Airplanes in the Night Sky

Home to LA

The plane touched down in LA with the sun shining brightly over our heads. I slowly moved my sunglasses down over my eyes before walking to the terminal. My dad was picking me up from the terminal while my band went to the hotel, I wanted them to come with me but Katie was being a bitch and complained the entire time. I was just tired and didn't want to start drama for the time being.

Then Jared was picking us up at 4 to meet up with the rest of the band and who knows what else after that.

"Alright, I'll see you guys at 3:30," I smiled picking up my bag.

"Tell your dad we said hi," Gabe smiled.

"I will," I sighed finding my keys, "Laters guys."

I got in the rental car to drive to my dad's house which I had to readjust to LA traffic compared to Chicago. Sure there's a fair share of traffic jams there but in LA, it always seemed like that's all it was. It took me about 45 minutes to finally get to his house after leaving the airport and everything.

The giant iron gates let me into the driveway as I parked in a spot which would be easier to get out of when I had to leave. I was staying at his house for the time off which left out that whole leaving my bags in the car. I took a deep breath, getting some of them out of the car then heading up to the door to take my house key out. Of course I had to put in a while different security code before putting my key in the door knob.

"Hello?" I called out into the house while I sat my bag down on the floor, "Dad, it's me."

"Tom, there's someone's ugly car in the front dri-" I heard come from down the stairs, "Oh, Valo."

"Valo," My dad ran up to me quickly to hug me, "How have you been?"

"I'm good," I smiled at him breaking away, "Brought a rental car though since we just flew in. By the way my band says hi."

"They're here?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "I told they would be for a week. Besides Jared's taking us to meet his band at 4."

"Jared?" My dad questioned.

"Although it's none of your business," I rolled my eyes at him, "Leto. 30 Seconds to Mars frontman."

"Oh," He nodded smiling at me as I rolled my eyes, "You look so much like your mother when you do that."

"Dad," I whined.

"Val," He mocked back.

"Seriously," I shook my head, "Where do you want me to stay?"

"Um," He bit his lip.

"My parents are coming in so they're staying in your guest room," Katie jumped in as I half glared at her.

"So you gave up my room after I told you I was coming here for god knows how long?"

"They needed a place to stay," Tom shrugged as I glared at him.

"So, what?"

"You can sleep on the couch in the den," He offered.

"The den?" I looked between the two of them.

"I'm sorry."

"Fine," I shook my head picking up my bag to head to the den.

"Val," He started.

"Just let her go," Katie mentioned as I wanted nothing more than to smack her.

That's the thing, with my dad dating someone who's not that much older than me, it tends to piss me off. It makes me feel like I'm 5 and she's supposed to watch out for me. Which isn't how it should be since she is only like 5 years older than me. Not to mention, I knew she didn't want me here, especially since she thought I was a bad influence on their daughter, Suri.

"You know," I heard my dad from the doorway as I unpacked a few things from my bag, "You two should go out and do something together."

"Who? Me and Katie?" I half smirked then shook my head, "Not going to happen."

"Val, just give her a chance," My dad looked at me.

"Dad, you already seen the way she treats me," I glared at him, "Like I'm lower then her and some bimbo or something."

"She does not."

"Dad, seriously, just can you drop it right now?"

"So, you've got a date?" He asked still leaning against the wall.

"It's not a date," I shook my head finding something to change into and some shampoo to shower, "It's just meeting the band."

"Uh huh."

"Now if you excuse me, I need a shower," I walked past him to head to the bathroom.

I changed into some jeans and a tank top after my shower, pulled my hair back into a ponytail then slid on my fingerless gloves. I grabbed the rental car keys and my liscense since my purse was somewhere in my bag in my room and I didn't feel like searching for it right now. I just always had my ID on me for security reasons.

"Dad, I'll be back later," I mentioned from the door checking the time on my phone as I waited for him to respond.

"When?" Katie questioned.

"It's none of your business," I half glared at her.

"I'm your step-mother, it is."

"Um, no," I laughed with a hint of bitterness in it, "And yes that was a no to both of those."

"Have fun," My dad ignored my comments to her.

Making my way back to my band's hotel, I was having my personal debate if I should just stay with them this week since that bimbo's parents were there and she still keeps trying to make me call her mom or something. I swear she's not as sweet as the media makes her out to be. Yeah my dad had me really young but just because I had a messed up life, doesn't give anyone the right to come in and try to discpline me. Especially now.

Approaching my band's door, I heard them laughing which gave me a sigh of hope since at least they wouldn't question like Katie had just did. Stepping into the room, they were all pretty much ready to go which I was shocked by but then again, this was our first break in 3 months, anyone by then would be so ready to be stationary for the time being.

By 4, Jared had picked us up and took us to one of the band's favorite resturants. Jared introduced us to the band then Adrian, Gabe, and Derek sat down at the table while Jared pulled out my chair for me.

"Thank you," I smiled at them.

"So, are you guys looking forward to spending all that time overseas with us?" Tomo questioned.

"Yeah," Derek nodded, "We're not your traditional band, we love being on the road."

"Just as long as we get a break from each other," Gabe mumbled.

"Oh you'll want to once you've toured that long with Jared," Shannon teased.

"Can't be as bad as Val," Adrian smirked at me.

"Hey," I protested.

"Oh come on, you take forever in the bathroom for your make up, hate being late, and are most definately not a morning person."

"Yeah ok," I nodded with an eye roll, "Mr. I- Have-to-have-perfect-eyeliner."

"Guys," Gabe interjected, "Seriously just drop it."

"Rough time?" Shannon questioned.

"They're always picking on each other about make up," Derek rolled his eyes, "Adrian's the bigger diva though."

"Hey!" Adrian glared at Derek.

"Anyways," Jared interupted this time, "Are you guys doing anything after this?"

"Actually," Gabe drew out, "We're all pretty tired from traveling, so we're just going to turn in."

"I'm not," I smiled at him.

"Wanna take a walk with me?"

"Sure," I smiled at him.

After dinner, Jared helped me up from the chair then we took to the streets as my band and his left. We were walking amongst the people, me hoping no one would recognize me which I bet he was probably doing the same thing.

"So," Jared stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Is there anything else I should know about you before we start this tour with each other?"

"Well," I smirled at him, "I am totally immature, hyper, crazy, a lot like Adam Lazzara which is why we got along so well on our tour with Taking Back Sunday. So you'l find I am annoying."

"I can handle it," He smirked at me.

"And I am totally serious," I nodded as we kept walking, "When it comes to music and everything involved with it. I've been called a control freak and worse because of it but music's my life. I'm not giving it up for anyone."

"I feel the same," Jared nodded.

"I mean what is it with people?" I let out a sigh, "If they're not awkward around me being a female guitarist, then they're awkward around the whole making music the most important of my life thing. Which is why I guess I'm still single."

"So you're not seeing anyone?" Jared questioned half looking at me while I shook my head.

"Not right now," I smiled at him as we walked together still, "What about you?"

"Just casual dating," He shrugged.

"But nothing serious?"

"No," He shook his head at me when his phone rang, "Shannon."

"Go ahead," I nodded as he talked on his phone but we kept walking.

"Um, hey, it's still early and I've got to run a quick errand for Shannon real quick," Jared started, "Do you wanna meet at the Boardwalk at say 8?"

"Sounds good," I smiled at him.

"Great," Jared leant in to kiss my cheek, "I'll see you then Val."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the jumble-ness of this chapter. The next ones won't be that jumpy. I just had somethings I wanted to get out