Status: Comment if you want an epilougue.

The Mortician's Daughter

No Dust Will Ever Grow On This Frame

I do have one friend that isn't a guy. Her name is Brittney Melody Wilcox. She hates her first name and calls herself Mel. And so does everybody else.
Mel was ranting about her boyfriend. She thinks she might be breaking up with him soon.
"He's just controlling. And over protective. I don't like it. I mean before he was so nice and understanding. But now he's just a dick," She ranted.
I tuned out. She was like this with every boyfriend. She would date a guy for about two to three weeks. Then when the last week comes she'd come up with something so that she could break up with him. She already used sex addict, drug addict (She thought he was doing drugs when everybody else knew he was strait edge.), coffee addict, and lizard addict (I didn't even get that one.). I'm just waiting for the day when I get so meet her seventh husband.
I look up from my walking feet to see Sim staring at me. He smiled and waved. I waved back.
"I see Josh! I'll see you later!" Mel said running off to meet her friend.
"Bye," I called after her.
I turned around and walked over to Sim.


"You should see my band practice. What are you doing tonight? I can pick you up and bring you over," Sim asked me when we got to lunch.
My boys are sitting at their usual table, looking at me, waiting to see if I'd join them.
"Sure,"I said.
"Kay! I'll pick you up at six! You can text me you address," He said happily while punching in his numbers into my phone.
I smiled and nodded.
Sim left to go to class and I walked over to my boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
^__^! A shortie!

Thanks to:
You guys made my day with your comments! Thanks!

More comments please? Sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Oh and did anyone notice anything weird with "My boys" 's names?