Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 4

It’s the end of the first 9 weeks. I have survived this long...
everything has been the same. everyday I go through the same routine of getting beat (and now cut), cleaning myself up, sleeping (sort of) school and loneliness.
one would think that the beatings and cutting would be the worst part, it isn't. loneliness is, by far. I could be beaten to a pulp every second of my life and still it wouldn't be as bad as not having anyone there for me. I actually think I may rather die than be this lonely, what's the point in having a life and no one to share it with. Dying would put an end to a lot of this...
I’m sitting in my tree, eating a burger again, watching the same god-loved teens run around. kind of hating that I'm still alone, after 12 years of this school...
the principal walked out randomly and announced something. I didn't hear it, I didn't care to, but I saw that everyone was moving inside even though we have 30 minutes until our next class. I jumped down (careful to protect my injured waist) and walked inside. I saw the last person enter the gym, so I followed her.
I walked in to see everyone sitting in the back of the gym, so I naturally sat front and center to avoid all the others. the principal walked on stage to the microphone. and announced "Since you seniors have this lunch period together I decided to go ahead and make some introductions."
Five boys walked out onto stage, none really looked up. "These are our five new students, and to save future class time, I will introduce them now to all of you." goad I feel bad for these boys...
"This is Adyn Marx, his twin brother Damyn. Coltyn James, his cousin Braxtyn Nyte. And this here is Alexzander Montez. all the boys decided to look up and scan the crowd at the mention of their names, most of them scowled a few smiled. but let me tell you, they were all gorgeous.
you have to understand that gorgeous to me is different from the rest of my school. my school is nothing but preps or nerds. (and this is why I don't fit in. I'm not prep or nerd material...)and these guys, they are far from being prep or nerd...
the principal looked down at me and covered the microphone.
"Emo Girl, get up here for a second." I shook my head no.
"Now, young lady."
"Fine." I jumped up on stage and the principal whispered in my ear. "Since these guys are more like you, I guess, why don't you show them around. No one will miss you in class. It should be fine."
"Yes sir, no problem sir."
I looked over to the five new guys as the principal told them I would show them around. Man am I in some trouble now. and I have a feeling that I will never be the same after this.

I motioned for the five guys to follow me out of the gym into the senior locker alcove.
"Hey what’s your name??" one of them asked from behind me, I looked over my shoulder briefly, trying to figure out if I should tell them my name, or say I'm Emo Girl...
"People here, every single person here really, calls me Emo Girl." I said dully.
"Oooookaay....but that's not your name..." another voice said sarcastically.
we were at the alcove now, so I decided to change the subject. "What are you locker numbers?" I asked them.
"Okay then...number 50 is right beside my locker, which is right there." I pointed to the corner of the alcove." and the rest of you are by each other over there." I pointed to the other side of the alcove.
Gah, like this could get any of them jus HAS to be beside me, why....ugh! as long as its not the cute one that the principal said was Alexzander Montez...ill be okay.
"hey, I'm Adyn, and i would REALLY like to know your real name." said the taller guy of the group.
I sighed "my name isn't all that important right now is it?"
"well, we like to think so, since most of us aren't into the preppy nerd types of people, now I cant speak for all of us, I just know that a few of us aren't."
"what's your point Adyn?"
"My point is that we need someone to hang out with that knows about the school, and so far you are the only one we've seen that we can all agree on."
I was quite for a while, as I showed them how to work their lockers (by working mine) and highlighted the best ways to get to each class on their maps.
"I'm flattered, but you don't want to be seen with me." I said softly, and walked away.
(Adyns POV)
that girl is crazy hot, I wonder why she's so shy though. I also wonder what the hell is wrong with this school, why the heck are so many people so alike and in the stupid looking ways.
"Hey adyn, so what up with that chick??" asked Alexzander
"I don't rightly know Zand. but I swear ill figure out her name today. at least I hope I will."
"I say we all try to figure it out, and then spread the word through a text. I really don't want to call her Emo Girl, its just not right." Braztyn said.
"I agree man, so whose in?" said Damyn.
"I think we all are." Coltyn piped up.
there were a lot of agreement hums and then we went our separate ways. the next class I had was access/study hall. I wonder what that's all about...
(Emo girl's POV)
I was in the back of the access class, typing away on my laptop, working on my latest story when in walked one of the new kids. Adyn I believe. ugh why are all these guys so fine? I don't have time to deal with this, maybe he wont notice me...
I watched him grab a laptop and talked momentarily to the teacher. I couldn't hear his voice, but I could here Mr. Kalgan's
"welcome to class Adyn Marx, I'm glad to have you here." he said gruffly, "You may sit where ever you like." adyn nodded and I just went back to my work.
I heard the chair across from me move.
"hey..." he said quietly in a sort of silky whisper. come on girl snapped out of it, you don't want him by you remember?
"Why are you here?" I said a little to roughly.
"I have this class, and no taste for any of the other people in here, so I sat here next to you."
"Adyn, please...I'm trying to work." he peaked over my laptop.
"What on?"
"A story, does it matter?"
"apparently not" he sighed.
I sat the whole class, not able to really do anything because I could feel adyn staring at me the whole time. so I clicked over onto my playlist and listened to music, trying to deactivate my brain so that his stares would quite begging me.
guess what....
I was putting up my laptop when he came up behind me, "I really need to know who you are." he whispered in my ear. I surpresed an unwanted shiver.
the bell rang then, how cliché'...saved by the bell.
I was at my locker, when I was bumped into. I was about to fall down the stairs when a hand shot out and grabbed my waist (which was definatly more painful than falling down 5 stairs.)
"thanks" I mumbled, keeping my eyes down, as I opened my locker, since tears were starting to well up in them.
"are you okay?" a sweet voice asked
"yeah. I'm fine" I said as strongly as I could.
"you don't sound fine, what happened" the silk voice asked.
"I will be" I said as a tear dripped onto the floor.
"are you crying? did I hurt you?" he said, voice full of concern.
"I'm fine." I said as more trader tears fell to the ground.
the next thing I know I'm being dragged out the side door by my hand. when the door shut I looked up, and froze.
"don't lie to me, I can tell that your hurt. what did I do?" said the most beautiful guy I have seen in my life.
"N-n-n-nothing..." I stuttered out.
"well can I at least know your name so that I can apologize properly?"
"Emalynn. Emalynn Michelle Holden." I said quietly, stunned that this beautiful being just got my real name out of me. and not just my first name, no, all of my name.
"Emalynn, that's beautiful." he said almost silently.
"well Emalynn, I, Alexzander Kaleb Montez, am deeply sorry that I harmed you in some way while trying to save you from falling down the stairs."
"I-I-I-its okay, really. silly me hurt my sides when I got out of the tree at lunch" I laughed nervously. why is he making me act like this?
"let me see, I use to volunteer at the hospital in Mexico, before I was moved back here."
I nodded, shy. something was screaming at me not to let him, but I was mesmerized by his voice. it just felt right, but wrong. it was exciting I suppose.
he lifted my shirt gently, and I winced as the material that was stuck to my skin was pulled off. he stopped lifting at about the bottom of my ribs, which was very odd for a guy.
he gasped when his eyes dropped to my waist.
"Emalynn, what the hell happened?"
shit."Oh...uh...ummm" what the hell do I say??
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i know my chapters have been a little in need of more editing, and ill get to it soon
please bare with me with all this editing for a little while