I'm Never Changing

Chapter 5: Stay Awake

Alex’s POV:

After what seemed like an eternity of darkness the heaviness that was weighing on my eyelids slowly lifted. Giving way to a soft glow of light coming from the right. It only took a few seconds for my eyes to focus to realise I’m by a fire. More importantly the guy I saw before I passed out was sat beside it. This time I could see every feature polished from the flickers of flames complimenting his complexion. At a quick glance you could mistake him as Jack, he definitely had that dark raven hair that fell in front of his face teamed with a pair of deep black irises. However that was only a second’s glance.

His frame was built out more, muscular with tattoos running across his body. From what I could see they decorated his forearms and neck in the shape of flowers and roman numerals. A small metallic hoop was pierced in the right corner of his lip which glinted from the light catching my attention. Nevertheless my eyes seemed to train onto his, a certain cryptic emotion seemed to glaze over them. He was too busy staring at his arms to notice, that’s when I noticed the white bandages that were wrapped tightly around them tinted with blood. What happened to him? Who is this guy? I attempted to get up, a raw pain shooting up my spine stopped me in my tracks. Fuck that really hurts, rubbing my back cautiously the figure by the fire was gone, only to find out he was right beside me. He was quick I’ll give him that.

“Finally you’re awake.” His voice registered quickly in my head, that low smooth voice definitely belonged to the guy on the phone. Now I could put a face to the voice.

“What happened?” I croaked still feeling like I was in a daze then real life. Adjusting my position on the blanket I was lying on I hissed at the burning in my back.

“Try not to move so much, your back needs some time to heal again.” My eyebrows knitted together in a frown, wondering why the hell it hurt so much.

“By the time I got to you the people who were after you slashed your back, partly to slow you down but mainly for another reason.” His voice trailed off near the end of the sentence, almost in apprehension. What freaked me out the most was it was as if he read my mind. None of this conversation had put me at ease.

“W-what reason? Why were the after me? Who the hell are you?!” The panic started to rise and I tried to calm myself down, I really didn’t need to have a panic attack right now. He looked surprisingly calm and understanding in a situation like this. He sighed.

“I know you have a lot of questions right now and I don’t blame you. I’ll try and answer them but some you will only understand in time. First off my names Kenneth Nixon, just call me Nixon though.” Wow he has a nice smile, wait what am I thinking? I barely know this guy and yet I’m complementing him, jeez what’s wrong with me.

“Okay Nixon, care to explain why I was running for my life?” He caught on to the sarcasm coating my words and laughed quietly.

“This is hard for me to explain Alex. You know you’ve been feeling shit recently?” I nodded urging him to continue.

“Well, it’s nothing to do with an illness. You are going through a transformation. That’s why they were after you” This simply added to my confusion and frustration.

“So everyone’s on my case because I’m supposedly going through a change? That’s bullshit.” Nixon’s calm facade was soon replaced with an edge of annoyance.

“Look, I’m trying to explain this the best I can-”

“Not well enough dude. I left my friends, my family and my whole fucking life to run away to some deserted forest with a guy who can’t even give me a decent reason for why I should stay any longer.” No matter how painful it was I stood up hobbling over to the log to grab my bag. Like I was going to sit around and sing around the camp fire like nothing’s happened. He mimicked my actions following me a deep growl building in his throat.

“What, so you’re going to walk away from the only safe place you have now? Here’s a reason for you, if you didn’t run like I told you too you wouldn’t be alive right now. Are you forgetting that I risked my life protecting you?” That did stop me for a moment, the bandages were evidence of this. He did save me from those freaks, but does he really think I’m going to stay a moment longer just because I’m going through a change? Pulling the rucksack over my shoulders carefully I turned towards him.

“I am grateful for that, but this isn’t home Nixon. I’m throwing away my future for what? Camping? I have to go.” His eyes were an even darker shade of black with a incredulous glare in my direction. I quickly turned on my heel walking slowly into the clearing.

“This is your future Alex, you can’t go back to them.” He yelled, my anger was returning in full force. When would this guy quit?

“Oh really? For once give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.” I shouted back at him just as loud still facing away from him. That’s when it felt like time stopped all together, the next six words made my mind go blank.

“Because you’re not a human anymore.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter is mainly introducing Nixon to Alex :P
However the tension is building!
Major love to SugarRush; AND limexpopsicle, your views are highly appreciated :)
Comments and subs = <3 xXx