I Just Don't Love You Anymore

Chance Perhaps?

"Tylar! Where did all the orange juice go?" Rachel asked me as she came back out of the fridge.

"I dunno know... Maybe it's all gone to the orange juice fairy. You never know...." I said taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Yeah, and maybe I'm the tooth fairy." She replied in her typical sarcastic tone.
Just then I had a brilliant idea. I would go wake up the rest of the band in the most annoying way possible!
First on the list was Haileigh, easy enough. All I had to do was sit on her, and after a few minutes she finally got up grumbling some very colorful words.

"Are you a sailor today Hailaktemus?" I joked.

"Eh?" Was the response I got. I just laughed and dashed off to wake up Caitlin. This would be interesting, basically waking up Caitlin is harder than waking up the dead.
I decided to pull off her blankets and jump on her bed to wake her up. As soon as I started to jump she whined, "Stop!"

I couldn't help but laugh and continue on with jumping on the bed. That's when she started cussing at me and rolled over to go back to sleep. After five minutes of jumping she got up and I decided to go back into the kitchen. When I walked in I saw all of my friends in various stages of their morning routines. Rachel was eating, Haileigh was making her self something to eat and Caitlin was taking her ADHD medicine as her coffee brewed. I merely rejoined Rachel at the island and finished my orange juice.

"Well looks like we need to go shopping today. Anybody need anything?" I said aloud.
The response from Rachel and Haileigh was, "a new sketch book." And Caitlin just flipped me off, obviously still mad about being woken up at 6:30 in the morning, but after that gesture she pointed to her coffee indicating that she needed more coffee beans.

*At The Store*
As we shopped we all just ran around, picking up random items and stuffing them into the shopping cart. For some reason we decided to randomly all hop into carts and race each other down the aisles. *We would sooo do that!!!*
I was sitting the basket and Caitlin was running down the aisle as we raced Haileigh and Rachel, when suddenly somebody shouted at us.
"Watch it you nut jobs!" The guy called out as we passed him.
"Whatever!" I called back, my eyes locked on his face and immediately I recognized him. "Holy crap!" I pretty much screamed. Because it was none other than...
*Pick an answer:
A) Gerard Way
B) Mikey Way
C) Another Band Member of MCR
D) Some Random Guy The Characters Know*
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Triple update tonight at the least for this story!