Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 6

(After about 15 minutes of my crying, and Alexzander holding me while I wept.)
"Hey." I said a little horsed
" yeah? You okay now?" he asked as he sat up a little.
I cleared my throat, "Yeah I’m better now, but are we going to take care of the cuts here? Or am I going to do it at my house?"
He shifted and reached for the first aid stuff, "I’ll do it here."
He silently began to clean and bandage my injuries checking gently if my ribs were broken, which one was apparently, at the least, fractured.
"Emalynn, I really don’t like the idea of you being alone with this James guy." he said very softly and he was finishing up.
"I don’t like it either." I finally admitted.
"Maybe I could come over, or send someone with you?"
I looked up at him, he looked completely serious. "I don’t think that’s a good idea, Alexzander."
"You can call me Zander, and I know it’s not a good idea for you to be there without help."
"Okay...Zander...but it’s my issue, ill deal with it."
"okay fine, just PLEASE be careful."
"I will. At least, I’ll try."
we were walking up the stairs to the car, so that he could take me (partway) home.
In the car I decided to ask him the question that’s been on my mind since he started to drag me outside earlier that day at school. "Zander...can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure, whatever’s on your mind"
"Why do you care?” I asked almost silent, looking out my window.
"I wish I knew Em. I really do." he called me Em...hmmm...I kind of like it. My first ever nickname.
"Okay." I said not quite as shy around him anymore.
(Alexzander’s POV)
"Zander...can I ask you something?" she said when we got in the car.
"Yeah sure, whatever’s on your mind."
She waited a moment before asking.
"Why do care?" she asked almost silently. I looked over and she was staring out the window. I took that moment to stare at her, and try to figure the answer to her question.
"I wish I knew Em, I really do" I said after a second, its not like I can just up and tell her that I want to be her savior. Because that would go over VERY well (note all the sarcasm)
after about 10 minutes she told me to pull over. I had the strangest feeling that this is not where she lived, but I didn’t want to push her any further today.
I let her out and started to drive away. But at the end of the drive I turned around and parked in the nearby woods. I got out and began to follow her.
I know this is stalker-ish, but I’m really worried about her. I don’t understand why I feel so connected to her, but I do and I want to protect her.
I have a feeling this is going to be a long walk, and a very long night.

