Status: Alive and Kickin', Killjoys. Drop Me A Line! <3

Danger Days

Death Valley

I had been wandering the dehydrated desert for hours with no real sign of getting anywhere. I had long since run out of food and water and my car had ran out of gas and broken down about 4 miles away.

Fatigue had possessed my bones hours ago; but I carried on. I constantly reminded myself that this was for my mother. It was that thought alone that kept me motivated enough to keep dragging my feet among the dirt.

My mother had been kidnapped by the Draculoids; forced to work for their company called Better Living Industries. They had taken her to their main corporation in Battery City and so that was where I was going. Well, considering the fact that it didn’t look like I was getting anywhere, that’s where I had intended to go.

With a heavy sigh, I wiped pint-sized beads of sweat from my brow. The sun was sizzling today and I could feel myself slowly becoming weaker. ..Suddenly, the backpack that had been on my shoulders the entire time became several pounds heavier and I slipped it off, letting it hit the floor and create a small cloud of dust.

Then, I collapsed; my eyes slipping shut.

I was exhausted and losing hope. I had been out for days and I had gotten nowhere. There was no way that I’d get to my mother at this rate. I needed some help…

But who was going to help me? Nobody even knew I had gone. My mother was the only remaining family that I had after the apocalypse. My older brother had been killed by the Dracs and my father had already been non-existent.

I rested my head on my backpack, feeling the sun’s unforgiving rays of heat cook my skin. I was going to die out here…

I guess that was the reason they called it Death Valley.
♠ ♠ ♠
And so the journey begins! This story is my baby and I'm working very hard on it.
I know that a lot of people have started Killjoy stories, but I promise I'll try to keep this one as exciting and original as I can! :D

Comments are loved and appreciated and I'll try to update soon!
Noelle. <3