‹ Prequel: Dreamspace
Sequel: Without You
Status: It's a rolling and it's pretty damn awesome

The End of the Dreamland saga

She's in the arms of Jimmy now

Everyone decided that it would be easier if they stayed at my house. So they went to their houses to get their clothes they were going to wear tomorrow and then came back and found an open room not going into the one that Stacie and I locked or the one she died in. Lia and Sophie gave someone their room while Eddie, Owen, and Danny went into Ethan's room. Brian and Gracie went over to their house so Violet could have her crib but said they would be back first thing in the morning. So the next day I went downstairs and saw Gracie cooking breakfast.

"Where's Bri, I gotta ask him something" I asked her.
"Changing Violet in the toy room, the only place that doesn't have people" Gracie said as I walked toward the toy room to see Brian making faces at Violet as he changed her diapers.
"Hey" I said.
"Hey man, how you holding up" he asked me.
"Good for now, so I was wondering, I know Stacie would have wanted you to do this well you carry her casket with me" I asked him.
"Anything for my two best friends, who else are you going to ask" Brian said as he closed Violet's jumper that Stacie bought her.
"Matt, Mikey, Gerard and Frank" I said.
"You know Matt, Mikey and Gerard will do it and I'm sure Frank will" Brian said.
"Daddy Zacky" I heard Ethan said.
"Yeah bud" I said to him.
"Can I help carry mommy" he asked me.
"Your to little but you can walk infront of it with your sisters and brother how about that" I said to him. He nodded and hugged me. I hugged him back and we walked out of the changing room.

"Want to hold Violet for a minute" Brian asked me. I nodded and took her in my arms. She smiled at me and her chocolate eyes looked at me.
"You won't ever get to know how amazing your Auntie Stacie was" I said to her as I walked in the kitchen.
"Do you really think Brian and I would not tell our daughter about the person who brought us together" Gracie said handing some pancakes to Ethan and Johnny.
"Yeah that's true" I said sitting down as she put a plate in front of me and taken Violet.
"Where did Brian go" she asked me.
"He asked to hold Violet and bam disappeared" I said and then heard Matt, Mikey and Gerard say something and come out with Brian behind them.

"They'll do it, even Frank would since Gerard already predicted that" Brian said taking Violet from Gracie and Gracie stuck her tongue out.
"Someone wants a little Violet to be a daddy's girl" I said.
"Like Lia is" Gerard said.
"That was not my choice" I said.
"Sure it wasn't, you would just do anything for that little girl" Gerard said as Gracie gave him a plate of pancakes and some coffee.
"Brian, if I didn't marry Chelsea and Gracie didn't marry you, I would have" Gerard said taking a sip of his coffee. Brian chuckled and then put his arm around Gracie.
"This girl is mine" he said kissing her cheek.
"I know and I do have a pregnant wife too" Gerard said.

"Yeah you better say that' Chelsea said walking in. One by one people were waking up and eating the food Gracie made. Lia came downstairs and walked right over to me.
"Morning daddy" she said with a yawn.
"Morning sweetie, want to get in the tub" I asked her. She nodded and I picked her up carrying her to the bathroom.
"Hey give Edward a bath while your at it" I heard Chelsea say.
"Have your husband give him a bath" I said.
"Eddie" Lia said with a smile, "my twin." I laughed took off her shirt she wore and then realized maybe I should give her a bath after she ate some pancakes.
"Maybe a bath after Aunt Gracie's pancakes" I said to her.
"Aunt Gracie made pancakes" Lia said taking off before I could put the shirt back on.

