Three Cheers For The Jet Set Life

No More Sorrow

Gerard's POV

Rubbing my cheek at where Dakota’s fist had connected with my face, I stood there shocked not sure of what was coming next. Dakota stood there now with her arms crossed and looking extremely pissed. Waiting with baited breath, I waited to see what her next move was going to be.

Even after she had hit me I was still enamored with her and after not having seen her for a couple of months. She still looked like the woman that had captured my heart, however you could see the change automatically in her posture that she had changed maybe even slightly.

I couldn’t put my finger on it but a change had been made that was evident and maybe that was her personality but not having heard her speak yet I was still sceptical.

Maybe she was still in love with me, just angry well that was what I was hoping anyway. Glaring at me there was no trace of happiness rather just pure anger, I could tell from the way she stood to the way her lip curled and the arch of the eyebrow was a dead give away. I knew I was now on her hit list.

“Gerard how could you?” She screamed.

Looking at her I just wanted to take her in to my arms and hold her. “Ahh...” was all I could respond lost for words.

“What do you mean ahh...stay out of my business and most of all my life!.” she yelled as she started to walk away.

I couldn’t let her go not know especially when I needed her.

“Dakota wait.”

Stopping dead in her tracks she slowly turned around to face me as I caught up to her at the edge of the drive way.

“What?” She hissed.

“Can we talk?” I asked.

“There is nothing to talk about, go away...get out of my life.”

“But I cant.” I whispered.

“Gerard what do you want to hear?” She exclaimed.

Saying nothing she continued.”What that I love you, that I’m in love, take me back. Well no the reality of it all Gerard is that I don’t love you, you and I we are HISTORY!” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she bolted away down the street.

Standing there for what seemed like an eternity eventually I started to turn around and head back to the house. Dakota had fully disappeared now.

Hearing the words she had screamed I never thought it would have come to that, didn’t she know I wanted to give my heart to her. What was I to do? I couldn’t just move on like nothing had ever happened between us, there was something there and she was well aware of it.

To make her fully realise though was different story, from my plan thinking I was going to succeed it seemed as though that now I was going to have to start all over again.

Could I, Would I? I knew I had no other choice if I wanted Dakota back in my life I was going to try everything I could, this was something that I just couldn’t give up on not yet.

Dakota’s POV

Having finally gotten back in to my car, everything seemed to shake me up. I couldn’t believe that I had the confidence to actually smack Gerard one in the face, but hell he made me so angry. I just needed him to realised that the two of us would never be even if I had lied my ass off.

I loved him with all my heart, but he couldn’t see that. It was my time and that included moving on which I had, though I still loved Gerard with all my heart, I had gotten use to the fact where I’d no longer see his face. The sacrifice had been made and I was now dealing with it.

Finally getting back to my apartment, I didn’t want to go back in as I knew at this stage there were three people that I didn’t want to see. So rather reversing back out of the drive way I decided the best thing to do was go and clear my head.
I needed to escape all this pandemonium.

Coco’s POV

it was well after mid night and after Dakota had walked out she still hadn’t returned, I just hoped she just wasn’t reverting back to her old ways, but yet we had just caused the biggest problem for her. Betrayal by lying to her, it was never intended that way, all we all wanted was for her and Gerard to get back together.

For Dakota to see the mistake she had made. If hurt me that I was hurting my best friend and she was out there somewhere, not wanting to come home all because of us.

Walking around the apartment, Jay and Mac had gone to bed not giving a care in the world, stating that Dakota was a big girl and she most probably needed some air after what she had been told.
Me on the other hand I was worried shitless, that I had called Frank numerous amount of times wanting him to find her.

The last thing we needed was for Dakota to hurt herself and go nuts. It was like history was repeating it’s self.

Eventually Frank called me back to tell me he had spoken to Gerard who had informed him that Dakota had been around and that she was that angry she had punched him in the face, now that was not what I was expecting to hear.

More time must have lapsed as I awoke after laying on the sofa, I could see a dark figure walk towards me. Sitting up I looked a little closer to see that it was Dakota.

“Oh my god Dakota where have you been, I’ve been worried sick.” I yelled a little too hastily.

In a calm voice she responded. “ I just needed to clear my thoughts, I’ve come to a decision, after what you guys have done...I’ll stay in the band. But I will not see Gerard nor will I be getting back with him. Understand?”

Simply nodding she trotted off to her room where she softly closed the door,. I had no idea what had gotten in to her. But to see her all calm and collected was nice, maybe this fresh start for her was what she had needed all along and here we were trying to push her to get back with Gerard when maybe she had made the right decision after all.

I was glad that she was going to stay with the band, but was now extremely worried what it was going to be like when we told her we were going on tour with My Chemical Romance, it wouldn’t be for like a week, it was going to be a nice month and a half. Pushing the thoughts away I decided to get some much needed sleep.
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