Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 3

I woke up at 5 as usual, and jumped in the shower. surprisingly, the only thing wrong with my face today is a busted lip. I do, however, have 5 newer cuts on my arms and waist. Those are easy enough to cover though.
after I cleaned up, I got out and fixed my hair so that it fell perfectly over my eyes. I put on some clothes and shoes, grabbed my hoodie and bags then headed to the truck at about 5:50. James waiting for me.
I was at the school by 6, he's a major speed demon (infancies on the demon part) I have an hour to kill. so I pulled out my makeup and iPod. I applied the usual makeup onto my eyes while listening to The Used.
I have no one to wait for, no friends...I'm always alone, and I like it like that. I don't trust anyone's get made fun of and pushed around. I'm not looking forward to seeing these same kids, and uncaring teachers, another year.
I turned to face the school as the bell rang. I was faced with a hell to some, but somewhat of a vacation to me...even though I don't actually enjoy said vacation, its better than sitting in a deserted park's tree, and WAY better than being with James.
I walked up the familiar halls to my new locker. (I had gotten my information in the mail last week and had already memorized everything.) I stood in front of my locker, turning the dial in robotic movements. I un-packed my bags, grabbing my notebook and pens to keep myself occupied.
I shut my locker, popped up my hood, out on my headphones, turned my music down lower, and walked to English alone.
I stepped in the door and was immediately shoved into the frame.
"Awe lookie, its that lil emo girl, she's come back."
"Come on Jess, just let me go sit down." I said lazily.
" is the first day, and I do look amazing....I don't really want to mess up my look."
"Exactly, you don't want my nasty red blood on that pretty lil white top do you??" I said in attempt to get her to let me go without hitting me.
"True....and I feel rather generous. "she began."Go sit in that corner over there Emo Girl." she said pointing to the farthest, darkest corner of the class room. I nodded slightly and she let me go.
Emo Girl. That's what they call me, that's my name to these people. No one knows my real name...not even the teachers. Even subs use Emo Girl, because that's what it says on the role. I don't put any names on any of my confuses my teachers. (they told me not to so I don't...) No one cares to know my name...Whatever.
Mrs. Bayers drowned on about an essay due at the end of the month, describing our summer. its worth 300 points. I already know I wont get any of those points because if I wrote what happened to me this summer 2 things would happen. 1 they would think I'm lying and fail me anyhow and 2 James would kill me. So I turn up my music and doodle for the rest of the period.
Each class was about the same really...the teacher drowned on about something unimportant, I listened to music in the back corner, and everyone left me alone. the same monotone for each class.
>Lunch (yes I have a PERIOD for lunch)
>Access/Study Hall
Lunch was lonely, of course, I sat in a tree with my Coke and hamburger, listening to music, watching the same kids I've watched all me life.
Some girls grouped together discussing girl stuff, guys playing football with a tinfoil ball, couples cuddling or making out, and then the few that were doing homework (yes homework on the first day....that essay is due at the end of the month.) And last, there's me...just like its always been, just like it will always be...