"Lia Nicole get back here" I said running out of the bathroom only to see Leana holding her.
"Hi Auntie Lee" Lia said.
"Hey honey, what are you doing running around nakey showing all the boys your girly parts" Leana said.
"Oh no, I don't want the boys to see my girly parts" Lia said all wide eyed.
"Then you gotta put your shirt back on" Leana said as I handed her the shirt. Lia lifted up her arms and Leana put the shirt on her.
"Thanks Lee" I said.
"No problem" she said, "oh you'll finally get to meet my husband today."
"The one Stacie would say 'oh he is so hot, perfect for Leana, I can't believe I almost got in a fight with her all those years ago' that same husband" I asked her.
"Yep" Leana said laughing and handing me Lia back. We walked in and everyone was awake and pretty chipper for what today was. We all sat around and I was smart to wait to give Lia a bath after the pancakes because both her and Owen got syrup everywhere. Gerard offered to give the boys a bath meaning, Owen, Danny and Eddie and I just went to give my little princess a bath.

"Sorry daddy, you can't see my girly parts, I want Auntie" she said and thought which Aunt she wanted to give her a bath.
"Lia, I've been seeing your girly parts since you were a baby sweetie, what Auntie Leana meant was not to let your Uncles and cousins see your girly parts" I said to her.
"Okay" Lia said, "but can Sophie come in too." I nodded and looked out the door and hollered for Sophie who came in right away.

"Yes" she said.
"Lia wants you in the bathroom while I give her a bath" I said.
"I can do it for you Daddy Zacky" she said.
"Yeah, can she" Lia asked.
"Of course" I said walking out of the bathroom and letting the girls be.
"You know what I realized" I said walking out into the living room.
"What's that" Matt asked.
"That there are more boys in this family then girls" I said.
"There are" Matt said.
"Okay, since you agree with me, get in the sack with Nana and make us another girl" I said hitting his back. Everyone laughed and Nana looked down and blushed.
"We have enough kids" Matt said.
"But not enough girls, there is Lia, Sophie and now Violet and soon to be Olivia. Compared to Ethan, Owen, Danny and Eddie" I said.
"Zack, they are equal" Johnny said.
"Shut up Short Shit" I said and realized he was right. They all laughed and I flipped them all off.

"See now we don't have to have a kid" Matt said.
"Aw but wouldn't a little baby with dimples be so cute" Nana said.
"Yeah, and that was me" Matt said smiling and showing his dimples.
"You know I agree with Nana, a little Shads running around hitting on my daughter, wait No" I said after I put that thought in my head.
"Hmm now that you put it that way, Nana after this is all over lets try for a boy to sweep Lia off her feet" Matt said. Nana laughed and nodded.
"Okay, whatever you say Matthew" she said walking away.
"I'll make sure she stays away from your son" I said and laughed.

"You know she'll love him, she loves my dimples already" Matt said as we walked into the living room. I rolled my eyes and then realized everyone had to get ready soon. I found Frank and went over to him.
"Hey Frank" I said.
"Yeah" he said.
"Wanna carry Stacie's coffin" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'll love to" Frank replied. I nodded and then went upstairs to get ready. Everyone followed my lead and went to get ready. Sophie took Lia into her room to get Lia dressed.


We got to the Church where the funeral was all dressed up nicely. I felt the tears starting to fall already as I looked at the casket that contained my wife. I looked over at Gerard and Mikey and the looked at it too.

"I knew she shouldn't have done the dance" Gerard said.
"She was going to do it either way" Mikey and Frank said. Gerard nodded and the kids all stood around looking at it. Lia and Owen came over to me and grabbed my legs.
"Can't mommy stay with us and not go in the ground next to Uncle Jimmy" Owen asked.
"Mommy has to go in the ground next to Uncle Jimmy so that she can get to heaven faster" I said to him. Everyone else was out in the Church waiting for it to start. The family meaning everyone including my mom, Matt and Zina was sitting in the first two rows while everyone else sat behind them.

"Ready" the guy who was saying the stuff said. We nodded and went over to the casket. It was Avenged guys on one side with me up front and on the other was My Chem with Frank up front. Sophie grabbed Lia's hand and handed Lia a tissue while Ethan grabbed Ethan's hand. The guy got up front of the kids and we walked in. I felt my tears start to flow as we walked out to hear sobbing from our family up front. We set her down on the stand and I looked at the picture of her and I that we took at the park and the collage and Brian took me with him by Gracie and I started to cry. She handed Brian Violet and pulled me to her as the guy started to say some things about Stacie.

