Sequel: Back To Life

Only You

I’ll be here for you

It’s been three weeks since Jack walked in on me and Alex, Lisa was back and we only had three more weeks till summer was over and tour was finished; I didn't’t want to leave I was actually starting to like life on tour. I was currently sat in the main lounge of the bus between Zack and Jack, Lisa was sat on Alex’s lap whispering sweet nothings in his ear and playing with his hair. I sighed as I carried on reading the last page of my book, the book that had lasted me all summer.

I looked over at the top of my book when I heard Lisa giggle, I gritted my teeth, and Jack saw me but never said nothing just nudged me. I let out a little a moan as stood from my seat “can’t you two just get a fucking room” I snapped and walked into the back lounge. I sat down biting on my bottom lips trying not to let the tears come through.

I felt someone sit next to me; I looked up and saw Jack he had a sad look on his face. “why Jack why” I croaked out that was when the tears did fall, Jack came closer and wrapped his arms around me I thought he loved he said he only wanted me yet he was sat in there with Lisa acting as if nothing happened. I heard a voice coming from the doorway of the back lounge. “Is everything OK sis?” I sat up quick and saw Zack standing in the doorway, I wiped eyes quickly and nodded “yeah I’m fine baby bro” I replied. Zack knew everything wasn't OK I knew he could tell something was wrong.

Zack nodded and walked back into the main lounge, I looked up at Jack and he smiled sadly. “I’m sorry Nic” he said. I sighed and shock my head from side to side, “it’s not your fault Jack it’s mine” I replied, I leaned my head against Jack’s chest.


I found myself in my bunk bed facing the wall on my right side; I rolled over on to my left and found Jack still with me. I smiled at as his hand came up to my face to brush my red hair out of my of my eyes. "You OK baby girl?" he asked me whispering the words. I nodded biting my bottom lip something I found myself doing quite a lot lately.

Even though I was starting to enjoying tour I wanted to go home, Jack had been amazing even though he'd caught me and Alex but now that Lisa was back I felt like everything that Alex had said was a lie and that hurt me. "Jack I want to go home" I said to him as he rubbed circles in the small of my back. "You can't Nic if you do Zack will know something is wrong" he replied. "Everything sucks Jack I feel like it's all a lie and he's not even bothered" I replied as I felt tears roll down my checks.


I was sat with Vinny watching the boys play like I had done every night; I really did want to go home I couldn't be around Alex any longer. The way he acted as if nothing happened, the lies, it all got too much for me to handle; but Jack was right if I went now he'd know something was wrong. "Your quite tonight Nic is everything OK?" Vinny asked me over the music that was playing, I smiled and nodded "just got few things on my mind Vin nothing I can't handle" I replied, looking over at Zack as he jumped in the air with his guitar.


I was in my bunk bed it was late 2:00am to be exact I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing and turning all night; and to make things worse all I could hear was Alex and Lisa in the bunk above me messing around. And by messing around I mean having sex. I felt a tear roll down my check, I swung my legs round and stood from my bed, I walked towards the maine lounge and I saw Jack sitting there on the sofa with the laptop on.

"Hey why are you up this late for?" I asked, he looked up from the screen and smiled "those two making all that noise" he replied with a sad smile on his face. I sighed as I sat down next to him leaning my head on his shoulder; I laughed a little as I saw him updating a blog. "Tumblr really?" I said with a smirk on my face. "Well I have to keep my fans in check and not to mention the jagk blog" he replied with a smile.

“Well I’m going to sleep in the back lounge” I said as I stood from my seat, Jack nodded and smiled at me, “everything will be OK Nic I’m here for you” he said. I smiled back at murmured a night as I started to walk toward the back lounge, I felt tears roll down my checks as I lied on the sofa and started to drift off to sleep.
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