I'm Never Changing

Chapter 9: Start Runnin'

Alex’s POV:

After finding out the creepy mutant lion guy was one of Nixon’s friends it was a slight relief. At least if those jumped up crazy people who are out to kill me come back there are now two people who can sort them out. Right now we’ve packed up the tent and our belongings, heading out with Nixon ahead leading the way. Which meant I was left walking with Bill as we trekked up the hills. It was silent for awhile mainly due from us conserving our energy although it wasn’t long until the talkative German spoke up.

“So Alex, are you going through the morph yet?” His inquisitive voice rang through the surroundings breaking my previous daydreams. I frowned not really knowing what he was on about. What was morphing? It was as if Nixon read my mind interjecting into the conversation.

“He’s had the nightmares and midnight sickness but to my knowledge that’s all he’s experienced. However for a mortal it’s quite strange that he’s having these symptoms already. They don’t usually happen till about 6 months in.” Bill seemed quite stunned at this looking towards me with wide eyes. Well that explains why I have been feeling so shit for the past few weeks. It seemed like everything had a name though, morphing, midnight sickness, and shadow minions. I guess I had a lot to learn about this whole turning into an immortal thing.

“So what other things am I going to experience through this whole morph process?” I don’t know how they aren’t sick of me asking all these questions but they appeared understanding. The elder immortal pondered for a second.

“There are a number of things. Your fangs will start to grow and so will your claws. Peripheral vision will get more focused and you will also learn of your powers. More importantly the bloodlust will settle in as well.” It took a minute for my mind to process all of this information. Seriously it sounds like something straight out of a horror movie. What jumped out at me the most was the last sentence.

“Bloodlust? That sounds like some crazy Twilight shit.” They both chuckled in unison.

“Yeah, trust us we aren’t prissy sparkly little vampires, but we do drink blood.” I gulped at the images of me, hunching over some corpse with the scarlet liquid staining my lips. My body shuddered at the mere thought, I already hated the idea of me turning into some kind of a monster let alone one that feeds on others. Nixon sensed my discomfort with the thought and was quick to reassure me.

“Like I said it’s a lot to take in but it will soon become normal to you after awhile.” How any of this could be considered remotely normal was insane to me although I’ve started to learn to trust whatever the raven haired immortal said. We continued our journey crossing a few forest paths before stopping for a quick break. Taking a swig out of the water bottle that was handed to me by Bill I sighed taking in scenery in front of me.

It was quite nice up here to view Baltimore from this altitude, the bustling city was a stark contrast compared to the wooded area we were currently in. Whilst I was zoning out watching various cars past below us both of them were engaged in quiet conversation. I listened in only catching a few words here and there.

“You forgot to mention one thing to Alex you know” Bill stated an all knowing smirk played on his lips. That was when my curiosity got the better of me.

“What was that?” Nixon rolled his eyes a small smile graced his face.

“Well during morphing there are times when you feel, uh, shiesse was ist geil auf englisch?” Bill trailed off desperately trying to translate in his head. Nixon laughed softly taking it upon himself to translate for him.

“Horny.” He immediately clicked his fingers in realisation beaming at the revelation.

“Ja, that’s it! Yeah it’s called heat, but all people going through the morph go through it at least once.” I blushed a deep shade of red. Great, not only do have to deal with possibly jumping on my guardian and drinking his blood but now I might also rape him. Perfect.

“Alright Bill I think you’ve scared Alex enough for one day. C’mon the portal isn’t far now.” I don’t know why but my heart stammered when he grinned at me flashing his perfect smile. Like I had enough on my plate, I think I’m developing a crush on my guardian. We all slowly pulled ourselves up to our feet and set off once more. Thankfully most of the terrain was flat and there weren’t many hills I had to deal with. It also helped that every so often Nixon would pass me some food to keep my energy up. It was hard enough matching their pace on a full stomach. Not long after we grinded to a halt a strange device that the guardian held made a strange beeping noise. He outstretched the metallic object in front of us and out of no-where a tall metallic doorway materialised. Accept where you would expect a door to be was a translucent type barrier instead.

“Looks like we’re here. From now on everyone stay close, we’re heading into shadow territory.”
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Hey Guise :)
Sorry about the delay, had 2 exams this week so I had to study like crazy
But yet again only one comment :/
Y'know aything would be good after all that shite :P
So HUGE props go to LuBearr; my loyal commenter xD
Updates maybe sooner if I get some feedback :) (just putting it out there haha) xXx