"So her two oldest kids Sophie and Ethan have said they wanted to give the Eulogy" he said as Sophie and Ethan removed themselves from Donna and Donald and went up to the stand.

"Our mother was the greatest mother yet" Ethan said.
"She would do anything for us in the time of need, no matter how crazy it was" Sophie said.
"She even would do anything for her friends and family, she was that caring" Ethan said.
"And if you were sad, she would do something so silly just so she wouldn't see the tears falling and just to see tears from us laughing falling" Sophie said.
"She was a great mom" Ethan said.
"A even better wife" Sophie said.
"And most of all, the second greatest drummer that ever played in Avenged Sevenfold. We miss you and love you mommy but we know that you'll be up there watching us" Sophie and Ethan said at the same time and walked away. Ethan helping his sister who was crying.
"How beautiful was that" the guy said.
"Now we are going to open it up to any one who wants to say something" he said stepping away. Gracie grabbed my hand and kissed my head. She stood up and went to the front.

"I didn't know Stacie all that well when I first met her, we were complete strangers and she needed someone to talk to, I could just tell. So we started to talk and she told me what she needed help with. After that we seemed to always bump into each other. We became fast friends and then there was some problems and she came to live with me. It was fun and it got me closer to my now husband. If it weren't for Stacie, I would still be living in France and I wouldn't be able to know how much of an amazing person she is and will always be" Gracie said stepping down and coming back over. She looked at me.
"Go say something" Gracie said.
"In a minute" I said as Lia and Owen went up.
"We love you mommy" they said and walked off. Sophie, Ethan, Lia and Owen all looked at me and so didn't Matt and them. Gracie squeezed my hand and so didn't Alicia. I got up and went to the stand.

I looked toward the casket and felt the tears starting to fall.

"When I first met Stacie, she was one of the craziest people I ever met next to Jimmy, yeah I have to admit, I tried hitting on her but got shot down faster then something really fast. I knew she was happy with Jimmy and I have to admit when she kissed me I liked it but I felt guilty because I kissed my best friends girlfriend. A few years passed and Avenged Sevenfold got famous and we were getting an invite to her wedding. It was great seeing her happy and seeing two little ones that she had made with Frank. It was good to see her smiling and happy. Then a few months later Jimmy died and we had to let her know. She flew out to California that very night and was there for all of us. Then you and Frank went on tour we asked you to be our drummer and you said yes. My feelings got stronger and I knew I had to have her. When she was so broken, when she needed her husband the most, Brian and I were there for her. Cheering her up and slowly yet surely, I broke down her walls and while she was pregnant with Lia, I purposed but Lia and Eddie couldn't wait and wanted to come out that very moment. So we rushed to the hospital were Lia was born and Stacie said yes. We were married in France after problems and I'm glad I've been with her as long as I have. Stacie is my one true love and well always be that. I love you Stacie forever and Always" I said as I felt the tears coming down more.

Matt, Mikey, Gerard, Frank and everyone else said somethings but I tuned out and just stared at the casket.
"Okay, Matt, Brian, Zacky and Johnny, want to come up and play your song" the guy said snapping me out of my thoughts of how Stacie will never be here again and I'll never be able to kiss her again. I walked up with the guys and grabbed my guitar and started to play it feeling numb. I stopped and looked at Ethan. He came over and I grabbed his guitar that I brought.

"You know the song, play it for your mom" I said to him. He nodded and looked at Brian who smiled. I kept him on my lap as they both started to play. Matt smiled at Ethan as he started to sing and then looked at Sophie nodding his head. She went over and started to sing it with Matt too.

