Everything Little Thing You Do Makes Me Moan

Chapter 1

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP “God dammit shut the hell up!” I slammed my alarm clock against the wall and jumped out of bed. “It’s only 10:30am. I have 6 hours till sound check then afterward I can get ready for the concert, lovely.” I mumbled to myself. “HELLO DOLLFACE!!!!” Lexxi screams as she bursts into my room without any warning. Lexxi is my 5’2 midget whom I love so much. She has red and black two-toned hair and always has a bow in. She always wears skinny jeans, converse, hoodies, and character tees. “Hello Love how you be?” I asked still halfway asleep. “Dandy dandy dandy!” She says while she raids my fridge for food and vodka. “Of course you would want vodka this early in the morning” I snickered. “Well I need something to keep me up throughout the day, duh” she laughs. “That’s what coffee is for dumbass” I retorted. “Morning everyone! What’s up” Annabelle comes in and asks happily. “Nothing much just making coffee and trying to talk some sense into Lexxi. What’s up with you?” I said with a slight yawn. “Sounds fun and did you just get up?” she laughed. “Yes, actually I did. I needed my beauty rest for tonight.” I replied with a smile. “She wants to impress Tom tonight” Lexxi winked. “No I don’t, I hate him. He’s a fucking asshole! Don’t you remember what he did to me?” I yelled loudly. “Yes, I remember but there’s called a second chance you know” she smirked. “I gave him one and he blew it! He never cared for me like I thought he did” I sighed. “Yes he did. He still does. He made a mistake when he was drunk it wasn’t his fault.” Lexxi tried to convince me into loving him again but it won’t happen. Not after what he did. “Can we stop talking about him, please?” I sincerely asked but Annabelle continued. “Awh how cute, you still love him” Annabelle instigated with a laugh. “Fuck you! I’m taking a shower. Get Angel and Chrissy over here so we can leave after my shower.” “Ok grumpy” Bella snickered. After my shower I got dressed and me and the girls headed out to do some shopping before the show. We all got cute outfits for tonight if we go out to a party or something like that. “Wow! I can’t believe it’s already time for sound check” Angel sounded astonished. “I know it doesn’t feel like we’ve been out for that long” Chrissy commented. We drove to the venue and we saw Tokio Hotel’s bus and some other cars. Two of the cars looked like Tom’s and my brother’s. We went inside and met up with our manager, Tammy. She showed us to the stage where we found Jeffree Star, Tokio Hotel, and Blood on the Dance Floor. Bill saw us and jumped off of the stage and ran to greet us. “Hey guys! I’ve missed you so much! How’re you?” Bill seemed very excited to see us but he always has been that way. “We’ve missed you too and we’re doing great, thanks for asking,” I replied happily. “That’s good, I’m glad” he smirked. I see Tom walking towards us in the corner of my eye. I start to walk away but he grabs me by my arm. “I really need to talk to you” he said sympathetically. “You don’t need to, you want to. Don’t make your wants your needs” I retorted angrily. “Look, I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. You should know that I love you. I have and always will” “Awh, how sweet you’re a good actor but it’s not going to work on me. I’m never going to forgive you after what you did to me. I gave you a second chance and you fucked up. Big time!” I yelled and stormed off. I felt my eyes starting to tear up but I didn’t want anyone to see. “Hey, are you ok?” I heard someone ask. I realized it was Dahvie Vanity from BOTDF. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine. I just have bad allergies.” I tried to cover up the truth but he could see right through me. “You sure? I heard you arguing with that guy just a minute ago. I thought I would see if you were ok.” He seemed liked he really cared. He was really nice about it. I told him everything about what happened with me and Tom and he seemed so understanding. “Well, if you need anything or anyone to talk to, I’m here” he smiled sweetly. “Thanks Dahvie. I really appreciate it. You’re really sweet.” I think I might want to get to know him a little bit better and he’s pretty cute to. “No problem. I’ll let you get back to practicing and I’ll see you later” he smiled and left. “Are you really talking to that freak?” I heard Tom ask in an annoyed tone. “Yes, I was. He’s pretty nice………and cute to top it off.” “You’re a total bitch. I can’t believe that you think that faggot is cute! He’s a freak. You’re way too beautiful for him!” He sounded like he was about to cry but he held it back. “Tom, calm down. You know that me and you aren’t meant to be. Why do you get so jealous when I talk to other guys? It’s not like we’re together anymore.” I tried to understand him and his feelings but I never could. I don’t understand why he cares. “I get jealous because I want you back and I love you to death” he replied. “I got to go and do my sound check. I’ll see you later I guess” I said while walking away. “I love you” I heard him say when I left. After sound check we went to our dressing rooms to get ready for tonight. “I can’t believe you blew him off! Do you not know how much he loves you? Seems like you don’t even care!” Annabelle started to yell at me while we were getting ready. “He doesn’t love me like he says. I know he doesn’t