Status: This shit isn't done.

Teddy Head

Teddy Head

I swore softly under my breath as I tripped forward on the threshold of the school. My forehead connected with the metal bar between the two doors and I cursed again. I rubbed my forehead, clad with both bandana and bump. My long black hair hung around my face as I continued my walk to my locker. People littered the hallways, almost a cement brace to stop any movement to or from the block. I squeezed my 5' 9" frame through the throng of people and stopped at my locker. I spun the dial quickly, 49, 17, 3.

I frowned as my locker door stayed shut. I tried again. My eyebrows pulled together behind my bangs as the dial stopped moving. I pulled on it, trying to get it to either move or the door to open. I growled and tugged harder on it, about to give up. It swung open, connecting with my forehead.

"Oww," I hissed as I clutched my forehead for the second time. Just my luck. I glared at my locker, which was now hanging open. I tugged off my backpack and grabbed my binder before throwing it into my locker. I locked the door of it and turned back around to hear moronic laughter filling the halls.

"Hey, look at the faggot," A voice sneered. I looked down the halls to see a small body walking, a very large brown teddy-bear head on top of their own. The persons small hands clutched their binder to their chest, and tried to fold themselves in on them. I followed down the rest of their body, watching their waist go out in a feminine fashion. Black skinny jeans looked as if they were painted onto their legs, almost as if a second skin. Small gray high-top Converse covered their feet. I cocked my head, before feeling a body slam into my own. I hit the ground with a thud, and a groan.

"Hi Avery!" The voice of my best friend, Micah, sounded from my back. I growled at him, before telling him to get off. Once he had, and we were both back on our feet, I looked back down the halls. The teddy-head was gone, disappeared into the crowd.

"Hey, Micah," I said. "Did you see that person in the teddy bear head?" I asked in a quiet voice, intrigued by a person I had never seen before. His head jerked toward me.

"Huh? Oh, that! Yeah, its a boy in our grade, I can't remember his name though," he said, thinking about it for a second, "I know that he's in your photography class though."

I smiled widely, before my eyes widened and my lips twitched back down. My photography class was second period. "Thanks, Micah. I gotta go though, see you at lunch. Bye," I said before walking towards my first period. I would know who this boy is.


I walked into Photography and my eyes drifted around the room, resting on the brown teddy-bear head, still covering the boys face. I frowned, but took my seat. My seat was located directly in the back, to the far left. His was one row in front of me, to the right one seat. So, I did have a very good view of him. Unfortunately, I don't know who he is!

"Mr. Hursh, Avery! Please pay attention," drawled nasally, old Mr. Tango. What an upbeat name for a downbeat man. I huffed, aggravated that he didn't say the boys first name. But I know his last name. So I'm a step closer. "And Hursh! Take off that ridiculous head!"

I looked over at the boy, who was shaking slightly. "I-I ca-an't si-ir." he stuttered. His voice was high pitched, and slightly feminine, but undoubtably the most gorgeous sound to ever enter my ears.

Mr. T put his hand on his bony hip and asked, "Well why not?"

"B-because s-sir, I j-just c-can't," he said again. Our teacher harped at him, again asking him why. When he replied with the same answer, Mr. T sighed and gave up.

"Very well, Mr. Hursh."


I sighed as I left third period, heading towards the cafeteria to meet Micah. I looked behind me, the pitter-patter of small feet hitting the floor catching my attention. I saw a familiar teddy-bear head, masking the boy I had become so dreadfully intrigued in. The large head tilted down, and he slowed his walking so he was quite a ways away from myself when we did reach the cafeteria. I sighed and watched, yet again, the mystery boy disappear into the crowd.

I retreated to the secluded table that Micah and myself usually ate lunch at, and wasn't surprised to find it unoccupied. I sat down and propped my feet on the table, looking around. I saw Micah walking towards our table after a few minutes, carrying two trays stocked high with food. I smirked, that boy does know how to eat. He sat down and slid a tray my way. I picked slightly at the food, not eating much.

I looked around the packed cafeteria, and swore I saw a glimpse of the brown teddy-bear head that was on the boy I was determined to find the name of.


The day zoomed past and, before I knew it, Micah was dragging me to my locker and grabbing my stuff from it. We walked out of the building, successfully hitting my head on the door break again. He started towards my car, but I halted as I looked across the parking lot to see a familiar brown teddy-bear head on its way to its own car.

Before I could concept what I was doing, I had dropped my backpack and was running towards the boy full-speed. I slowed down as I neared him, and stopped as I came to stand in front of him. The head tilted to the side.

"Who are you?" I asked, voicing the question that had been nagging at the back of my mind all day. The boy giggled a bit, a shocked and surprised sound that made my heart flutter.

"The question is, who wants to know?" he asked simply.

"M-My name's Avery. A-Avery James," I stuttered. Since when do I stutter?

His light giggle filled my ears, making my heart jump. "Well, Avery, My name is..." he trailed off. My eyes bugged a little, making him giggle again. "Caleb. Caleb Hursh."

Caleb. What a plain, breath-taking name.

"It's great to know your name, Caleb. It's been nagging at me all day," I admitted. "Now, do I get to see a face to go with the name?"

He giggled, and didn't stop me as I brought my hands up to remove the head. I brought it off, and kept my eyes locked on it until it was set on the ground next to our feet. I snapped my gaze back to his shoulders, and hesitated. I raised my gaze and let out a small, barely audible gasp.

His plush lips were accented by two silver loops, making them all-the-more delectable. His pale skin was red beneath his cheekbones, officially making my new favorite color. His nose had just the littlest bit of a curve to it, making the end stick up slightly, but not so much as to make it look snooty, more as in a completely oh-my-god adorable way. Framing his face perfectly was pin-straight black locks, with small lines of blond streaking through it. Now at his eyes, oh at his eyes, that was where I completely lost all sense of sanity I had. His eyes were the most gorgeous orbs I have ever laid eyes on. A shimmery silver color, hinting towards a gray, were slightly blue just around his pupil. An awe-striking hue enveloped them, captivating anyone who dared look. To say he was gorgeous was as if to say an ant was small; a complete and utter understatement. To say he was the most breath-taking, heaven-sent thing alive would be more accurate.

With all sanity long gone, I put little thought before leaning down and capturing his precious lips with my own. I froze, completely shocked at what I had just done. But, to add to the shock, I felt a smile play at the lips below my own and arms wrap around my neck. I started to simply kiss back, no tongue, nothing but the simple movement of lips. I thought about my day. I remember how many times I took note of seeing the brown teddy-bear head. And...

Never did I hate a teddy-bear more.