Status: Yay Finished! Go check out the sequel!

Finding Love


“Can I help you?” Bridget begged Sidney from the leather recliner she had been living in for the past two days.

“No, no, no. You need to rest,” Sidney exaggerated as he seasoned chicken, “Anyway, I make an amazing seasoned chicken.”

“All I do is rest! I feel so much better. Please?” Bridget perched while clasping her hands together.

“I know your dying to cook or do something, but relax. Breathe,” Sidney proclaimed while popping his creation in the oven.

“It’s so hard to do though!” Bridget complained. She was bored of sitting at home, not doing anything.

“I just want you to get really better,” Sidney walked over to Bridget, sitting on the couch nearby.

“But I am better,” Bridget made a puppy dogface. Sidney knew that she wasn’t use to this. She was never pampered, and Sidney knew that he needed to pamper her just because of that.

“Not quite, soon though,” Sidney sympathized.

“I’m going out on the balcony,” Bridget announced. She was sick of waiting around, lying down all of the time. Bridget was recommended to stay at home for a few days, but no one prohibited her from visiting the lush space Sidney had outside of his apartment.

“If you must, let me help,” Sidney rolled his eyes. Of course she would want to go out into the balcony, even in the freezing cold weather.

Sidney put his hand behind Bridget as she eased herself up, slowly not to hurt the wound on her abdomen.

“I really do like staying here Sidney, but I really would like to get out and go shopping or something, when can I go shopping again?” Bridget wondered as she wandered the apartment, hobbling in her boot cast, Sidney spotting her.

“Soon honey, I know it’s hard. Maybe we can go out to dinner tomorrow night, but in a little your sister will be here, do you want me to go out while she’s here?” Sidney murmured, opening the sliding door out to the terrace.

The terrace was truly beautiful. Overlooking the Chicago night, the balcony was the main reason Sidney bought the apartment. It was quite large, quite hidden too. It had a brick wall near the back of it, an actual fake grass type floor, a few lounge chairs, a closed hot tub, and twinkling lights.

Ariel would often come outside during the summer and play here, he even spent hours slaving over a swing set in the backyard.

“Sidney? Sidney are you listening to me? What’s wrong?” Bridget mumbled, catching Sidney’s gaze.

“No babe, I’m fine. I was just remembering something,” Sidney smiled warmly as they made their way to the lounge chairs, Sidney helping Bridget slide onto one. The snow had melted by now, Chicago had spontaneous weather and even though it was freezing cold now, yesterday it was much warmer, melting the snow.

“Oh okay, well yeah. If you could maybe leave when Rosie gets here that would be great because I haven’t seen her in a while- if that’s okay with you of course,” Bridget whispered shyly. She felt weird asking the owner of the house to leave.

“Of course Brig, I want to go take Ariel out shopping anyway,” Sidney smiled.

After the couple ate dinner and Bridget assured Sidney she would be more than fine while waiting for Rosie to get to their apartment, Sidney left and Bridget was waiting.

She was nervous, to say the least. She hadn’t had any contact with her sister in months, and she knew Rosie would be pressuring her about when the time will be.

Bridget had almost forgotten about all of that stuff she had to deal with, too caught up with being in love and almost being a mother in a way. With all that was going on, her almost dying, her father out of jail, and now her sister coming. It was all just flooding up inside of her.

Deep in thoughts, she jumped at the sound of the doorbell. This was the moment.

Slowly getting up from the couch, she walked over, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

“Bridget,” Rosie gushed as soon as the door was open, hugging Bridget gently not to hurt her.

Rosie was a gorgeous girl, looking a little like Bridget, with long dark curly hair, tall but with a small build, and instead of brown eyes, green eyes.

“Hey Rosie, you look good,” Bridget gushed as she hugged her sister; leading her into the warm haven she now called home.

“Cut the crap Bridget. What’s going to happen now?” Rosie demanded, crossing her arms. Rosie had always been a straightforward person.

“I go to court with Dad in two weeks, hopefully getting him into jail for life,” Bridget exposed the information raw. It was the first time she had said it aloud, Sidney had told her yesterday.

She didn’t like it, putting her own family into jail, of course she knew that she had to do this, he had hurt her, he couldn’t be in this world unless he was locked up.

“We need to get him in jail, and for good this time. Did you have any idea that this was going to happen? I thought he was in the slammer for so much longer?” Rosie bit her lip, finally sitting at the kitchen stool. Bridget joined her.

“Don’t worry Rose, we will! Sid has a really good lawyer we are going to use. I mean my freaking leg is in a cast so we defiantly we have evidence. This case is basically going to be handed to us,” Bridget insisted.

“Fine, but we have something else we need to talk about. Something I seem to have a feeling you forgot about?” Rosie inquired.

Of course this was going to come up, the dreaded talk. “Not now Rose, I’m doing better, okay? Sidney doesn’t know and I really don’t want him to know,” Bridget glowered

“I hope your taking your medication. I’ll stop talking about it, but promise you keep taking your meds,” Rosie stressed.

“Always,” Bridget smiled, grabbing her sister’s larger hand.

Noticing something hard on it, she looked at it and gushed, “Oh my god, your getting married!”

“I was going to tell you! Ryan proposed to me the other week, he’s a lawyer and I met him and I really liked him and one thing led to a next,” Rosie smiled shyly, “I’m pregnant.”

“Oh my god! So that’s why your getting married! How long have you known him” Bridget wasn’t surprised, Rosie was spontaneous, and liked to move quickly.

“I was dating him for about a year and a half. I mean it’s so weird, your in a really serious relationship, and I’m having a baby and getting married,” Rosie cried, “We really are growing up.”

“I know! I like it though, I love Sidney, and I love Ariel also,” Bridget told her older sibling.

“Good, I’m glad. I have to talk to you more often. I live up in Boston now, so I can probably come for like Christmas or something, I can bring Ryan,” Rosie suggested.

“Defiantly! I can’t wait to see you again!” Bridget verified.

The rest of the visit went smoothly, and by the time Rosie had left, they basically had a run down of the past few years they hadn’t seen each other.

Bridget waited for Sidney to get home, to help her into bed and stuff, though trying to watch TV wasn’t getting rid of the thoughts of this visit in her head. What was she going to do about her ‘situation’?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for such a long wait! I've been busy!
Any predictions for what's going on with Bridget? O_0 gonna have to read more to find out!

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