Status: Comment if you want an epilougue.

The Mortician's Daughter

I Open my Lungs Dear

It was 5:58 and I was waiting for Sim to show up.
At 5:59 I hear a loud engine.
At 6:00 there's a knock on the door.
I open the door to see a giddy Sim. He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward his car.
"Hurry! We need to be there by 6:30 or they'll need a new guitarist slash singer!" He practically yelled.
It took everything I had not to burst out laughing. His face was hilarious. Eyes wild, a huge grin on his face. His hand constantly flung up to brush his bangs out of his eyes. He was talking 20 million miles an hour while he dragged me to his car.
"Are you sure this car will hold up?" I asked looking at the beat up truck.
"It'll be fine! This car has been running smoothly for 20 years," he said as he hopped in the car.


Sim's band wasn't to bad. They actually pretty good for only being in a band for half a year. WRTB Is what he called his band. Sim introduced me to everyone.
"You see there? The bassist? He's Mike Glowscoe. And next to him is the drummer. Dirty Stan," Sim said.
'Dirty Stan' smacked Sim upside the head.
"It's just Stan. Don't listen to him," Stan said.
"Are you guys ready?" Mike asked.
Stan nodded while sliding into his chair. Sim put on his guitar and went up to the mike.
"Ah one, two, three, GO!" Stan yelled banging his drum sticks.


After they're practice everyone wanted feedback. So I gave it to them.
"Well Mike you missed a few chords. Stan, you lost tempo a bit. Sim, You where a little to jumpy. So your voice bounced alot and not to mention you missed...alot of chords," I said.
The guys groaned. I smiled.
"You guys said you wanted feedback. So I gave it to ya," I said. "Oh and Sim I have to start heading home."
Sim nodded and gave me a huge grin. That grin gave me a weird feeling. I shrugged it off.
Sim lead me to his car.


Sim had his hands on the wheel but his face kept turning to look at me. His mouth kept opening and closing. He looked like a fish. Finally he could make words and speak them.
"So, um, I just, uh, I well," Well at least a few words....
"Just spit it out," I said calmly.
"Would you like to go out with me?" He screamed.
I laughed really hard.. Sim pulled over. He turned his whole body towards me.
"Well?" Sim asked.
"Yes!" I said, still laughing and tears coming out of my eyes.
He smiled. It was a gentle smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is! So I got a star, 2 subscribers, 4 comments, and 24 readers! Thanks!
I feel like I'm changing from past tense to present tense a lot. Which I actually do alot... I'm trying to get rid of that habit! ^_^;
Thanks to woahXitsXmaria for figuring out what the names mean. Haha. I wasn't feeling very creative...
And thanks to Keela_Baby95 for the comment!
This weekend has been pretty crappy so far. But you's all make me feel better by more comments. And maybe more subscribers or stars?