot of strain over here since Terrador has pushed his minions even further into our territory. He wants war dude and you know it.” God I hated when he was right. All I want is a break from all this constant stress and fighting. I don’t even know why Martin picked me to be a guardian but I can’t go against his will, he would personally murder me if I did. It didn’t take long for me to cave in.

“Alright what is it this time?” Sitting down on a nearby log I braced myself for the news.

“You’re not going to believe this but this a priority case; Martin personally wanted you to handle this one.” My eyebrows knitted together, I’ve never had a priority case he usually leaves these to his most trusted guardians. It definitely came as a shock.

“Terrador has sent assassins to the mortal world; they are tracking a kid who is believed to be a child of the 1st generation. You need to find the kid before he does and get back to May-Ridge” Holy shit. There hasn’t been a child of the 1st generation for around a thousand years. If this mortal falls into the hands of Terrador the kid would be used as a weapon and would easily wipe out everything, including the mortal world. Besides how would I ever convince a mortal to let me take them away from all they know?

“How much time do I have?” I sighed softly running a hand through my hair; I really need to cut it soon I thought to myself.

“Not long he’s already showing advanced signs of morphing, if you don’t find him soon, either Terrador will find him or he will die.” Well I certainly couldn’t say no now knowing that this mortal didn’t have any options. Poor kid, I know what it’s like going through that process; he doesn’t even know what’s happening to himself. This was going to be a tough ride.

“You know it’s going to be at least a 3 week hike back to May-Ridge from the mortal world right?” John added nervously already sensing that I was on edge.

“Yeah I know, but the kid needs me.” Even though my frustration wasn’t going to go away anytime soon my guardian instincts were stronger. This kid didn’t have much time left. John told me all the details I needed on where I would find him, it seemed Martin had already sent trackers from May-Ridge to locate his house. Without a second glance I roughly pulled the rucksack over my back and headed west in search of him. I had to be on my guard, who knows what could be lurking in these forests.

This was one of my main problems; the gateway to the mortal world wasn’t in our territory. Although I covered quite a lot of ground already so I wouldn’t be hanging around here for long. John finally finished droning on about not being noticed in “their world” when I finally realised something.

“Wait John, what’s this kid’s name?” I grinded to a halt looking over the horizon to see numerous shadow minions guarding the portal ahead of me.

“Alex, Alex Gaskarth.”
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Okay I couldn't resist updating :P
Just be prepared I'll try and update this as much as I can
As I said before this is a very out there plot line so don't worry if you don't understand a lot of what's going on right now :L
All will be revealed in due time :)
A HUUUGE thanks to limexpopsicle for being my first commenter, it means a lot!
Comments are highly appreciated xXx