I'm Never Changing

Chapter 8: Let's Reintroduce

Nixon’s POV:

After spending an hour trying to find this god damn portal I come back to find Alex wondering around in the forest almost getting killed by this mutant lion. I only just realised when this lion showed me the marking on its wrist when it all feel into place. That tattoo engraved in German was unmistakeable.

“Bill?” I asked somewhat nervously the lion seemed to smile and without hesitation pinned me to the floor. Poor Alex must have been freaking out to see this gigantic beast randomly tackle me to the floor but it was all in good nature. He climbed off me slowly before backing away a few metres. In doing so it gave him enough space to bound towards us and in one swift leap I watched in awe.

The former shape of the black lion shifted in mid air almost like a mirage into the form of a tall male. He landed gracefully on both feet and straightened up before grinning at me. Clothed in black boots, skinnies a red top and leather jacket I knew Bill hadn’t changed one bit. With his crazy jet black hair spiked in multiple directions streaked with white and his multitude of spiked bracelets adorning both his wrists I was glad that morphing didn’t change him too drastically.

“What kind of a welcome was that Nixon?” His laugh echoed around us, subtle hints of his German accent always seemed to leak out into his speech. I smirked pulling the younger into a hug.

“Well it would have been a lot more pleasant if you weren’t harassing my mortal” A dark wave of red painted his cheekbones his eyes looking up shyly at the boy behind me.

“Ja, es tut mir leit, das wusste ich nicht.” I laughed at the confusion on Alex’s face; I quickly remembered that he was probably still scared shitless.

“Oh Alex this is my good friend Bill Kaulitz, Bill this is Alex Gaskarth.” They both shook hands although Alex looked wary of the other which was no surprise he scares a lot of people with his hair alone.

“By the way Bill apologises for sneaking up on you.” Bill nodded shifting nervously on his feet.

“I thought you were a shadow minion, but I was mistaken.” He whispered softly I could tell his actions were genuine. He didn’t seem too fazed as he told Bill not to worry about it.

“What language were you speaking earlier?” Alex asked an eyebrow quirked in curiosity, he beamed in response.

“German, I was born in Hamburg but our colony moved to the immortal world 3 years ago. That is why my English isn’t so good.” It was true however he was a very fast learner, he picked up on English really quickly. In return he taught me German, obviously I’m not fluent yet but I’m working on it. We helped one another translate in situations like this. Usually he would accidently slip into his mother tongue or forget how to say a word in English so talking to Alex would be quite difficult for him. He looked shocked at the revelation as well as interested.

“Wow, that’s awesome, I wish I could speak another language.” Bill grinned at this immediately offering the younger lessons.

“Wait, why are you here anyway dude?” I watched as his eyes flashed in remembrance a small “oh” falling from his lips.

“Martin sent me; he wanted me to bring supplies for you two. I think it will last a week or so, I’ll go get them.” He skipped merrily off into the woods whilst I chuckled softly I swear that kid has a mentality of a 5 year old sometimes. Turning to face Alex I sighed in annoyance, why was he out here anyway?

“What did I say about staying in the campsite?” It came out a little harsher then intended, by now though he should know that he could trust me. Biting his lip his gaze fell to the floor.

“I’m sorry Nixon, I kept hearing noises behind me and I just wanted to know what it was. Turns out it was your crazy German friend out to kill me.” Well I guess he learnt his lesson by almost having a heart attack at the sight of Bill in lion form. I was going to continue my lecture until Bill came sprinting back his arms laden with various bags. Gratefully both Alex and I took a few each and made our way back to the campsite.

“When did you learn your power was shape shifting then Kaulitz?” Looking over to him he grinned in response revealing his ever growing fangs.

“2 months ago, so far I could only go into lion form although it won’t take long for me to learn new ones. It’s funny as well because Tom still hasn’t got his power yet.” He laughed completely smug in the knowledge he could tease his brother for a long time with this now.

“Wo ist Tom jetzt?” Bill shrugged nonchalantly.

“Ich weisse nicht.” Slowly I lowered the bags by the tent shaking my head in disbelief.

“Tom ist dein Zwilling und du weißt nicht, wo er ist?“ Yeah Alex was suitably confused by this time, I would explain to him about Bill another time for now it was best keeping this between us.

“Nein, er okay ist, ist er wahrscheinlich bei May-Ridge.” It was true he should be there too, Martin needs all the help he can get right now. Deciding to switch to English I asked if Bill was going to hang around with us until we get back to the immortal world.

“Why not? I don’t have to get back till Monday” He plonked himself on the log by the fire and sighed. Well it looked like we had another person to add to the party. This was good though the more protection for Alex the better.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Ja, es tut mir leit. Das wusste ich nicht" - Yeah I'm really sorry, I didn't know
"Wo ist Tom Jetzt?" - Where is Tom now?
"Ich weisse nicht" - I don't know
"Tom ist dein Zwilling und du weisst nicht, wo er ist?" - Tom is your twin and yet you don't know where he is?
"Nein, er okay ist, ist er wahrscheinlich bei May-Ridge" - Nope, he's okay though, he's probably still at May-Ridge

If you don't have a good visual on what Bill looks like check the link here
Also I got another star thanks to you guys :)
And big shoutouts to: LuBearr; brittneyhuff and nellieey your comments are awesome, love to hear from you silent readers ;)
Updates soon xXx