Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World

Surprise Visitor.

Ann, Darren, WillWill and I were at the beach. Ann wore a green swimsuit, the boys both wore pants, no shirts, I wore a purple bikini. Popuri, Kai, and their babies had left for the city since Summer was over. I wished they stayed more than just every Summer here. WillWill, Ann and I were in the water. Darren stayed away from the water, because he had watched his parents drown, he had been afraid of the water ever since. Kaiya hadn't been there of course, he was probably making-out with some random tourist at the time.

The waves were high today, they roared as they approached us. Ann was of average height, so she was fine. WillWill was tall, and was definately fine, but I was really short, and struggled not to drown. Eventually, a wave pounced at me, knocking me over. I panicked as I struggled for breath, I could get up. I got pulled out to the ocean, I was running out of breath.

It seemed like hours before strong hands grabbed my arms. I got pulled upwards, towards the surface. Had Darren overcome his fear of water just for me? When we reached the surface, I coughed out salt water, then I took a deep breath and heard Darren call my name. His voice came from the shore. I opened my eyes and saw WillWill. I noticed that we were very far from Mineral Town. I was about to thank him, when we were enveloped by another wave, I fell from WillWill's arms. My hair danced around kind of simular to seaweed, then I saw nothing.


*William's POV*

I panicked when I noticed Jess was gone. I swam around and saw her floating around. We were close to a tiny island, sharp rocks surrounded it like a protective barrier. Blook flowed from the wound on the side of her head. She had hit her head on a rock. I swam over to her and scooped her up in my arms. I carried her up to the tiny island, I sat down with her on my lap. I had nothing to cover the wound with. Luckily, a boat was passing by, "Hey! Hey! Over here! Hey!" I shouted at it, the boat slowed to a stop.

A teenage boy leaned over the edge of the boat. He had brown hair with black streaks through it and blue eyes. He nodded, and I carried her onto the boat. The boy handed me a large piece of cloth, I used it to cover Jess's wound. A young woman screamed, then ran over, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, "Jess!"

"She hit her head on a rock," I choked out.

"I-I'm Jamie," she cried.

"I'm William,"

"What happens if she loses her memory?" Panicked Jamie.

"She won't, don't worry, she will have her memory," I reassured both of us.

"I've been her friend forever, all her life, I can't lose her!" she cried.

"You won't," I dully replied.

Jess's eyes fluttered open, Jamie and I looked at her wide-eyed, "Jess!" we both shouted in not-so-perfect synchronization.

"Who-who are you? Who am, I?" she asked, I groaned in despair. Jess had lost her memory.
♠ ♠ ♠
AAARRGGGGHHH!!!!! I HATE LAPTOPS!!!!!! I HAD A LONG CHAPTER!!! I FINISHED IT! I SUBMITTED IT! AND IT SENT ME OFF TO LOG IN AND I LOST ALL OF IT!!!!! D':< It had some attemps at humour too, but now I'm not in the mood. I'll make it shorter and less epic because I HATE LAPTOPS!!!!!! D':<