Falling Apart For You

Collin is the football captain and is known by the whole school, even community! His strict dad is always on his back about football and being 'manly', and his mother treats him like a child. Then his 'perfect' and 'happy' life is ruined by one single secret. A secret his ex-best friend treats with as little care as a dead squirrel. Now he has no one to fall back on. No one but a talented piano player. A male piano player. Slash. M/M

Warnings; Slash, gaylovin' dudes. This is about all.
Rated PG13
because this has no smex whatsoever nor will it ever. Limited foul language, no references to drug use or any other harmful substances. All clean love!

This story is directly written for NaNoWriMo. Goal - 20,000 words
