Status: Well, this is going to be fun and sad... Telll mee whatt youu thinkk..

Story of My Life; How You Saved Me Again

Damon Landon-a vampire that drinks donated and unwilling blood, he has many gifts
Abel (Landon) Haze-a vampire that drinks anything he can get, is in love with a girl, has a girt
Mia Strenling-a girl everytime she figures out what she is and who is fighting over her, she is being beaten by her """""old"""""" father

School was my only safe place to be, the only place that I had a reason to go to. But now we had that new math teacher and new music teacher, everything was going to change. The other teachers new not to ask about the brusies or the cuts. Or ask why I was not at school or why I was failing? They knew there was something going on at home but never did or said anything about it. I was alone and I knew it, but I liked it that way. At school I didn't have to worry about anything but the work I was doing.

But now, there is two new teachers and I got stuck with them both.

I walked slowly threw the parking lot, staring at the cold, wet black top. My steps were slow, I knew I was going to be late walking this slow but I didn't want to leave. I heard kids laughing and running around, I rememeber when I was one of them, running and luaghing, though I was alone. Then two hands pushed me from behind. I fell, not having time to catch myself, my face hit the ground, breaking open my lip.

"This year's going to be fun right squint? You, me, and the pavement." Billy towered over me with his buddies crowding around us. He crouched down and smiled smiled his toothy smile. Thought he was a dick, he was quite good looking. He had blond hair with spots of broken and golden brown eyes always filled with hate. "You can't hide from me anymore." He lightly touched my face, his fingers brushed over the cuts and brusies that were already there. Then he got up and snapped his fingers. Each of his friends kicked me before walking after Billy. Every kick hurt more than the last making me feel like I was dead.

I laid there for awhile, letting the blood run from my face. But before too long it started to rain. I sighed and got up slowly, my insides were burning. Then I slowly made my way HOME