Sequel: Back To Life

Only You

I always have.

The door opened and Jack walked in, we both pulled away from the kiss Jack’s mouth gaping open in shock. “What the fuck” Jack said as I looked at Alex, I could feel the tears ready to come spilling out. “Jack p-p-please don’t tell anyone” I said as I walked closer to him. Jack looked at me with a disappointed look in his eyes. I bit on my bottom lip, “what the fuck do you two think you’re doing?” he asked.

“Alex what the fuck what about you and Lisa” Jack asked, he was asking so many questions my head was spinning. I sighed and started to walk towards the bunk beds, Jack was still glaring daggers at Alex I felt bad. I know we shouldn't’t have been doing what we were doing but, we couldn't’t help ourselves or more like Alex couldn't.

I got into my bunk bed and pulled the comforters up over my head not wanting to come out anytime soon. With a sigh I curled up and closed my eyes hearing Jack and Alex in the main lounge, arguing about what was happing and about Lisa. I knew I had to help Vinny out in a few hours but I just couldn’t be asked to even go.


I was sat with Vinny just liked I had done every other night, I was looking at Alex on the stage he was always so perfect up there. My mind was still racing from what had happened this afternoon, Alex coming in and then Jack walking in on us asking so many questions.

“Alex what the fuck what about you and Lisa” Jack asked I heard every word that was being said from my bunk bed and Jack didn't even bother keeping his thoughts to himself. “Alex you know if Lisa finds out all hell will break loss and Zack will kill you” Jack said. “Jack I know what will happen I just I love her Jack I love her more than I fucking love Lisa god dammit” Alex replied, when I heard them words coming out of his mouth my heart stopped.

I stood from my bed and walked into the main lounge, biting on my bottom lip “you what?” I croaked out my voice cracked at the last word. “I love you Nic always have” he replied as he started to walk closer to me,I swallowed the dry lump that was forming in the back of my throat and his lips were soon pressed to mine in a passionate kiss.
*end of flashback*

“Nic are you OK?” I heard a voice ask, I turned round and I was facing Vinny I smiled and nodded at him “yeah I’m fine” I replied. I heard Alex and Jack talking to crowd and taking the piss out of each other, Jack tilling his dick jokes making everyone laugh. “All right you fuckers this is the last song” Alex said into his microphone.

He started to play the first chord and I knew exactly what song he was going to play as soon as those words left his mouth I couldn't’t help but smile.

I got your picture
I'm coming with you
Dear Maria, count me in
There's a story at the bottom of this bottle
And I'm the pen

When the lights go up
I want to watch the way you take the stage by storm
The way you wrap those boys around your finger
Go on and play the leader
'Cause you know it's what you're good at;
The low road for the fast track
Make every second last

'Cause I got your picture
I'm coming with you
Dear Maria, count me in
There's a story at the bottom of this bottle
And I'm the pen
Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out
'Cause it feels like stealing hearts
Calling your name from the crowd

Live and let live
You'll be the showgirl of the home-team
I'll be the narrator
Telling another tale of the American dream
I see your name in lights
We can make you a star
Girl, we'll take the world by storm
It isn't that hard...

'Cause I got your picture
I'm coming with you
Dear Maria, count me in
There's a story at the bottom of this bottle
And I'm the pen
Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out
'Cause it feels like stealing hearts
Calling your name from the crowd

Take a breath
Don't it sound so easy?
Never had a doubt
Now I'm going crazy
Watching from the floor

Take a breath
And let the rest come easy
Never settle down
'Cause the cash flow leaves me
Always wanting more

'Cause I got your picture
I'm coming with you
Dear Maria, count me in
There's a story at the bottom of this bottle
And I'm the pen
Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out
'Cause it feels like stealing hearts
Calling your name from the crowd

'Cause I got your picture
I'm coming with you
Dear Maria, count me in
There's a story at the bottom of this bottle.

I made my way to the dressing room I couldn't’t help but smile, but I knew I had to keep everything I was feeling at this moment to myself I couldn't’t let Zack know what was going on. And if Zack ever did find out things would get worse; I don’t want that to happen I can’t I don’t want to lose my brother he’d never talk to me again if he knew and he sure as hell would kill Alex.
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