Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 12

[Adyn's POV]
"“Hurry.” She whispered as she clicked off of the line. She sounded really upset, and I couldn't figure out why she would. It must be really bad, since she's always so happy to talk to me. We're the best of friends, even though I like her a lot. I'm glad to be there for her.
So I know I have to get home super fast. There's something bad going on, and in all's scaring me to death. I'm so worried about Emalynn its unreal. It's painful even.

[Damyn's POV]
Emalynn had locked herself in the bathroom. I'm sure she was scared shitless. Of course I'm worried about her, she’s like a sister/friend thing...I don't know how to describe what she is, but that's besides the point.
"Hey dude, you need to find Cam and Zander." Braxtyn stated lamely, though I could here the worry in his voice. He cared about her just as much, if not more than the rest of us.
I nodded to say I heard him and went off in search of Camdyn first. I figured he'd be the easiest to find. He's oblivious to the world, he sits and plays games all day. I'm surprised he's not a vegetable yet.
I shook my head as I entered the game room. Of course he was there, he always is.
"Cam!" I shouted over his shoulder. He jumped and spun around to face me.
"What the hell dude? You just scared me shitless, AND I just died. You fuc..." I cut him off, I didn't have time for his whining.
"There seems to be some trouble in the real world Cam, you need to come upstairs." I stated and began to walk away. Though I saw his face pale a little.
"Woah, woah, woah. What do you mean by trouble? How serious??" He asked, tagging along at my heels.
"I wish I knew how serious and what kind of trouble it was....but I don’t, WE won't until Emalynn comes out of the bathroom. he nodded and followed quietly after that.
We passed the hall that led to the front door, saw it standing wide open. Adyn must be back, and worried...I suppose because Emalynn called him. They're really tight now. I don't know about Zander...I try not to get into any of that drama...ugh.

[Emalynn's POV]
Adyn was back, I heard the door slam open against the wall. It’d only been 5 minutes since we hung up, so I was still in the bathroom.
“Emalynn?!?” I heard him scream as he climbed the stair. I opened the door.
“In here,” I said quietly. He snapped his head towards my voice, and his face softened.
“Emalynn,” he breathed out my name, and pulled me into a tight hug. I rested my head on his chest. “Tell me what’s going on.”
“ I need to call a ‘family’ meeting.” I said quietly into his chest. I breathed in his scent, he smelled so good, and it was so relaxing.
“This is really serious isn’t it.” He stated.
“Yeah…and we only have a short time. So we need to get everyone together.” I said as we walked out into the landing above the stairs.
“I’ll get Zander, he’s the only one missing.”
I nodded and headed down stairs.
It’s time to get all of this out…and then run away again from it all. I still had an hour and forty-five minutes left to get this out and gone. And that would be pushing it hard.

[Alexzander’s POV]
*knock knock*
*knock knock*
*knock knock*
Someone was desperately trying to get my attention, as they were pounding away at my door repeatedly.
*knock knock*
*knock knock*
I opened the door and almost got my head knocked in, Braxtyn’s fist stopping an inch in front of my face.
“Man, what’s your issue?!” I asked pushing his hand roughly away from my face.
“It’s Emy, it’s important, and it’s right now. Get your ass downstairs this instant.
“Wha…?”I started confused.
“Just go man!!’’ he said, pulling me out of my room. I came out and we both rushed down the stairs, almost running over Adyn, who joined us.
“Good, I don’t have t get you now.” He said in my direction. I ignored him. I was too worried about Emalynn to deal with his backstabbing little self.
When we were all seated in the living room, Emalynn walked in. She looked absolutely horrid. This was not a good situation.
“I only have a short time to explain what’s going on…so here’s the shortest version I have.” She said, her voice sounding forced and scared. She looked around to each of us.
“I care about everyone of you,” she started again, her eyes resting briefly on me, then Adyn. ”so I feel the need to protect you all from what is happening now.”
“Which is what?” Damyn asked blatantly.
“James has escaped the prison on the island and was seen boarding a plane to come here at 3pm today. I was called and told to get all of you ready in the next two hours to be picked up and taken to a safe house. We now have an hour and a half to get stuff packed, locked up and out into the car sent by the Cherri, who is over all of this. She’s the one that called me.”
We were all stunned. This is some serious shit. And we have to go…NOW.
Braxtyn spoke up next. “Emy…hunny you go take care of yourself, I’ll get everything else set up… and well be ready by the time the guy gets here. I promise. Everything will be okay, aiight?” she nodded and left to go pack I suppose.
“Okay guys, we all know what to do…this isn’t the first time we’ve had to run, at least this time we’ll have help. Let’s get going.” He said as soon as she was out of earshot. We split off all of us with the sense of déjà vu.
♠ ♠ ♠
so theres a little more insight to each character now. :) yeay
i hope you enjoy it. comment or message me about what you like and what you dont like...and any ideas on how to make this better.
if you want i can put links to pics of the ppl i picture as eah character :D just let me know things you guys i know you read ... i wanna hear from you ;)