Status: On Going

I Call Him Amy

Ever since Vivian was 8 years old, she has been living with a guy who is 9 years older than her. He refuses to tell her his name, so she calls him Amy, since it sounds like anonymous. Then, once she turned 11, she found herself falling in love with him. However, she can't let him know that. Amy breaks the law... a lot. He goes around killing people he believes is doing the world wrong. He makes lots of enemy's. He doesn't keep friends. They stay in an abandoned house. Amy is very strict with Vivian. He doesn't allow her to have friends, have a boy friend, talk to strangers, go to school, tell anyone her name, tell anyone who he is or what he does, drink, smoke, do drugs, go out of the house too much, or let her kill anyone. The story starts with Vivian being a 17-year-old. Even if loving a stunningly gorgeous murderer at 11 seemed childish, she just couldn't help but love everything about him. However Amy is hiding a lot more things than Vivian can imagine. For starters, Vivian isn't even her real name. Vivian suffered a traumatic experience and she can barely remember what happened the first eight years of her life. All she knows is Amy. She knows nothing about how she came to live with him.

I may have given away more of the story than I needed to, but in the end, the adventure is the real story.