because he fucked up twice!” I started to yell back. “Yes he does! He never meant to hurt you! Give him another chance!” “He knew what he did and I gave him a second chance already. He wont get another one and I don’t care what you say!” I started to yell louder. “Fine! You don’t know what you’re missing!” she screamed back. “I’m not missing anything special.” “Guys, stop arguing! Annabelle let her make her own decisions and Anastasia just ignore her” Chrissy said trying to calm us down. “Yeah you guys are best friends there’s no need to argue” Angel added. “Angel is right Bella. Why don’t we drop the subject?” “Fine, you’re right but you still know my thoughts.” I had a feeling she wasn’t going to let this go so easy. We all got ready for the show and had thirty minutes to spare. Bella was wearing a cute red and black tube, denim shorts, and black high top converse with her hair straight, Lexxi was wearing a t-shirt that had IDGAF on it, skinny black jeans, and yellow converse with a blue bow in her hair, Chrissy was wearing a low cut tee that had purple and black zebra print, black shorts, and purple flats with a striped headband , Angel was wearing a blue belly tank, orange mini skirt, and white wedge heels with an orange bow and the top layer of her hair was up, and I was wearing a green and black striped halter top, white mini skirt, and gold heels with my hair in loose curls and a green headband. “Since we have a half an hour let’s wander around and meet some of our fans” Annabelle suggested. “Good idea Bella. That also gives us the chance to see all the people in the venue” Angel stated with a large smile on her face. We made our way out to the crowd and talked to some of our fans for a little bit. They all seemed very excited to see us play. On the way backstage we saw BOTDF talking to Jeffree Star. Jeffree said hey to us and then we started talking to him and BOTDF. “So what are you girls doing later after the show” Jayy Von asked. “We actually don’t know yet. We were planning on going out to a party or something” Annabelle replied with a smirk. “That sounds like a lot of fun. Mind if we come with you?” Jayy Von asked hopefully. “Not at all” Annabelle replied with a wink. “Thanks! Maybe me and you can hang afterward too” Jayy Von winked “That sounds like a plan” Bella smiled. “Haha seems like Jayy Von and Annabelle are hitting it off pretty well” I said to Dahvie. “Yeah, I think Jayy likes your friend,” Dahvie laughed “it’s a little obvious.” “Haha just a little bit” I replied with a smile. “I like your hair. It’s pretty and unique,” he smiled sweetly “If you need your hair touched-up I can do it for free if you want.” “Thanks I might consider that offer” I winked with a smile. “Ok and maybe catch some lunch afterward if you want to” he said happily. “Haha ok I’ll think about it. You’re really sweet Dahvie. I like that.” I smiled sweetly. While we all were laughing and having fun before the show, Angel noticed Tom and Georg walking our way. “Oh no, Tom and your brother look pissed. What’s their deal?” Angel asked befuddled. “I’m scared to find out but I have a feeling that we will anyway” I said nervously. “Hey, freak show! Back away from my sister!” I heard my brother yell from across the hall. “Georg, what’s going on?” I asked loudly. “Get back sis and let me and Tom take care of this” I heard him say. “Take care of what? What are you talking about?” When he said that I was so confused. I don’t know what’s going on. “Ok freak you better stay away from my sister if you know what’s best for you! She’s not the freaky type like you” Georg yelled. “Look man, I don’t want be rude but your sister is old enough to make her own decisions and decide who she wants to talk to.” Dahvie retorted. “I look after my sister and I don’t like it when freaks like you try to get her. So it’s either you back off or me and Tom will beat the shit out of you. Which one do you prefer” “If you’re fucking with Dahvie then you’re fucking with me too” Jayy Von jumped in. “Hey look G, his fuck buddy is taking up for him” Tom exclaimed. “Georg knock it off,” Chrissy jumped in and snapped at him “What do you think you’re doing? Let her talk to who she wants she’s 19 and capable of doing her own thing. If you don’t stop being a complete dick then I’m leaving your ass!” “But Chrissy,” “No buts” she interrupted him. “I agree with Chrissy,” Annabelle came in “You guys are acting like little kids. I thought Anastasia would be better off with Tom but I’m having second thoughts. Jayy Von and Dahvie aren’t freaks and they’re really nice. It seems like they have a little more couth than you two” Annabelle exclaimed. “Why are you on her side? I thought you were going to help me win her back” Tom asked. “She’s my best friend and not anymore” Bella retorted. “Why not?” “Because you’re a complete asshole!” “Guys stop fighting! I’m sick of it. We go out in five minutes and we don’t have time for this bullshit! Tom, this is another reason why I’m not with you” I lashed out. “What reason?” “You’re acting like a dick and thank you Dahvie for standing up for me” I smiled at him. I took his hand and we walked away. “That bitch!” Tom and Georg both said in unison. “If you wanna see a bitch then you got it” Chrissy and Annabelle slapped both Tom and Georg and stormed off. Angel and Lexxi looked at each other in shock then left. “Seems like we blew it G” Tom stated. “I think we did” he replied.