(Emalynn’s POV)
I walked in the door and yes I was very late, but no one was home. James was probably out getting wasted or toasted or becoming wasted toast. (A/n yeah I just made that up and I coin that term)
I went upstairs to take a shower, then realized that it probably wasn’t best to since Zander had just cleaned everything and put some weird goop on it to help it get better. So I decided to sit on my bed instead. I let my mind wonder on its own for a while. The last though I remember was that Zander called me Em. And that I very much liked that.
(Alexzander’s POV)
I had followed her all the way down a back road to a forsaken looking neighborhood. (No wonder she thought my house was crazy big)
I watched from behind a tree as she walked into a house that leaned slightly to the left, it looked like it was about to collapse, I don’t see how she can have such trust in that house and not anyone else....well maybe I can.
I saw a light flicker on in an upstairs window. The window was farley close to a tree that looked climbable, so I made my way over to that tree and climbed up it. I was just under the window seal, when I decided that I was far enough up the tree.
I stretched my neck to peek into the room and saw Emalynn sitting on a raggedy bed (I mean seriously, this thing is about to explode through the top) she was facing away from me so I decided to just stare at her. I couldn’t help it, she’s so......breathtaking.
I stared until she started to move, then I ducked down, only to stretch back up one minute later. She was lying down with her eyes closed; she looked peaceful, yet still a little uneasy. As is the uneasy feeling was just part of her nature, but I’ve haven’t seen her look so at peace before now, and I know I’ve only known her for what....two days???
It feels like a lifetime.
She was breathing lightly, looking to be sound asleep when an old truck drove up the driveway. I hunched down closer to the trunk of the tree to watch. This man looked to be completely out of it. I don’t know what he’s on, but it can’t mean anything good for Em.
He walked in the house, and ended up in Em's room. (I know that because I watched her room like a hawk)
he was creeping closer to her bed, with a glassy look in him eyes. He crawled on her too small bed and layer beside her, putting his lips to her cheek. If this is going where I think it is, I’m going to kill him.
(Emalynn’s POV)
I apparently dozed off, because I was woken up by my bed shifting, and the feeling of someone way to close to me. I opened my eyes to mind James's lips approaching my face. I held still. I know if I start to fight he could hurt me. So I just shut my eyes and pretended to sleep.
I felt the bed shift under me again. His hands traced over my body ending at the bottom of my shirt. I felt him start to tug it up; I was starting to get scared.
"Hey doll face, wake up. Let’s have some fun" he slurred. I fluttered my eyes open.
"What are you doing dad?" I asked.
(Alexzander’s POV)
"hey doll face, wake up. Lets have some fun.” the guy I suspected to be James slurred loud enough to wake Em. Hell if I would let him have his "fun" with her.
I climbed quickly and quietly down the tree, cell flipped out as soon as I hit the ground. I dialed 911 and told them where I was and what was happening, it still would be a while, so I went ahead and told them he may be knocked out when they get here. I ended the call and started for the door.
I opened it quietly, and looked around the dimly lit room. Spotting the stairs, I jogged over silently and began my climb slowly until I heard her scream.
(Emalynn’s POV)
I scream, he already had me undressed and was onto of me, and he had just shoved himself into me. Taking away a precious thing...something I could never get back.
He slapped me and told me to shut up; I did as told...I didn’t want to make this any worse.
He was quickly shoving himself into me over and over, my body hurt all over and I was in so much mental and physical pain that I didn’t even notice when someone busted in and knocked him off of me.
(Alexzander’s POV)
I opened every door till I found hers; I stood there for a split second, taking in the scene. There are no words known to man.
When I saw the tears in her eyes everything in me broke. And I ran for him. I knocked him off of her onto the floor. We rolled and I took some punches. But I also gave some just as bad.
"Oh my god, what are you doing?" Em asked. Distracted, James got a hold of me one good time. I think he broke something.
I turned around and grabbed a random stool I found and knocked him over the head, breaking the stool.
"Saving you," I said to her gently, as I heard the sirens approaching.
"You need to get something on, the police are here." I said gently, numbly. As I started out and down the stairs to meet the police.
(Emalynn's POV)
I was currently trying to find something lose to put on, it hurt every time I moved. God I hurt all over more than usual.
Zander just saved me, I don’t understand why he was here, or how he knew...but I know I was glad that he found someway to be here.
I also know that I will probably die, if James ever finds me, no probably about it. He. Will. kill. Me.
After that thought, I decided to get the hell out of the room and down stairs.
Halfway down me was faced with a shaggy police officer.
"Are you the girl that was raped by her father?" he asked gently.
All I could do was nod.
"Come with me then."
I followed suit wondering what happens now...

(Alexzander’s POV)
I told them again what happened, saying I knocked him out cold. They were taking me in for the night. They were also taking Emalynn. I don’t know whets going to happen to her, but at least she’s alive and okay....for the most part.

.... (ONE WEEK LATER)....
It had been a week since James attacked me, and Zander saved me. I have a court date today, to figure out what they will do with me since I have no family.
Zander and his friends....well my friends too now....have really been there for me, and are even coming to the court with me.
I walked into the court room head down and confused. I’ve never been in a court before, but I didn’t exactly like them much...from my past
Zander was by my side, hand on my back gently guiding me forward. I sat in the front table and the guys sat in the first row of seats behind me.
"Order, order" the judge said after the first 30 minutes of the trail was over.
"Miss Holden, what you have told and showed and had witnesses state is that this James Holden, your father was abusive for multiple years, no one believed you when you tried to say something, and that you would like him to stay as far from you as possible. Is this correct?"
"Yes your honor" I said quietly.
"Would you prefer to stay in this area?
"Yes your honor."
"Do you have any more family? Someone you could stay with? If you do not, you will be moved far away, to where I see fit. If you do, your father will be the one moved."
"No your honor..."I began when Zander and the guys interrupted.
"Your honor, if we may..." Adyn began. The judge eyes them warily.
"Go ahead boys, what’s on your tongue?"
"We are Emalynn’s family; she’s like a sister to us. We are pieces of a broken family ourselves...and was wondering if Em could join us" Alexzander continued where Adyn left off.
"Is this so?” she asked, all the boys agreeing with the statement just made.
"I’m not so sure I should let a rape victim live with 5 other guys." the judge began
"Your honor, I would actually feel safest there, among the guys that have actually looked after me for the last week, making sure I had lunch money and food at home, all these things that James barely did. I already feel at home with them." I spoke up after a moments silence from the judge.
"Is this truly your desire young Holden?"
"It is your honor...truly"
"Well......."the judge began, leaving a suspense that hung thick in the air.