Forever Sing to Me



“Tessa?” I heard Jasper say as I still glared at Josh. I left the room and went into his.

“What's up, lovebirds?” I asked smiling.

“Who did this to Sophia?” He asked. I looked from his face to Sophia’s repeatedly. I had told her I’d get to kill Danny as Jasper killed Ben.

“That depends... what are you gonna do if I tell you?” I asked making sure I’d get to kill the asshole. Emmett came in the room after I asked this.

“Kill him,” Jasper answered. He doesn’t have a single joking bone in his body. I get to kill Danny!

I smiled. “Okay! Only if I can help. My ex was there, too.”

I realized I said a bit too much and Sophia’s eyes widened as mine did too. I didn’t wanna share all that, but oh well. The beans are spilt now.

“Exes?” Emmett asked. Here comes his hot jealous side.

“Okay, well we used to date these two guys in California; Sophie and Ben and then me and Danny. Well, they were here and it turns out that they’re still assholes and now they’re werewolves…So Ben tried to, like, rape Sophie, but I was all ‘Spidey senses tingling!’ and so I got there in time and I kicked their butts, but then they left.” I shrugged at the end.

Sophia sighed before Jasper asked if she was alright.

After their short moment Josh came in. “Hey, Tess, I bet I can totally kick your butt in a wrestling match,” he said.

“You’re on!” I yelled, and chased him outside.

He grinned. “Ready to lose?” He asked.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. You’re going down.”

He smirked. We started wrestling and I was winning. It was way easier than it would’ve been with Emmett. I won.

“Take that, sucker!” I grinned and pushed him on the ground. I wiggled my tongue up and down and then went inside.

I danced up the stairs and into Emmett’s room. “Just please don’t tell Tess,” Emmett said.

“Don’t tell Tess what?” I asked. Sophia and Emmett looked at me, eyes wide.

“Um…” Sophia muttered.

I automatically assumed the worst things. Maybe they kissed. Maybe Emmett’s cheating on me. Maybe Emmett’s going to die because of some weird vampire disease. Maybe…something bad!

I glared at all the thoughts. Not one of those would be good. Then I felt tears seeping from my eyes. I turned and ran from the house and into the forest. I ran to La Push. I wasn’t full vampire and the treaty didn’t apply to me.

Someone caught me in a hug. “What’s wrong?” Seth asked. I shook my head and buried my head into his chest. He picked me up and carried me somewhere. “Um…Guys? I don’t know what’s wrong with her…” He said.

“Tess?” I was passed over to someone else. “What happened?” He asked Seth.

“I don’t know. I was in the woods finishing up my shift and she just ran past the boundary line and into my arms…I don’t think she even saw me though…”

“Tess?” Someone asked. I looked at Quil. “What happened?” He asked.

I shook my head. “I can call Edward…” Seth said.

“Don’t,” I mumbled.

“A word! She spoke,” Embry shouted. Four people smacked him. “Hey!”

“Don’t get mad at him,” I said quietly.

“What happened?” Paul asked. I was in his arms.

I shook my head. “I…I don’t know.”

Jake raised an eyebrow. “Care to explain?”

I sighed. “I was wrestling with Josh and after I kicked his ass I went back to Emmett’s room and I heard him tell Soph not to tell me something. I assumed…stuff and ran.”

“Ooh,” Everyone chorused.

“Even I know that’s something you don’t say when the girl you don’t want to know something is nearby,” Paul said.

I glared at him. “Emmett shouldn’t be hiding something though,” Seth said.

I nodded. “Exactly.”

Seth’s phone rang and everyone looked at him. He answered it. “Hello?”

Seth, it’s Emmett.

“Ooh…Hey. What’s up?”

Is Tess there? I need to explain what I told Soph not to tell her. Edward said she was assuming the worst and that’s why she left…It’s…” He sighed. “I need to tell her about Rose.

“Ooh!! I get it now!…Oohhhh. Okay. I’ll tell her.”

And tell her I love her please.

“Okey dokey. Bye.”

They hung up. “Who the hell is Rose?” I asked.

“Rose? She’s–”

Jake cut Embry off. “Emmett’s going to tell you.” He glared at Embry.