"How do I live, without the ones I love" Matt and Sophie sang together. I looked at everyone there seeing Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Metallica and some other bands that new Stacie. I looked and saw Gena just staring at me. She winked and I just glared and I felt my blood boil. Leana saw me glaring and turned to see where I was looking and saw Gena, Leana nudge Chelsea who turned and looked and it went down the line until all the girls were looking. Gracie handed Violet to Gerard and stood up with them heading toward Gena. The song finished and we went back to our seats. The guy said some more things and everyone got up to leave to go to the cemetery where Stacie was going to be buried next to Jimmy. The family stayed and so didn't Gena but the girls were around and you shouldn't piss off a pregnant Chelsea.

"Get the fuck out of here and don't you ever fucking show your face around us again. You don't call my best friends children little slut babies that she made from sleeping with tons of guys" Chelsea yelled at Gena. Oh that was it, if they didn't punch her I would and I don't go for punching women.
"Well she is a whore, she probably only got knocked up by Zacky just so she could keep him and get him to marry her, same thing with Frank" Gena said.
"What the fuck" Chelsea said and went to punch her but Gerard ran and stopped.
"Stop" Gerard said.
"Why your sister would have wanted this skank to get her teeth knocked out" Chelsea said.
"I'm doing this for Olivia's sake" Gerard said and moved Chelsea away who was still bitching about Gena. Gena stood up and headed over to me.

"Oh Zacky, I'm so sorry" she said pulling me to her and I pushed her back roughly.
"Get your filthy hands off me" I said to her.
"Mean lady go away" Lia said stomping on Gena's toe. Gena screamed and looked down at Lia.
"Listen you little whore baby" she said. That was it, I went to raise my hand but Matt stopped me.
"Girls, deal with this" Matt said walking away to deal with Lia who was crying. Sophie walked up to Gena nad pulled back with all her force and punched her in the face.
"My mom is not a whore or a slut you are and if you ever call my baby sister a whore baby you will face more you Cunt" Sophie said.
"Sophia Marie Iero" Frank said. Chelsea and Alicia smiled and then Leana took Gena outside and punched her in the face and walked her to the car. I had to smile at Sophie for sticking up for her mom and Lia but to call Gena that word. Leana was on her cell phone calling the police and giving them Gena's license plate number while Frank lectured his daughter to never call someone that again.

"Even if it is true" all the girls said and laughed. I knew that Stacie was behind Sophie saying that and we loaded up her casket to bring to the cemetery. We got in the cars the place provided. Sophie came over to me and told me that she had to stay with Frank because she was grounded.
"You did a good thing but you shouldn't have said that word" I said to her.
"I heard you call her that and from what Aunties say that girls shouldn't be called that but they always say see you next Tuesday and I figured it out it was the word you called her before" Sophie said. I kissed the top of her head and we all walked up to the grave. Matt, Frank, Brian, Mikey, Gerard and I carrying it up and putting it on the thing to lower in the ground. I sat down next to Donna and Donald. I felt the tears well up again as Stacie was being lowered into the ground next to Jimmy. If it weren't for Lia and Owen I would have probably joined her and be buried with her.

I looked at them as they cried clinging onto Sophie and Ethan. I moved over to them and pulled both of them onto my lap and sat down on the ground and cried with them. I saw people leave as soon as Stacie was in the ground. We just all sat together and cried. Sophie and Ethan joined us and I felt more and more arms come around us and felt more tears being shed. This is what a family is and this is how we stick together no matter how bad something is we always come together.
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So I went to walmart today and bought myself a fedora it's pretty awesome and I haven't taken it off yet just throwing that out there just to bring a smile to peoples faces because i made you cry

And look out for my new story called NO NAME! because I don't know what I would call it but letting you guys know now if I can't think of names the main character has my name like 99.99% of the time. It's going to be an MCR/a7x slash and guess what FRANKIE GETS THE GIRL this time yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

also a couple more chapters and this will be done but HAVE NO FEAR there is Without You

ooo Sophie called Gena the C-word