Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 5

"Emalynn, please don’t lie to me..."
"I know you don’t know me, but I mean, this injury, or should I say these injuries, are way more than a tree fall, even if you hit ever branch on the way down."
"I can’t tell you." I said quietly.
"Did you do this to yourself?"
"Heckno!" I said offended, though I really shouldn’t be because I cut my wrists.
"I didn’t think so, it doesn’t look self inflicted. But it looks serious."(Of course the day I wake up late, and don’t take care off my newer cuts is the day someone cares to find out.)
"It’s nothing really Alexzander"
"That’s bull shit, and you know it."
I sighed, "okay, I didn’t do it, someone does it to me...but I can’t say’ll just make it SO much worse."
"Okay well you don’t have to tell me, but I can’t just leave you like this."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that we are skipping the rest of the day, so that I can take care of those injuries and see if any of your ribs are broken. It looks like they might be with all those bruises."
"As long as James doesn’t find out I’ll be okay."
"Is James your boyfriend?" he asked suddenly.
"NO!! He’s my dad." I said sadly.
We walked out to the parking lot. We new no one would notice and I did have the excuse of showing the new guys around. I think this will be okay.
I hope it will be...
(Alexzander’s POV)
Emalynn, as beautiful as this girl is, she is going through something. I can’t believe that there is someone out there hurting her like this. Those cuts and bruises are ridiculous.
Walking with her down to my car, I decided to tell the guys that I wouldn’t be here after school.
I sent the same message to all the guys
-hey guys, taking Emalynn2 the house, there’s something big going on (n not perversely either ADYN!)-
not two seconds passed when all the guys messaged back
-emalynn's that chicks name? n wutz going on Zander?- Adyn got back to me first
-kkc ya l8rz- Camdyn texted next
-u b back l8r?- was Braxtyn's txt
-deetz after- Damyn said last
I sent the same txt to all back
-I wont b back n time 2 pick yall up, ill tlk 2evry1 bout everything l8r. bye.-
I was at the car with Emalynn then, so I pulled her hand gently in the right direction. She’s been awfully quiet this whole time.
"Hey, you aiight?"
"Yeah I’m fine I guess, just thinking." she said back quietly. She’s always so quiet when she talks.
"okay, well this is my car, well be going back to my place if that’s okay with you."
"Yeah that’s fine with me" she looked up and smiled a little.
I took in a light gasp, she’s so beautiful. This is the first time vie even seen her face. But her hair is in her face, I can’t see it completely. What is she hiding behind those midnight bangs?
When she noticed me staring she dropped her head again. I blushed of course. I was just staring at this girl.
I opened her door and went around sliding in to the driver’s seat. I started the car and drove us out of there.
(Emalynn’s POV)
Alexzander and I were walking out, I had no clue where we were going, and he was texting. I guess he was telling his friends he was leaving.
I was rather quiet the whole time; I didn’t want to disturb him.
"Hey, you aiight?" he asked softly.
"Yeah I’m fine I guess, just thinking."
Suddenly he grabbed my hand gently and tugged me over to what I guessed was his car.
"Okay well this is my car, well be going back to my place if that’s okay with you"
I’ve never been to someone else’s house so I was excited.
"Yeah that’s fine with me." I smiled
he just started staring at me. I looked down, and blushed, glancing back up at him through my bangs. He was blushing too. He’s so freaking adorable!
STOP EMA!! You can’t think like that.
He opened my door and I slid in, he ran over and got into the drivers seat and started the car.
Then he took me away from the school.

We drove up to a big house, I say big because it’s like 5x the size of my house (which isn’t saying much). It took about 20 minutes to get there, not bad really. We were silent the whole way over, and I would slip little glances in at Alexzander and occasionally catch him looking at me (like at stop signs and red lights).
I don’t understand why him looking at me was such a big deal, I don’t like him or anything like that I just...well I just don’t know I guess.
Alexzander parked the car in front of a double garage, and came around to open my door before I even got my seatbelt off. I looked up to him and then back down to my feet as I got up.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
"No problem." he answered almost as quiet as me, as he led me into the house.
(Alexzander's POV)
the whole 20 minutes of driving her to our house (our meaning me and my guy parents) questions were running through my mind, so many. but I couldn’t find my voice, I couldn’t ask her anything.
She looked so small and helpless, sitting there silently, barely fighting, as if she were nervous or something.
I wish I knew what to say to her, I want to help her feel better. That was the whole point of bringing her here.
I pulled up the driveway, casting a secret glance (once again) over to her, seeing that she was taken back by the size. I smiled a little as I turned off the car and went to open her door.
She glanced up then back down, but I caught a brief look at her face. I still can’t get over how adorably innocent she looks.
"thanks." she mumbled
"no problem." I said back jus as quiet as I led her into the house.
I opened the door for her, and stepped aside so that she could walk in.
"my room is down in the basement, you can go on down and wait for me there if you want." I said quiet still, almost scared to speak, because I don’t want to scare her.
She nodded and went down the spiral stairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a clean rag, the first aid kit, and some snacks and drinks, then made my way down as well.
(Emalynn’s POV)
Chivalry is obviously not completely dead, as cliché as that sounds. (Apparently I’m all about clichés now)
I was sitting on the biggest softest bed I have ever seen, apparently it was Alexzander's, and I was thinking about what I had just done. I had agreed to skipping school for the first time, with someone I seriously just met and knew nothing about. HAVE I LOST MY MIND?!?!?
I heard someone coming down the stairs, assuming that it was Alexzander I turned to look around the room.
It’s nice.
"hey Emalynn." he spoke softly.
"You alright?"
"Yeah I’m good, I hurt though." referring to more than just my sides, my head was hurting too, from all the new thoughts I have to deal with. Bleh
" hopefully I can help. Can you lay on the bed for me?"
"Sure I guess." I said as I lay back against his thick pillows. God this is the best bed ever, I could stay here forever...
Alexzander stood next to where I was laying and began to sort out some things. First aid things it looked like, and snacks too! Ugh I’m hungry now. Thanks man.
"Do you have ob a shirt under you hoodie?"
"yeah I do why?"
" it would make this a lot easier if you took off your hoodie."
"I’d really rather not." I began nervously. If he freaked about my sides no doubt that he’d freak about everything else.
"Please Emalynn, I just want to help you, no reason to be nervous. I won’t be perverted in the slightest."
"Ummm...I wasn’t thinking that, but thanks?"
"Just please take off your hoodie." he said gently, looking at me. I’m glad my bangs hid my eyes, I was scared, scared of his reaction to what I look like.
"Fine." I said as I began to sit up and unzip my hoodie. I slid it carefully off my arms. I kept my head down as my other cuts and bruises were exposed to his judgment. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I don’t remember the last time I was so emotional. What is this all about?
"Emalynn..." he whispered.
When I didn’t answer he took his finger under my chin and lifted my face to meet his.
"Emalynn." he said a little louder, as he brushed my bangs aside.
"Who did this to you...?" his voice trailed off as he took in my bruised eye and cut arms.
"James" I admitted barely above a whisper. Not sure why I even said anything because it would get me killed or if he even heard me.
"Why?"...apparently he heard me
"because he can..." I said slightly louder. I looked up into his eyes, noticing for the first time that they were a brilliant emerald color.
"I’m so sorry..." he whispered as he brought me into a gentle hug, and I began to cry silent sobs.