Status: Finished...

My Friend Jane


I didn’t hear water turning on. I was so stupid. I trusted her. Fool me once shame on you.

“Jane?” I called into the bathroom.

“Yes?” She called back. She was sobbing.

Oh no. “Let me in.” I turned the doorknob but it wouldn’t budge. She locked me out.

“Why? You’re just going to send me to jail.” She raised her voice.

I fisted my hands. She was confused and I tried to use that as an excuse. But, that didn’t work she wasn’t confused at all. She knew damn well what she did to Blake. She loved him just as much as I had loved him.

“No I’m not. You just have to talk with someone. It doesn’t have to be a therapist. They would tell and I won’t.” I tried to sound calm.

No answer. Just a light ripping sound. I don’t even think it was ripping. I couldn’t even describe it.

“Jane?” I asked, more concerned.

I could feel blood pounding in my ears. No. I knew what that sound was. Hanging. A noose!

“Jane!” I screamed. “Please God no.”

I put my hands together just as Mary would and prayed. God would save her. He had to. I wished for him to make her see her wrongdoing. I wished she didn’t do what I thought she did.

I kicked the door open with my hard shoes. There in the dark of the bathroom I heard a boom. I jumped back. My skin was crawling.

Fool me twice shame on me.

Adrenaline was rushing through my veins. I was so scared and all my senses were sharpened. I took a deep breath and grabbed onto the rosary that was around my neck.

“Holy Mary, mother of God..” I continued to say the prayer as I walked into the dark.

My foot bumped into something. I gasped and bent down. With a firm grip on the cross I put out my other hand. The first thing I touched was the noose. I could feel my skin burn the second I touched her face.

“Jane…” I blurted out.

I turned on the light and screamed. She was dead. My best friend killed herself because of my selfish acts. I wanted to try and fix what I broke. I was stupid. So very stupid. That was the day I turned my back on God.

Fool me three times shame on God.