Status: Active

Paper Hearts and Lockets

Chapter 1

It was a normal boring day in the city of Florence. Everything was all quiet and peaceful. The day started out as chilly September day, moving through the east coast. I was sitting in the local café, reading a book. A bouncy ball lay in the palm of my hand.

I craved attention; reading was the only way to fill that need. So that’s what I was doing. I picked up my cup, forgetting about the ball in my hand. It slipped through my fingers and onto the ground. I cursed silently, slowly moving out of the seat. My hand stretched for the ball, but another hand got there before mine. I stared in confusion. I looked upward at the face of the hand, slowing my actions as our eyes interlocked. He seemed as though he were a friend of mine, but he was a total stranger. His blue eyes compared to mine, were a piercing color; as though he wanted to know everything.

My head clouded with thoughts, most wondering who this handsome stranger was. He finally broke the silence; I watched his lips move as he spoke. “This must be yours,” I stared at him blankly, not yet understanding. “The bouncy ball,” he smiled. His teeth were almost as perfect as his face. Dumbfounded, I nodded. He set the ball in my hand, and offered his hand to me. “I’m Leo.”

“Elizabeth,” I whispered, taking his hand in mine. He pulled upward, still not moving his eyes from mine.

“It’s nice to meet you Elizabeth,” he smiled once more, helping me to my seat. I smiled at him, sitting down. I closed the book and set it off to the side. He sat down in front of me, letting his cup of coffee rest on the table. “How often do you come here?”

“Not often. Actually, this is probably the loudest place I’ve been to in a few weeks. Everywhere else is like a ghost town,” I exclaimed, and he laughed.

“I know what you mean. It’s too much not having any noise.” I nodded, agreeing with him.

“Do you come here very often Leo?” he smiled when I spoke his name.

“Yes. I do. I come about every day. To get a coffee,” he spoke, gesturing to his cup.

“Ah, I see.”

He nodded, “What book are you reading?”

“Well... it’s called Street Love. Ever read it?”

He seemed to think for a little while. “I believe I have.” I smiled, looking him in the eyes.

“You have really pretty eyes,” I blurted, covering my mouth and eyes widened. He started blushing, but smiled anyway.

“Thank you, I deeply enjoy yours,” he spoke pulling my head to his. I left my eyes open, as he twisted my head to the side slightly. He kissed my cheek.

I pulled away from him, “What was that for?”

“It’s to bad that I have to leave your company,” he frowned. “It was nice to meet you Elizabeth. I very much did enjoy your presence.”

I sighed, frowning slightly. “Will I see you again,” I asked urgently. He smiled, and nodded. Leo scribbled something on a napkin and took my hand. He kissed it softly before bowing and leaving the coffee shop. I stared after him. But remembered the napkin. I shook my head, and peeked at the napkin. He had written his number and a heart. I smiled, and took out my phone, entering it slowly.

I had decided to call him in a few minutes. When I did, it rang a few times. He picked up about the fourth ring. “Hello?”

“Leo,” I asked quickly.

“Yes. This is he,” he spoke clearly.

“It’s Elizabeth, I was wondering....”

“I hoped it was you, and what were you wondering my darling?”

“When will I see you again?” I asked, hesitantly hoping that he wouldn’t reject me.

“Soon. Very soon ma’lady,” he laughed. “I have go to work. I will call you after though. You can count on it.”

“Alright...” I trailed.

“I swear to you. You have my word.”

“I guess... I’ll talk to you later?” I suggested.

“You certainly will. Goodbye ma’lady.”

“Goodbye Leo,” I said and hung up. These will be a few long hours.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this story. I was at the library when the idea came to me. so I started tyoing but soon had to leave. I saved it under drafts on here, and just now go back to it. :] I like the beginning, the ending sucks but hey, I'm one who can't stop writing either. :] as you can tell.

well I don't know the next time I will update will be. I hope it's on my birthday. so I have a whole week and a partial day. Nov. 13th is when I hope to update for you all. not just this story. but all of them. I swear I will. whether it's good or not. I'll write during school.

I love you all. Please tell your friends about this story. I think it'll be a excellent one. Please subscribe, comment.... rate if you want.

I love you.
-Baby Blue (Lizzy)