Status: Well, this is going to be fun and sad... Telll mee whatt youu thinkk..

Story of My Life; How You Saved Me Again



The drive to her house was short and quiet. She didn't look at me, she didn't say a word, and it felt like she wasn't breathing. I pulled slowly up to her house and we both stared at it for a minute. It was such a plain house, white with windows that needed to be cleaned, a brown roof that needed to be taken care of. It seemed to be barely holding itself up. She turned to me, giving me a half smile, she opened the door and got out. I watched her walk to the front door, look back once more, when the door flung open. My eyes grew wide when I seen who was standing there. My eyes must have playing tricks. But he looked up at the car and straight at me, then smiled.
He knew I was there, he knew what I could do, he knew who I was.
I knew what he could do.


I looked back at Mr. Landon's car and was about to smiled when the door opened. Jeff looked down at me and then back up and smiled. He dragged me into the house by my hair and slammed the door. "Your mother has left to go take care of her mother. She's really sick." He picked me up by my neck and threw me into the front room. My head hit the floor and bounced up. "And she won't be back for a while." He walked towards me and bent down to grabbed my hair. He put his lips on my ear and whispered, "So I invited a few friends over and you are going to play nice." He pulled my head back and gripped my hair tighter and I whimpered. "Okay?"

I opened my eyes and saw a few guys siting on the couch. I closed my eyes again and took in a deep breathe. He dropped my hair and stood up and laughed. "Now, Jeff? You been talking about this all day, now can we?" One of the men stood and walked over to me.

"Yes, just don't get blood on the floor. Oh and you can use the guest room or her room. She all yours." He walked into the kitchen and came out with a woman, looked to be about 16, and took her upstairs. Then the man that stood picked me up and made me stand in front of him.

"Your daddy says you are untouched by any male, is that right?" Another man came up behind me and moved my hair from my neck and started to kiss it, sloppy kisses that made my stomach heave. "How is she? I can smell her from here?"

"Unbelievable." He pulled off my shirt and threw it. "Just perfect." I shut my eyes and tensed my body. I just wish Damon was here, I just wish someone was here to help me. My pants came down along with my underwear. I felt tears come down my face, hard and fast.

"Aw, baby, don't cry. You'll love what were are going to do to you." He grabbed me by my shoulders. "Open you eyes now." His voice seemed sweet. I did what I as told and looked straight at him. "Now, you are going to do everything I say no matter what it is. You will love every bit of it and you are not going to refuse any of it." I nodded, helplessly. I couldn't control my body.

"I want her now, Graves, now." His voice was growl, as he bit my legs and stomach.

"Well, you must wait because I don't like 'em cold." He growl again but stopped. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back, unwillingly. "Now, pick which one of us you want to please first, then the rest will watch." He looked around. "We won't gang up till the end, the very end." The last words were threats. "Go now." I turned to look at all the men. They all were in there 30s expect for one. The greedy one, he sat with his legs wide open, licking his lips. I choose the one who sat next to him. He was quiet and started at me with desire. I walked over to him. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. I knew just what to do.

I took off my bra and turned around and got on all fours. "Please daddy, I want you in me." The words came out without me knowing. The men growl instantly and watched as he stood, pulled his pants off quickly and plunged into me. I screamed helplessly, that's what he wanted, that's what he was going to get. "No, daddy not all of you, I can't take that much." He pull my head back by my hair and thrusted deeper and deeper, harder and harder. I cried more, louder, uncontrollably. He pulled out of me and picked me up and threw me one the ground hard. Then he shoved back inside of me and put his head down to my neck then trusted one more times, his warm liquid filled me. Then he continued on, I screamed more and then quickly he was gone and I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I didn't scream or yell, I didn't move, I couldn't, he didn't want me to. I felt I was going weaker and weaker.

"That's enough." The pain was gone and I could move. I crawl away from him quickly, going as far away as possible. "I'm next baby girl."