Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 15

[Emalynn’s POV]
I couldn’t breath. There was smoke everywhere and the house was starting to become unsteady. I didn’t know what to do…so I just stood there.
I listened as James beat on the door, and wondered if I was going to die like this.
“Zandy…” I whispered, not sure if he could hear me over the commotion James was causing.
“Emalynn, are you okay?”
“I love you Zandy, don’t forget that ever okay?”
“What are you talking about Em, what are you doing?” he asked as I started for the window that was three levels above the ground. I opened the window and started to climb out, when I felt a hand grab my waist and pull me back in.
“You had a genius idea until the jumping part honey…hold on a minute.” He said as he went to his bunk bed, pulling the smaller top bed down and threw it out of the window, breaking a good portion of the frame.
“I’ll jump first, then you. I’ll be down there to catch you okay? You don’t have to be afraid.” I nodded at his strong statement.
I could se he was frightened as he climbed through the hole. And I knew I should have been. But I just feel so numb…
Alexzander dove out of the window, and I heard a light plunk as he hit the bed. He called up to tell me to jump as the door busted open. James clothes were on fire, his hair almost singed off, and his eyes glowing a faint red.
He looked like the devil himself.
Shit. I’m screwed. I tried to think of what to do….if I jumped he would just follow. I had to save the guys from him as well as myself…
What do I do??? WHAT CAN I DO?!?!?
I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Zander’s metal bat. I inched my way over to it, away from the window.
“You’re so dead bitch, you will burn in here with me….a slow painful death…” he laughed evilly.
I reached behind me for the bat, it was hot -painfully so- but I grabbed it and swung a downward arc, on top of his head.
I heard a loud crack, and not just his head split open but so did the floor. I ran back to the window and dived out just as the floor disappeared beneath me.
I landed with a thud onto the bed, and listened to the burning house as it crumbled to the ground.
I was being dragged away to flashing red lights, that’s the last I remember before my world went white.

[Alexzander’s POV]
I had jumped out of the window terrified about 15 minutes before Em did. I was so worried. I didn’t know what happened. But just as the house was collapsing, she came flying out of the window, like she was diving into a pool in the dead of summer - such grace.
I dragged her off to the ambulance and fire truck that had pulled up. Tears streaming down my face, because she hadn’t said a word - I think she is unconscious.
I watched at the medics rushed over. I just collapsed. Adyn ran over to me asking me a million things, I didn’t hear him. I was so focused. I only wanted her to be okay, because if she isn’t it’s my fault…I should have made her jump first.
God please let her be okay….don’t take her from me…I only just got her back.
I thought as I remembered her whispering the nickname she gave me, before she told me she loved me and for me never to forget it. In that moment I was almost sure that she remembered a piece of the past. I don’t know…I may never know…
I hope I find out. I need her.
“Emalynn…please, please, PLEASE be okay.” I whispered silently as the ambulance peeled out of the yard and to the hospital.
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please tell me what you think so far. i need to know all of this. so i can move on with the story.
if you yell at the computer screen tell me the words you say :) itll make my day, even if its alot of mean stuff lol. [or bad words]
i just need feedback you to me.