Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 9

"Wanna prank the guys?"
"Hell YEAH!" I whisper scream.
He kissed my cheek "You’re brilliant." he whispered back.
I got up a little stunned from the random kiss and followed him to the main kitchen.
we were up grabbing all sorts of random stuff from the kitchen and bathrooms and such. We snuck back down stairs with our stash of things like feathers, whip cream shaving cream eggs makeup markers paint...everything you could think of I swear we had it. These guys are going to be so messed up and WAYYY PISSED!!
I can’t wait. :)
.... (Adyn’s POV)....
I had wanted to spend time with Emalynn; I stayed up specifically waiting till all the guys went to sleep so I’d have her for myself. It’s weird and probably not right but I couldn’t help it.
We were currently about to pull the biggest best prank on the others guys in all of history!! I’m STOKED!!!!!!
(Two hours later)
.... (Emalynn’s POV)....
Adyn and I took two hours to fuck these guys up....I made sure Zandy looked the worse. Adyn had ninja ran back up for those loud horn things people use at games....and was about to blow it. I tucked myself back into me "bed" and plugged my ears.
.... (Zandy’s POV)....
"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!! WHATS GOING ON?????????" I said as I sprang up.
"FUCK MAN WHAT THE HELL IS ON ME?!?" Braxtyn yelled randomly. Everyone else was the same in a second, and then I felt it.
What the heck happened, how could I sleep through all that?
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emalynn fell off the couch laughing so hard. I was starting to wonder where she was, and
Adyn was laughing too. What the heck man.
" ya’!" Adyn scrame out between laughing fits.
Wait....we?? I looked over to the curled laughing (half dyeing from lack of oxygen) girl that was my girlfriend....she had nothing on her.
"the two of you did this?" how long did it take??"Damyn asked
"TWO HOURS!!!" Em blurted out, finally sitting up, gasping for breath. "Ya’ll were out cold!!"
" they got us good." Braxtyn stated.
I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that Em and ADYN did this. I seriously do not like Adyn right now.
"Emalynn, can I talk to you upstairs for a minute?" I asked suddenly. My tone apparently wasn’t as bright as everyone else’s because everyone got quite. Em immediately stopped laughing.
"Yeah sure." she said quietly.
I helped her up off of the floor and led her upstairs. Once up there she led me into one of the bathrooms...why...oh yeah, I’m covered in god only knows what.
"what do you want to talk about?" she said quietly, as she pulled down a rag and gently began cleaning the multiple condiments and ink off of my face.
"Why?" I whispered, looking at her intently.
"What do you mean? She whispered back.
.... (Emalynn’s POV)....
"Why?" he whispered.
"What do you mean?" did he see that Adyn kissed me? What’s going on? Is he upset about the prank we pulled? But we pulled it on everyone. Granite I got him worse...
"Why did you do the prank with Adyn?" that all? Why is he upset with that?
"Why does it matter? Adyn asked and I couldn’t sleep so I said yes, he did the other guys and I did you."
He was quite for a minute, I think I kind of get where this is going, I catch Adyn looking at me sometimes, and then that kiss on my cheek felt more than just friendly.
"Are you jealous of Adyn?" I reply.
"Zandy, darling, are you?"
"YES! I am, there so much behind it Em, you don’t understand." he busted out. I shrank back and dropped the rag I had been using to clean him up this whole time.
"Oh god, Em I’m sorry. Babe, I didn’t mean to burst out like that, I’m so sorry.” He grabbed for my hands, and I let him take them hesitantly.
"Did he try anything with you Emalynn?" he asked almost silently as he stared at my hands, rubbing them gently with his fingers.
I wasn’t sure I should tell him, I didn’t know if he’d blow up again. Madness equals pain for me, I hate when people are upset around me, it scares me.
"Emalynn did he?" he asked again this time, looking up to lock our gaze. I turned and whispered almost inaudibly.
"He kissed my cheek once."
"What did you say?"
"I didn’t think anything of it until just now, but he kissed my cheek..." I said slightly louder.
"that son of a ..."
"Zander,’re scaring me." I said as I pulled my hands from his tightening grip.
He stood up and pulled me into a hug. "I would NEVER even DREAM of hurting you Em. Ever. Remember that okay?" he whispered into my ear. I shivered involuntarily as his warm breath hit my neck. I nodded. "But Adyn on the other and him will have a talk. “He said as he pulled back to look at me.
"Zandy, please...don’t do anything rash."
I said as he left the bathroom.
I sank to the floor..."please don’t do anything rash, I repeated whispering to myself"
(Adyn’s POV)
I was cleaning up the mess Em and I made downstairs last night. I couldn’t get over how much fun it was just to know that she was doing that with me. :) I wasn’t even complaining about having to clean like I normally do. I had a stupid smile plastered on my face the whole time.
