Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World

The Fight.

When I woke up, I expected to see Darren's face. I was shocked to see he wasn't there. I heard raised voices outside. I ran to the door and opened it. Outside I saw Darren and Rick, "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Darren shouted, it hurt me to see him angry, it scared me.

"WHY?! DON'T I GET A CHANCE WITH HER EITHER?!" Rick shouted back, just as angry. I wanted to stop them, but I was too frightened.

"SHE'S MINE! SHE ALWAYS WILL BE AND YOU CAN'T STOP THAT!" spat Darren, he took a menacing step towards Rick.

"YOU- YOU STOLE KAREN FROM ME, NOW I DON'T EVEN GET A CHANCE WITH JESS!?" Rick growlled, I gasped quietly, shocked.

Darren grabbed Rick's collar, "Karren wasn't yours when we started dating, wasn't she?" he growlled. Rick flinched, but didn't back down.

"I'm glad she cheated on you with Kaiya! You're just an emo freak who doesn't deserve anyone!" hissed Rick. Darren shoved Rick away. Rick's glasses fell off as he fell to the ground.

"What is with the whole freakin' town and calling me emo?!" tears formed on Darren's eyes. Rick stood up, then punched him in the face, he turned to leave.

Anger surged through me, I ran out, "Rick! You have the nerve! LEAVE DARREN ALONE!" I ran over to him, my leg still hurt, but I ignored the pain.

"Jess," squeaked Rick. I slapped him hard across the face. A big red mark decorated his cheek.

"Darren, is, not, EMO!" I shrieked. Rick ran off crying. He was SO not a real man. I ran to Darren, his mouth was bleeding, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It was my fault!" I apologized.

"It's not your fault!" he smiled, "Oh, how much did you hear?"

"Something about Karen," I had met her at Popuri's party, but she was drunk so I couldn't get to know her.

"Oh, well, we started dating a year back, a month after Kaiya and I moved to Mineral Town. I hadn't known about Rick's crush on her. She was the only one who didn't call me emo, even Kaiya, my own brother, called me emo. He still does. Anyway, I found her and Kaiya.... Doing... Stuff.... Together, just a week ago," the way he said 'Just a week ago' made me think of something.

"Darren, am I the rebound girl?" I asked shyly, Darren looked away, he refused to face me.

"No," he replied after awhile.
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Duuhhh Duuhhhh Duuummmm!!!!!