Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 10

(Adyn’s POV)
"I won’t have time to talk to you much Emalynn, but I do want to tell you that Zander is a good guy. I know what you heard him say says otherwise...but his past is the most difficult out of all of us guys."
She nodded at me, fiddling with her sleeve. I glanced down involuntarily and saw that there was a dark spot on the underside of her wrist.
"Em...whets wrong with you wrist?" I asked gently, reaching out for her arm.
"Adyn, what are you doing?" Zander’s voice came out of nowhere.
(Adyn's POV)
"Zander...really I swear nothing." I said earnestly. He glanced at Emalynn.
"What is he doing to you Em?"
she shrank back. Why???
"Em, talk to me." he softened his voice. She shook her head.
"She’s scared." I whispered. Realizing finally that she did really hear what happened down stairs a little while ago. She’s scared of Zander. It reminds her of...
"Oh shit." I said. I grabbed her hand and lifted her sleeve. She tried to stop me, but I’m stronger.
I froze immediately. Blood was pulsing out of her wrist. She had done this to herself. Shit.
(Alexzander’s POV)
Adyn had Me’s wrist, she was fighting him...but he won. And when I saw what he saw I wanted to die inside.
"Emalynn..." I whispered. "Wh-wh-what...?” I trailed off
she jerked her writs away and yanked her sleeve down, wincing slightly.
"It’s nothing." she said quietly to Adyn. Which made me mad; she could talk to him, but not me....HER BOYFRIEND??? What the hell?
"Can I have a minute with you?" she asked Adyn. I was fuming but I didn’t want to scare her. I walked out and shut the door. I did a little harder than should have, I’m sure. I slid down the front of her door and just sat there.
I just sat and listened tears dripping down my face.
(Emalynn's POV)
Zandy just left my room. I was scared and unsure of everything right now.
"Emalynn, look at me" Adyn said, drawing my attention from my wrist to his shinning eyes. Shinning eyes?? What is this I’m thinking? Ugh! I don’t need more drama.
"Why did you do that?" he said in reference to my wrist.
"I was scared and hurt. Adyn...Zandy he....he scared me bad, l-l-l-like James."
"Emalynn, you listen to me. Zander is NOT James. He’s so much better than him and you know that He would never hurt you."
"B-b-b-but..." I started
"No buts know I’m telling you the truth right? And no matter how much I like you for real, I would never want you hurt or scared for no reason. I want you to be happy, and I know Zander I know him better than any other guy here. And I know for a fact that he is the most legit guy that you could be with." he said so honest it hurt me.
I nodded.
"You need to go talk to him Emalynn. You need to explain to him what’s going on in that head of yours. He loves you more than anyone else. I see that, I’ve never seen him so intense about anyone. That scene downstairs you stumbled on....that proves it. But you have to remember he has a past that he needs to explain to you as well. But give him time."
"okay Adyn, should I talk to him now?"
"I’ll send him in."
(Coltyn’s POV)
(During Em and Adyn’s discussion)
I’ve been overhearing Zander and Adyn all day today. It’s gotten rather annoying really. I’m so sick of their constant banter. And now that there is the “prize girl” here from school...well we’re in for one hell of a trip.
I walked upstairs to see why everyone was so quiet. I found a note saying that Damyn and Braxtyn went out to eat...apparently they aren’t back yet. I slept in, after getting all that shit off my face and out of my hair and clothes, therefore missing the outing with my buds. What a shame.
I heard a door shut louder than usual and decided to investigate, because I’m oh so curious about the newbie and her issues dealing with the jealous boyfriend and the overzealous Adyn. I laughed silently at all the sarcasm that leaked into that thought as i ascended the stairs.
Down the hallway a little ways, I saw someone sitting in front of what’s supposed to be Emalynn’s door. It looked like a guy to me, nothing like the Emalynn from last night. And i must say...if she wasn’t taken then i would probably try to bang her hard and fast. :P
Zander was sitting in the hall, I realized as I came up to him, and he was crying. Sort of, tears were falling but there was no movement or sound coming from him. I didn’t even know if he was breathing.
I nudged him with my toe, “Hey, dude. You okay?”
He took a deep breath and looked up. Eyes red and wet, “Dude, do I look okay to you?”
I laughed without laughing, “not at all man, you look like shit. What’s going on with you man? I’ve never seen you cry before.”
“I’m probably losing her to Adyn, this very moment dude. I can’t live through that, she is my world man. My air. My soul. My life. Without her, I’m nothing.”
Well that’s cliché. “Okay dude, really calm down. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. You ain’t got anything to worry about.”
“You didn’t see the gash on her wrist because of me, or the way she flinched every time I spoke to her, or how she wouldn’t even talk to me, only through Adyn. You didn’t see that she was scared to death of me, of what I was to her at that moment. And I don’t even know WHY!!”
He threw his head back into his hands and began to shake in frustration. Then the door opened and out walked Adyn, who ignored me and stared at Zander.
“She has some things to say to you, and ya’ll need to talk about a lot more than you have been. You need to tell her man. This week for sure, it’s worth the risk. I’m behind you all the way. Go save your girlfriend from herself.”
Alexzander nodded and lifted himself off of the floor. He walked in and shut the door gently behind him.
Adyn turned to me, “Let’s go get your cousin and my twin okay? They’ve been gone too long.”
I nodded curtly and followed behind him as we left the two lovebirds to patch things up.