Just One More Hit

They are gone

I slip in the needle, pushing it in deeper and deeper. I can feel it sliding in my blood, rushing faster and faster. I shut my eyes tight and let it take over me. My body becomes heavy and my arm is weak. I relax and fall onto the bed. My arm is still tied of, with the needle sticking out… but I don’t care.
I’m alone in the dark, no one with me except for her. Heroine, she is perfect. She is better than an any other woman I have been with. She’s never gone, always here making me feel better, making me feel like a man. Holding me close to her and not letting me go. She’s my best friend, she makes me feel ALIVE.
My face is wet. Am I crying? I touch my face and see blood on my hands. My face is hot, burning life it’s on fire. My body is sweaty but I’m cold. My body shakes and I can feel her in me.
I try to remember who I am, where I am at but it’s all just a blur. I don’t remember a damn thing. I am alone and hopeless.
My eyes get heavier and I’m unable to open them, I’m stuck in myself, not being able to get out. I am lost. I see this light… it’s bright and a shadow is coming towards me. It’s a girl, no it’s my wife. She’s wearing a red dress, it’s flowing in the wind. Her black hair is wrapped around her face. She’s crying and looking me right in the eye. Deep into me and she screams. The light it gone and so is she.
It’s back but nothing is there. All I here are deep sobs; I try to open my eyes but I cannot.
She comes back, her dress wasn’t really red, its was white with blood drenching it. She’s holding her stomach and looking down at it. She is still crying. I try to grab her, so I can hold her but she seems miles away. A man comes towards her, a bold man, he holds her. I scream. She looks at me now, smiling. I don’t know what to do, the man laughs. It’s evil and he doesn’t say anything more. I want to hold her.
“You had your chance Clyde…” she says, looking into me deeply. The man grabs a knife from is pants pocket, he pulls it to her throat. She yells and tries to run but he pulls her back and pulling her closer to him, not letting her go. I try to run, but I get no where. I am running faster and faster. My legs grow tired and I go no where.
She screams my name over and over again. I can’t get to her, I stop and the man laughs. It grows louder and louder. He pulls the knife to her neck, her cries go silent. I start to cry. One last scream and all I see is blood.
My eyes shot open, my heart is pounding. I’m awake, next to her. She’s holding our son on her chest. Her body is quite and her face is soft. She is perfect. My son is smiling at me, giggling. I look at him and see so much of me. I smile back and kiss his little hand.
My body is sweaty, my hands are still shaking and the needle is on the ground. The sun light is blasting through the window. I look at the clock… it’s only 8am. I sit up and breath slower; her eyes open. She yawns, smiles and then closes her eyes again.
My wife is beautiful, her body long and lean. Her face is pale and soft. She’s a loving mother and a amazing wife. She sleeps so soundly. My little one is perfectly happy, playing with his fingers by sticking them in his mouth. A daddy’s boy.
I close my eyes and doze off, for what seems to be 10 minutes. I open them up and take a deep breath in, I am alone in the dark room. They are gone.