“…Should I be worried?” I asked.

“No,” Seth answered. “Don’t be at all.” I nodded. “Oh! Emmett says he loves you.”

I laughed. “Did he now?” I asked sarcastically. “I didn’t hear him or anything…”

Seth smiled sheepishly. “I forgot?”

I smiled. “Sorry for that, you guys. Just…girly moment.” I shivered at the thought of being girly. I was a tom boy!

They all smiled. “Well, you don’t have a dick – that I know of – so I’d say girly moments are allowed,” Paul said.

I shook my head. “Hate them. That was my one of the year. If I ever do that again, smack me.”

Embry nodded eagerly with a grin. I rolled my eyes. I gave Paul a small hug and then gave the rest of them hugs. “Have fun!” Embry called.

“Bye.” I ran out the door and was at the house in under a minute. Emmett opened the door and grasped me in his arms.

“You’ve gotta let me explain,” He said quickly. “Edward told me what you thought and none of them are true. Soph freaked hearing you thought that we could’ve kissed. I‘m not cheating on you. I’m not going to die because of some weird vampire disease. Please just let me explain.”

I nodded. He grinned and picked me up before running to my actual house. He sat us down on the couch.

“Okay. I need you to promise me something,” He started.

“What?” I asked.

“Promise that you won’t leave or anything until I finish?”

I can do that…Right? I nodded. “Okay.”

He sighed in relief and pulled out a picture. He handed it to me and I looked at it. It was Emmett standing with a girl. She looked amazing and she was smiling at Emmett, with her dazzling smile and golden eyes. “That was Rose.”

“Who is she?” I whispered.

“She was my wife,” He said softly.

I looked at him to see he was watching me carefully. Scared I’d do something like run away again. I nodded. “What happened?”

He sighed. “We were in Africa last year and in werewolf territory…She was killed by them.” He sighed and covered his face with his hands.

I took his hands in mine and pulled them from his face. I gently caressed his cheek. “I’m sorry.” I kissed his forehead and wrapped my arms around him. “I…judged too fast and ran.”

He pulled me onto his lap. “It’s fine.” He kissed my head. “I love you. And thank you.”

“For what?” I asked.

“Not freaking out…”

I laughed. “Well, Emmett, you’ve been alive for like ninety years. It’d worry me if you weren’t married before.”

He chuckled. “I love you, Tessa.”

I smiled. “I love you too, Emmett.” I kissed him passionately and he kissed back just as, if not more, passionately. I grinned at him when we pulled away. “I do believe that was enough drama for one day. I’m gonna go get into my P.J.s.” I skipped up the stairs.

“I’ll help.” Emmett appeared behind me. I grinned as he took my shirt off. “Since no one is over here to interrupt us, and Edward and Alice know better then to tell anyone, I do believe we can have sex.”

I grinned. “Great. Because I’m overdue for sex.” I took his shirt off and threw it in a corner. He smirked and tossed me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and kissed my neck while he took off my bra. I flipped us over and ran my hands down his chest.

I kissed him while un-buttoning his pants.

“Tessa! No sex!” Sophia shouted outside my door.

“Go away,” I groaned.

“Josh said no sex all week,” She sang.

“So put your clothes on and get on outa there,” Jasper added.

Emmett and I groaned. “Alright, give me your pants,” I said to Emmett.

He raised an eyebrow but did so. I grinned and threw them in the corner and took off my own pants. Then I took off my underwear and Emmett did the same. I smirked at him and he smirked back. “Tess! We’ll come in and drag you out,” Sophia threatened.

I grinned and Emmett laughed. “Only if you wanna see both of us naked,” He called out to them.

“Yup, all in our glory. You have fun sleeping with that on your mind, Soph.” I grinned.

“I’m sure Josh could do something,” Sophia said.

“Right Emmett?” Jasper added.

Emmett glared at the door. “Bastard,” He muttered.

I looked at him and smirked. I straddled his waist and kissed around for his soft spot on his neck. He moaned and I smirked.

We didn’t hear Sophia or Jasper anymore, so we carried out our deed of sex.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tessa knows now! :D
comments?? :D pleaseeeeeeee