My Chemically Avenged Romance

Here He Comes!

-April 2005-

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach... and apparently, I had just peed my pants. I was in my bunk on the Avenged Sevenfold bus. Frankie and I had decided, since my baby is Zack's son, that I would go on the road with A7X until Aiden was born. The pain intensified and I realized that is was fucking April... and I was nine months pregnant!

"Zack!" I yelled and I heard him grumble from the bunk directly across from mine, "Zachary James Baker! Wake the fuck up!"

He pulled his curtain open and I saw that Jimmy, Matt, Brian and Stacie had all woken up. Val and Johnny were still asleep.

"What's wrong?" Zack asked.

"I'm in fucking labor!" I screamed, a contraction had just hit me.

"Fuck! Shit! Um, Gerry? Drive to the nearest hospital as fast as humanly possible, okay?" Zack was in extreme panic mode. He kneeled down in front of my bunk, "What can I do for you until we get to the hospital?"

"Get me the fuck out of this bunk!" I growled in pain.

Zack slipped his arms underneath me and lifted me out of the bunk then placed me on my feet.

"Thank you" I moaned, the pain was ridiculous!

"We're two minutes away!" I heard Gerry say.

I felt the end of my contraction hit and I sighed. Why the fuck did this shit hurt so bad?!

"Okay Sammy, push!" Matt said, holding my left hand.

I nodded at him and pushed. It fucking hurt so bad. I turned my head to Zack, who was holding my right hand,

"I fucking hate you so much Zack! This is all your fucking fault!" I screamed at him and Matt just laughed at me.

"Come on Sam, focus!"

"One more push!" The doctor said and I pushed as hard as I could... and then I heard him. My baby boy. "Okay daddy, do you want to cut the cord?"

Zack just smiled and nodded. He walked over and I watched the doctor hand him the scissors. Zack cut Aiden's umbilical cord and then the nurse took him to clean him up.

"You did fantastic, Sammy!" Matt said and kissed my forehead, "I'm gonna see if mom and dad are here yet..."

I nodded and Matt left. Zack came and stood beside my bed. The nurse brought Aiden over... finally.

"Here you go mommy!"

She placed him in my arms and I almost cried. He was so beautiful... then he opened his eyes and my heart was stolen forever.

"Oh! Zack! He has your eyes!" I smiled and Zack looked down at him.

"Wow... he does..." Zacky was breathless.

"And your lips and it looks like your ears. He has my nose, thank God." I laughed and I put my finger in Aiden's tiny hand. He wrapped his little fingers around it and I smiled and then looked up at Zack.

"You wanna hold him daddy?" I asked and Zack nodded quickly.

He bent down to scoop Aiden out of my arms.

"Just support his neck... good... wow" I sighed.

"What?" Zack asked, looking at me only for a second, then looking back down at Aiden.

"You're pretty much the hottest dad ever!" I laughed and Zack winked at me... Then Stacie burst into the room.

"Let me see my godson!" Stacie yelled and Aiden started to cry, causing the panicked look to return to Zack's face. He handed him over to Stacie and Aiden calmed down. "Oh wow! He looks almost just like Zack, he has Sammy's nose tha- Aw! His eyes!"

I just laughed and I saw the line start to form behind Stacie. Jimmy was rocking on back and forth on the balls of his feet. Zack and I had decided to ask Jimmy to be Aiden's godfather. Matt was disappointed at first, but eventually he agreed that Jimmy was the best man for the job.

"Stacieeeeee! I wanna see him!" Jimmy whined and I laughed softly. My eyelids were getting heavy.

I saw Stacie roll her eyes and hand Aiden over to Jimmy. I smiled at Zack and then I quickly drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww the baby!!!