Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 7

"we are Emalynn's family, she’s like a sister to us. We are pieces of a broken family ourselves...and was wondering if Em could join us" Alexzander continued where Adyn left off.
"Is this so?"She asked, all the boys agreeing with the statement just made.
"I’m not so sure I should let a rape victim live with 5 other guys." the judge began
"Your honor, I would actually feel safest there, among the guys that have actually looked after me for the last week, making sure I had lunch money and food at home, all these things that James barely did. I already feel at home with them." I spoke up after a moments silence from the judge.
"Is this truly your desire young Holden?"
"It is your honor...truly"
"Well......."the judge began, leaving a suspense that hung thick in the air.
"I suppose that it isn’t a great idea," the judge continued. “But it’s the best one we have for now."
My mouth dropped as well as the guys' too.
"It is decided then, Miss are now under the care of the five boys, please do not disappoint Me." she said stiffly, and then smiled a little at me.
"I would never even dream of it, your honor." I smiled back overjoyed. Then I, along with my new family, exited the court house.
.... (LATER)....
the guys all came over to my house to help me pack all my things, and get anything that I might want. (Even if it WAS James’s)
so I had packed all my stuff up and went into his room, grabbed all the pictures of mom and all the money I could find. I ended up leaving the house with tons of stuff and over 50 thousand dollars... [[who would have known?!?!?!]]
Over at the guys' house they showed me up to the top level of the house. (Yes level) the only one that lived up there was Zander. [God help me...] so I have this huge level of house to myself... Zander
everyone but Zander left to go pick up more food...and I was left alone to unpack, when there was a knock on the door.
.... (Alexzander’s POV)....
Emalynn was staying with us, hell she was leveling with ME! I couldn’t be happier, well I could but I’m good to stick with this. I knocked on the door to her bedroom.
"Yeah? Come on in." she hollered through the door.
I cracked open the door and peeked in, "want any help?" I asked curiously.
"Want?? I NEED help Zander." she said gesturing dramatically to the 10 boxes and bags cluttering her room. I laughed.
"Okay, welp I’m here to help Alexzander Kaleb Montez at your service." I said bowing deeply. She laughed, and when I looked up I locked eyes with her, I was only a foot away, a simple step that I could easily cross to kiss her, since I wanted so badly to. But I didn’t. I just held her gaze. Her eyes shining like I’ve never seen before. She must actually seriously feel safer here, so she can be happier. That thought made me feel really good. So I smiled, then she broke our gaze.
"Sooo....ummm...I’ll get my clothes unpacked and maybe you can help me put them away??" she asked, her voice shaking ever so slightly.
"Sure thing Em." she smiled.
.... (Emalynn's POV)....
Zander was helping me unpack, had been for about an hour. We were quite most of the time, except when I had to tell him where to put things.
I realized suddenly, that I hadn’t thanked him YET for saving my life. And I really wanted to. I wanted to do something special...
"Zander...?” I asked timidly
"yeah, what supp??"
"Stop what you’re doing, go put on some nice clothes and meet me down stairs in 30 minutes."
"ooookkkaaaayyy....might I ask why?"
"It’s a surprise." I said simply.
"Okay, but how nice, like suit nice, or like nice pants and a button down?"
"Nice pants button down and a tie should do it." I smiled. I was wearing a dress; he’d never seen me in a dress before. (I told you I wanted to make it special, he saved my FRIGGIN LIFE!!!)
I pulled out a new dress I got secretly about a year ago. I never wore it I hid, to save incase I got the guts to get a boyfriend...but this is close enough.
I was adding the final touches to my makeup and slid on my converse (yes high-tops and a dress...I like it) and was heading down the stairs.
.... (Alexzander’s POV)....
I heard her coming down the stairs, so of course my eyes shot up. Where I was wearing a black button up with black skinnies and a red tie, she was wearing a dress that took my breath away.
an all black strapless, short dress, her hair carefully placed in a half up half down sort of style, pale lips and eye makeup to accent her blue eyes. She was stunning.
"Wow." I whispered as I met her at the bottom of the stairs, offering her my hand to help her down the last few stairs. She took it and sent shocks up my arm. She smiled innocently, "is this okay for you?"
"Em, stunning!" I stuttered around.
She blushed a gorgeous pink-red color.
"Thanks Zandy." she said sweetly. Calling me Zandy, I like...coming from her it sounds right. Like the way Em sounds right from me.
"So where are we off to?"
She looked down at our still intertwined hands, and said "that’s still a secret." before gently pulling her had away to put on a light jacket.
