

Sorry about what happened yesterday, or actually, this whole week. I feel like its my fault you got in trouble. I guess it is. Sorry I sound so depressed right now, its just I'm at home and I've been studying Biology for half an hour. Ok that's not really why, but I'm just going to say that, and I'm really tired.

Oh my god. My little brother just peed his bed and my mom is freaking out. Uh-oh, its spanking time. Ouch...that must have hurt. Sorry it's like 11:00 at night right now, I'm soo tired.

Well, back to the ditching thing, I'm really mad. I HATE your teacher! Why can't you come to piano conservatory and be in my classes? now school is going to be disgustingly (is that a word?) boring. Even thinking about it sounds boring: go to school, learn, go home. Before it was: go to school, ditch classes and have fun with Steiner all day! and then go home. Uuuh...somebody shoot me! Is there any possible way you can ditch still? Please?

Sorry, I'm such a bad friend, I'm still trying to get you to ditch after I just got you in trouble...But can you??? School will be so boring if I only see you during lunch and block 7, because every time I see you, Antonia will be there...Oh, God!

Sorry I keep saying sorry, I'm really tired...Did I say that already? Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm writing you a letter, it's because I'm really bored and can't stop thinking of you (like Antonia with me right now...Ew! That's creepy!) Sorry, I'm obsessed. "But at least its mutual." Is it really? In the beginning of the year, I tried to avoid you to see if you would care/notice, but I never found out because I couldn't last a day! That's kinda sad.

Woah, I just like lost conciousness for a couple of seconds. I better hurry up and finish this letter before I fall asleep. You must think I'm skitzo after writing this. Sorry, I argue with myself all the time, it's perfectly normal. Oh, and sorry I'm writing so messily, it's just that I'm really tired...Did I say that already? Well thanks for wasting your time to read this letter that I just wasted my time on...Then again, its better than studying Biology (gag). Ok I'm going to bed now.

Your favoritest person in the world,

P.S. Write back so I don't die of bordom in class, since we can't ditch anymore!