Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World

A Romantic Evening.

show me what you wanna be!
I can handle anything,
even if I can't handle you!
either way it better be,
don't you f****** pity me!
Get up! Get off!'

The song was what woke me up. Kaiya groaned, "Good morning, babe," he smiled. He picked up his phone and checked the text. He frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried for him.

"It's nothing. Just my brother," he dropped his phone, "Come on, let's go to the park," he jumped off the bed, "Your clothes are in this side of the cupboard, I'll get changed in the bathroom," he pulled out a red hoodie with white skulls on it, a grey T-shirt, and some jeans. He walked out carrying the clothes, shutting the door behind him.

I opened my cupboard and saw piles and piles of clothes. I found a green T-shirt and short jeans. I got changed, glad to be out of the wet bikini. I had found everything I needed, I wondered how long I had lived here for. I got changed, then walked out to the hall. I heard movement in the kitchen, so I wandered over there. Kaiya was cooking some eggs, I sat at the bench.

After Kaiya finished cooking, he slid a plate over to me, I took a bite, "Oh my gooness! This is wonderful! Thanks Kaiya!" he smiled charmingly.

"You're welcome," he sat next to me, we ate our breakfast slowly. There was a loud knocking at the door.

"Kaiya! Get out here!" shouted a man. Kaiya stood up rapidly.

"It's Darren," he seemed upset.

"Who's Darren?" I asked curiously.

"My brother," he replied just before the door swung open. A cute boy with black hair with some red through it ran in. His blue eyes were furious.


"I'm right here! I can hear you, Idiot,"

"Alright, I'VE HAD IT! WHY DID YOU LIE TO HER?!" shrieked Darren.

"I HAD TO!" shouted back Kaiya, he was now equally as furious.


"Jess, we're going," Kaiya and I began to walk out of the house, I felt kind of nervous.

"Jess! Wait! Don't you remember me?!" Darren begged.

"Umm, no," I replied, Darren seemed really upset, he just sat there silently.

"What's going on, Kaiya?"

"Nothing, just an arguement," Kaiya replied evasively. He held my hand as we walked to Rose Square. We reached there quickly, as we didn't live far from it. It was still early, no one was there. We sat on a bench, me on Kaiya's lap, "So, want me to help you forget the little arguement?" he asked flirtatiously.

"Mmmm, of course," I replied, equally as flirtatious. Kaiya made me lean back so I was lying on the bench, he rested his hands on my stomach. I impatiently waited for him to continue, I felt, odd. He grinned when he saw my annoyed face, his hands crept a little farther up, brushing gently across my shirt.

Then Kaiya began to tickle my stomach. I burst out laughing, I was very tickle-ish. I wriggled about, but he refused to stop. He tickled me until I gently pushed his hands away, I was still laughing however, and tears rolled down my cheeks. When I calmed down, I pull him down on top of me, our faces were centimetres apart, "Want to make me forget, another way?" I asked. He rested one hand under my head, his other hand supported my back. Then our lips made contact. At first the kiss was soft, sweet, then - just as I wanted - tongues soon got involved. We grinded against each other, no clothes got taken off in the process.

We paused to take a quick breath, "I love you so freakin' much babe!" Kaiya whispered loudly.

"I love you more!" I teased.

"Let me show you I love you more!" our lips made contact again, we made-out, grinding against each other. My hands rubbed against Kaiya's chest, his tongue licked against mine.

"Hey! You two! Break it up!" called out Harris, the peace-keeper. Kaiya and I stopped making-out, but my hands didn't leave his chest. He still supported my head and back, "Can you do that at your home, please?" Kaiya was about to reply with a sarcastic comment.

"Sure thing, Harris," Kaiya carried me back to his house.

"I have a better idea, I want to show you something," Kaiya smiled widely, he carried me past his house. Past two farms, one was a pretty Poultry farm, past a blacksmith, and to the largest farm in Mineral Town. The farm house was painted white, the field was empty, "You've always wanted a farm, so I paid to get this one fixed," I gasped because of the sheer beauty of the place.

"Kaiya, this is the best thing you have done for me! Thank you!"

"This isn't all! Sam - My friend - is looking after it now, but your old cat, Loco, is better. Also, there's something in the stables for you," Kaiya was, positively, the bestest boyfriend ever.

"Thank you! Thank you so, so much!" Kaiya let go of me so I could walk to the stables. He followed behind me, inside, was a large, black mare. It shyly walked towards me.

"It's broken in, all it needs now is to be named, by you," I was bouncing up and down with excitement by now.

"Whisper! Let's call her Whisper!" Whisper stepped towards me, I patted its nose gently. We stayed with Whisper the whole day, when night arrived, Kaiya dragged me outiside.

"Come on, I want to take you to Mother's Hill, it's sure to be empty, so we can do what we want. It's a bit of a walk, so let's take my motorbike," Kaiya sat on a black motorbike, I didn't know much about them, so I didn't know what brand it was. I sat just behind him, my arms wrapped around his stomach. He kick-started it and it roared off. Wind whipped through my hair, I held on tightly, scared.

When Kaiya pulled up, we were on top of a huge mountain, I fell off the bike, Kaiya laughed quitely as he helped me up, "Shush!" I laughed back. He wrapped his arms around me, I rested my head on his shoulder. We stood like that for a few minutes, then my stomach growlled, "Ooops, sorry!" Kaiya just laughed.

"Did you want dinner now?" he asked me politely.

"No, not yet, I'd like to stay up here for a little more, please,"

"As you wish," he laughed gently. He kissed my forehead lightly.

"Little more?"

"Later, Jess, later," he replied, refurring to the kiss. I kissed his chin, why'd I have to be so small?

"I can wait," I whispered quietly, Kaiya kissed the top of my head, I looked up, and saw the moon shining on us, "It's beautiful,"

"I know you are, Jess," I giggled quietly, loud noises would ruin this moment. It felt so romantic- so right, I was sure I loved him, "Come on, let's have some dinner at the Inn," we took the bike, I tried not to be so terrified, and failed. We reach the Inn quickly, Kaiya held my hand as we walked in. We sat at a table for two, a red haired girl walked up.

"What will you have?" she asked pleasantly.

"I'll have chips," Kaiya ordered.

"Can I please have cookies?" I asked, the waitress nodded, then walked off. She came back later with plates of cookies and hot chips. Kaiya and I ate our dinner slowly.

"So, how are you?" he asked me.

"I'm great, what about you?"

"I'm with the most amazing girl in the world, I'm better than great!"

"Aww, thankyou!" I blushed and giggled like a girl in silly Romance movies.

After dinner, we walked to our new farm. We sat on the bed. Kaiya suddenly stood up, he lit some candles around the bed, then pressed play on the stereo. A soft, sweet, loving song played, "So, what do you want to talk about, Jessica?" Kaiya asked seductively.

"Oh, Rakaiya, I'm done with talking, let's express our love in another way," I flirted.

"What a good plan," we crawlled under the blankets....
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm no good at describing kissing and that sort of stuff. :/ Hottest, sexiest, most talented guy in the world; Andy Six. :P If you don't like him because he looks different and "Emo" then don't mention it here. I will not be impressed. =D