I helped willingly and even opened the door for her; I’ve never done all this for a girl before....what’s wrong with me now? He went over to one of our cars, "can I have some keys please Zander?"
"yeah, and you can call me Zandy if you want.”I smiled as I tossed her some keys.
She laughed and said, "okay put this on." she said still smiling as she pulled out a blind fold. I raised an eyebrow in question. "I told you it was a you can’t see till were there."
"fine.” she put the blindfold over my eyes and began to guide me to the car door.
"Woman, if I die in this little game of you, I will haunt you for eternity."
She laughed brightly, “surprisingly I don’t think id mind that at all." she said as she shut my door and slid in to the driver’s seat, and were we’re off to nowhere land.
We had been driving in circles for a while, just to end up down the road a little. But I didn’t want Zandy to know where we were going.
"are we there yet?" he asked for the thousandth time
"finally, yes, so will you stop saying that now?"
"Sure thing" he said smiling. "Can I take this off yet?"
"Nope." I said popping this 'p'
"damn." he said sadly.
I parked the car and got out, opened his door and led him to the restraint.
I whispered to the maître d who looked at me oddly, “this is all a surprise for him, he saved my life a couple weeks ago." he nodded and led us to a secluded part of the area.
"do I smell what I think I smell?" he asked when we passed the bar.
"I don’t know why you don’t check it out." I said pulling off his blindfold as he sat down.
.... (Alexzander’s POV)....
she pulled off my blind fold and sat down in front of me, I knew my mouth was hanging on the floor but I couldn’t help it.
"OMG! EM!!! I CANT BELIEVE WERE HERE!!!!!" I said literally freaking out. I was glad we were not around other people because I wigged major.
"I knew you loved this place, but could never here we are. I’m thanking you for saving my life." she said, blushing.
I have to kiss her, I just have to I thought suddenly. Finding myself standing and walking to her without thinking of it. I pulled her up to me, and kissed her gently.
"I uhh...ummm..." she stuttered afterwards, blushing.
"Should I have not done that?" I whispered trying to hide the fact that I was scared.
She looked into my eyes for a while, debating.
"You should defiantly not have..."
"I’m so sorry Em" I interrupted. She put her lips on mine briefly.
"let me finish..." she said
I nodded.
"You should defiantly not have stopped." she said, blushing a mad red and looking down.
I lifted her face to mine gently, cupping it with both of my hands. "Good because I didn’t want to stop." I said before I began kissing her again.
.... (Emalynn’s POV)....
we were kissing, and it felt like my heart was pulsing fire instead of blood. Where holding his hand was like sparks....this was a wild fire. I pushed my body against his, not thinking, and he pulled me tight. His mouth now frantic on mine. Our tongues exploring wildly.
The waiter interrupted.
"Ahem." he started and we instantly pulled apart. "sorry to interrupt, but I need to take your orders, dinks?"
"Coke" we said at the same time.
Blushing and avoiding his gaze I sat down.
The waiter nodded and left.
"Well.....that was....interesting." Zandy began voice lowered.
I was staring at the table...I couldn’t say anything.
"Em...are you okay?"
I nodded my head. I noticed he got up and was next to me, on his knees by my chair.
"Will you look at me?" he asked sweetly.
I turned to look at him; his eyes were shinning like stars. A green sky of bright stars...I could get lost in those eyes too easily.
"There. Beautiful." he smiled.
I blushed.
.... (LATER)....
we were home and all my things were unpacked. Zandy was on my bed and the other guys were asleep.
"We should talk about today, and what it could mean." he began quietly.
"What do you want it to mean??" I asked shyly.
"I’d do anything for you Emalynn, anything that would make you happy. I wouldn’t say that to just any girl. There’s something about you, something that draws me to you. I don’t want to lose you...ever." he admitted quietly.
"Well what does that mean exactly?" I said after I was able to talk again.
"He lifted himself up onto his arm and looked down over me."Emalynn Michelle Holden, newest member of the guy house...which should be renamed...will you go out with me?"
I was quiet for a while, making him wait...
"Well???????" he started impatient.
"Of course Zandy. DUH!" I laughed
And he kissed me, hovering his torso over my body. We kissed for an eternity, and it still felt way to short.
.... (Alexzander’s POV)....
"We should go to bed." I said when I realized it was 4 am.
"That’s true," she said eyes half shut.
"Goodnight my angel." I said and kissed her once more as I tucked her into bed.
"Sleep sweet Zandy."
I smiled and left to go to bed.