As far as I know Em is with Alexzander right now, which still irks my nerves some. And the rest of the guys went to clean up and go out to eat. I was supposed to send the message along.
I had just finished cleaning up the last of the feathers and toilet paper confetti when I heard someone come down the stairs. I didn’t look to see who it was, "Hey, the guys went out for breakfast...they told me to pass the message along, so you can pass it to your significant other okay?"
"Speaking of my significant other..." a male voice began. It sounded like Zander was straining to keep his tone in check.
I whipped around to see him in my face, next thing I know, I’m being slammed up against the wall.
"Why the HELL did you kiss MY girlfriend?!" he whispered fiercely.
"chill dude, it was nothing." my shirt was kind of choking me he had it pulled up around my neck and held me to the wall with it.
"Yeah lucky for you, she didn’t much care for it." ouch, that stung.
"Yeah whatever. "
"listen here Adyn...touch her one more time and you’ll have a lot more to fear about me than what you already know." he said and let me lose, I fell a little but righted myself instantly. I heard footsteps on the stairs quick light quiet ones, ones people wouldn’t usually notice. And I knew right away. Emalynn.
(Emalynn’s POV)
"listen here Adyn...touch her one more time and you’ll have a lot more to fear about me than what you already know." Zander said as he let Adyn fall from his strained position against the wall. I turned away quickly and rushed back up the stairs as quiet as possible. I ran into my room and locked the door. I didn’t want to see Alexzander right now, not after seeing that...
I was too scared...but can you blame me. Anger equals pain and pain equals flashbacks and flashbacks equals back to cutting. Though that one thing I kind of want to do right now. I don’t have a death wish...I have a wish to release the pent up feelings inside my body...can you blame me there??
I slip under my bed, lying on my stomach, and dig around in my secret compartment under my bed. I pull out one of the sharper razors (since the hurt less) and proceed to lie under my bed and put a one inch cut under my hand. I forget how sharp it is, so I cut a little deeper than expected. And it stung a little but I felt better immediately.
Then my door handle jiggled.
"Emalynn?" I heard a muffled voice call to me.
Shit its probably Zander.
"Emalynn its Adyn, open up." he said. Crap this isn’t any better...
I didn’t reply, and the jiggling kept up. I shrank away from the door under my bed, and it opened suddenly.
I heard keys jangle...that’s how he opened it. They probably have keys to every room. Great. I held my breath as Adyn walked around confused.
"Em I know you’re in here, why are you hiding. I’m not going to do anything. I just wanted to tell you Zander went for a walk. And I know you heard what was going on down there, I just want to talk. I let my breath out, but something tickled my nose, I sneezed what I thought was I a silent sneeze but Adyn stopped dead in his tracks right in front of me.
He bent down "why are you under the bed Em?" he asked a little playfully. “Come out or ill drag you out." he continued. I nodded and quickly slipped my razor back in its case and shimmied out from under my bed. Pulling my sleeve down over my burning wrist.
He helped me get up and we sat on my bed...I tried to hide my cut...
(Alexzander’s POV)
I was I had gone out for a run. I know I’ve ran at least 5 miles, and with no food I was starting to feel really weak and a little dizzy, so I made my way down the street a little farther to a dinner. I walked in and sat at the bar by the cash register.
"good morning hun, what can I get you?" a sweet older lady said, holding a ticket book in one hand and the other, holding the pen, was placed on her hip.
"A large OJ and three pancakes with bacon please ma'am." I said forcing a smile onto my face. She nodded as she scribbled on her pad of tickets, "okay doll, I’ll get that right to you."
"Thank you ma'am."
I can’t believe I left Adyn at the house with Em still there, I don’t even know where she is, or what she’s doing....but I do trust her. Its Adyn I still don’t trust. Even after our little talk.
The lady came back with my order and I scoffed it all down. I left $10 on the bar, by my plate, downed the rest of my juice and left. Yes I realize I left like a $6 tip...but that lady was sweet and deserved it. I have a lot to make up for if I consider my past. I’ll do it any way I can.
I left the dinner and made my way back to the house, feeling a little stronger and more determined to get home.
(Adyn’s POV)
"I won’t have time to talk to you much Emalynn, but I do want to tell you that Zander is a good guy. I know what you heard him say says otherwise...but his past is the most difficult out of all of us guys."
She nodded at me, fiddling with her sleeve. I glanced down involuntarily and saw that there was a dark spot on the underside of her wrist.
"Em...what’s wrong with you wrist?" I asked gently, reaching out for her arm.
"Adyn, what are you doing?" Zander’s voice came out of nowhere.