Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 2

I woke up at 5, like always. I got up, cleaned all my cuts from last night, put make up on to cover the bruises, and re-dressed my wounds. I put on a shirt jeans wrist warmers (to hide the bandages) a hat and shoes. I grabbed my bag and threw in some books, paper and pens, and clothes for me to "change into" then headed to the truck.
James got in at about 5:50.
"You look like an emo slut." he said blandly as he started the truck.
"Sorry sir, this is all that was clean sir. ill do all the laundry when I get back sir."
"You better. I don't want any kid around me looking' like a Goth-whore."
We got to the school soon after that.
"Get out bitch..."
"Yes sir. Bye sir" I shut the door and he drove off. I didn't spend all my time at the school, I went to the park.
I re-adjusted my bag on my shoulder then started the mile walk to the deserted park.
once I got there, I climbed up my tree (yes my tree, it has my name on it and everything.) and pulled out my IPod. I sat back against the trunk and hung my bag on the branch above me. I was set to pass the day away.
I ended up falling asleep because I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm currently running back to the house. its after 5 and I need to be in the door before 6. two miles is longer than you think with back roads and hills.
I usually give myself a few hours to get back, and on the way I stop and get a snack...not today I wont. my money will be save for once.
I arrived at the house at 6:03. I snuck in the door as quiet as I could. he was in the back room (asleep I hope...if I'm lucky). I started for the stairs.
"You get your sorry LATE ungrateful ass back down here this instant!" he scream luck..."Yes sir, right away sir."
"Why are you late you lil' bitch?"
"I walked to slow sir, it wont happen again sir. Sorry sir" He pushed my down onto the floor, I landed on my wrist wrong. (probably twisted it) "You're right, never again..." he pulled out a knife and cut at my legs."That's for being to slow, bitch" I winced at his tone and as his knife bit into my skin. Thankfully he didn't see that, he was too high.
After some new bruises on my sides, I climbed the stairs to take a shower. I took off my bandages and turned on the shower, waiting for it to begin to steam. I grabbed my PJ's and a towel then climbed in to the scalding shower.
I washed and shaved then got out. my normally tan skin was bright red with blue and purple splotches on it. I wrapped my cuts, put on my PJ's, and braided my brushed hair.
I crawled into bed, completely exhausted, letting the tears run down my cheek silently, and fell into a semi-deep sleep.
(That Night)
"You bitch, WAKE UP! you forgot to do my laundry last night." yelled James.
"Yes sir, sorry sir." I got up out of bed and went to grab his clothes. it was 3 am.
I walked into his closet. I bent to get his things when he hit me across my back with his belt. I held my ground, biting my lip as the mettle cut into my shoulder. I lifted his clothes and carried them down to the laundry room,
I washed clothes until 5, then I brought up his folded clothes and went to get ready.
I re-wrapped my cuts put on the usual stuff, and went out to the truck with my already filled bag in tow. Ready to repeat my summer routine.
That's sort of how my whole summer went...random beatings, constant cleaning, trying to keep myself in one piece, wasting my summer away alone in a tree, and well...basically trying to survive. That's all my life has been about for as long as I can remember...survival.

School starts tomorrow though, wish me luck...