Status: completed....and to be continued :)

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter 8

I woke up the next morning to a light kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning beautiful. How was your first night here?? Sleep well???" Zandy rushed through as soon as my eyes fluttered open.
I just laughed. "20 questions, in the first 10 seconds of the morning huh??"
He blushed “sorry." he said sheepishly.
"Good morning to you too, my first night was great, and I slept beautifully. Never slept that well before." I answered trying to mock his rushed tone from before. He laughed at me. "Good! Now get up and come down stairs, me and the guys have a surprise for you." he smiled and dashed out before I could say anything. I shook my head and giggled. I changed from my short shorts to a pair of worn out pj’s pants, and kept on my cami, slipped on my vans and Zandy’s jacket and descended the stairs. I was met by Adyn. "Hello princess...follow me." I eyed him thoughtfully, and followed." there was a chair in the center of the room. "Sit here" he said pointing to the out of place chair. I sat obediently completely confused as to what was going on.
Damyn, Coltyn, and Braxtyn came out and attacked me. They held down my arms and legs. "ZANDY!! ADYN!!! HELP!!!" I yelled, thrashing against the three boys, laughing.
Adyn cam out with a smile on his face. "No can do sweetheart." he said slyly.
Zandy came out next with a blind fold in hand. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. Zandy NO!" I said. He knows I don’t like surprises.
"Pay back, babe...your turn."
"But I’m not even dressed!" I said as Adyn held my shaking head and Zander put the blind fold over my eyes.
"Neither are we" I heard braxtyn say, who I remembered was in nothing but gym shorts.
I laughed and let them lift me in their arms to tote me out since I refused to walk.
We drove for a while me thrown in the back with what I guess was Zander and Adyn; the other guys were either in the front or on the cycle.
The car stopped I had been being as annoying as possible.
"ZANDER SHUT HER UP!!" Adyn whined.
I smiled cockily. "I won’t stop! ARE WE THERE YETTTT???!!!”
"YES! THANK GOD!! WERE HERE!!!!!!!" Braxtyn yelled over me. Zander chuckled; he knew he deserved this after what he did to me last night.
They had to tote me into the restaurant as well, I still refused to walk. We went in together laughing until we collapsed into the booth.
They took the blind fold off me, we were at waffle house!!
"AHHH!!! WAFFLEHOUSE!!!ILOVETHISPLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" my words came out in a screaming blur.
They all busted out laughing.
After we ate, we split into teams, and us and some of the workers began a war with the tinfoil from the back. We had all kinds of fun.
The guys took me to the mall after that, and we all got killer new clothes, I told them I’d pay them back when we got back, I almost broke all of them with the millions of bags I got. "CHICKA, calm down with the shopping already!" Camdyn complained.
"Last store, I swear." I said as we walked into Spencer’s for me to get the last of my accessories.
"Finally." the boys exclaimed in unison. I laughed.
We didn’t get back until nightfall. And I owed the guys quite a bit of money.
$546.98 to Camdyn
$876.76 to Braxtyn
$763.23 to Adyn
$287.56 to Damyn
and $1235.64 to Alexzander, though he wouldn’t take my money. Chivalry I suppose. He’s too sweet I swear.
All the guys and me decided to have a "spend the night party" in the den
of course I sleep in nothing but tiny shorts and a cami. -Sigh- oh well it will have to do. I grabbed my fuzzy new blanket and penguin pillow pet and headed for the den.
.... (Adyn’s POV)....
I was upset that Zander took Emalynn from me, and was sort of pouting over that as we all waited for her to come down. When the elevator dinged everyone turned their attention to it. And I watched as EVERYONE'S mouth hit the floor (yes mine too) she had on a pair of black short shorts, her perfectly shaped legs, clean and white and muscular. Though you could see faint scars from that evil James guy’s knife. Her Cami was white and deep cut and tight. Showing off her perfect figure, and lime green zebra print bra, this clearly showed through her white shirt.
She seemed a little self conscious when she realized we were all looking at her. Well all of us BUT Zander, who was glaring at me instead, I saw as I looked away.
"Okay ROCK BAND TIME!!!" I said brightly, shaking off the burning feeling in my back that was caused by Zander's stare.
.... (Alexzander’s POV)....
Adyn...I know he likes my Em as well as I do, but she’s mine, and he needs to get his eyes off of her.
I was sitting back, watching them set up for rock band. Em approached me after she claimed the drums, over Adyn.
"Hey you, you aiight?"
I shook off the bad feelings and focused on the fact that I had a wonderful girl.
"I am now, you ready for this beautiful?"
"I sure am what you are doing, might I ask..."
"I’m singing of course."
"Singing?? You sing?"
"Yeah I do, quite well if I might add."
"We’ll see about that." she smiled and jogged away, looking super sexy.
.... (Emalynn’s POV)....
“I KICK ASS AT ROCK BAND!!" I exclaimed after playing several songs on drums guitar and bass. I was next to sing. Speaking of which, I was BLOWN AWAY by how amazing Zandy sounded. He should get a record deal.
Anyways, it was my turn. I was scared shitless!
I got to pick the song though. I picked Impossible by Shontelle. Don’t ask why I just know I can hit those notes.
The song started and I can’t believe I didn’t choke up.
All the guys apparently thought I was Shontelle by the way they kept messing up and the way their mouths stayed on the floor. I laughed after it ended.
We played for about 5 hours or more. Then we went to bed. All the guys were on the floor, and I was the lucky one on the couch. We talked until they all fell asleep. I smile after Zander gave me a kiss and rolled over to try to sleep myself.
About an hour later I was still awake. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. "Em, hey Em." they whispered.
I rolled over to come face to face with Adyn, who happened to be two inches from my face.
"Whoa, hey, what’s up?" I whispered back.
He smiled, "Wanna prank the guys?"
"Hell YEAH!" I whisper scream.
He kissed my cheek “your brilliant." he whispered back.
I got up a little stunned from the random kiss and followed him to the main kitchen.