Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World

These feelings have to go

"I don't have feelings for her," I lied. William shook his head.

"You're going to have to stop him before they do something... Bad," I sighed, great help from the emotionless rock. Ok, that was mean, but I was furious, my own brother stole my girlfriend, and she doesn't even know she's cheating on me. It's not her fault, she lost her memory, Kaiya took advantage of her. That creep.

"What if they already have?" I asked, all hope vanquished from my voice.

"Jess wouldn't give into him so soon," he placed so much trust into Jess. I felt sorry for him. He tried his best in relationships, but Kaiya always stole them. Kaiya stole everything. Kaiya was a heart breaker.

"Have you forgotten what Kaiya is like?!" I snapped, I didn't mean to, it just came. We were at William's house in the woods.

"No. Darren, he breaks girl's hearts, are you going to let him hurt Jess?"

"No, of course not!"

"Then go find them, try to bring back her memories," he persisted.

"They're probably in the farmhouse that YOU rebuilt for them!"

"He was a paying customer! I had to! I don't exactly have a lot of money! Kaiya's as good at ruining businesses as ruining girls!"

"Oh! I get it! You're so selfish you've forgotten about what Jess and Rakaiya are probably doing, in the bed YOU made them!" I hissed. William's eyes grew watery, I instantly felt bad, I hated seeing his feelings hurt.

"Get out!" shouted William.


"Out," with further arguements I walked out, staring at the ground. I walked up the path to Jess' Farm. The farm was more beautiful than before, William did a good job building it. Gotz had built it last time, he would've rebuilt it, but he had moved to another town. I walked up to the farmhouse and knocked on the door.

"Just a minute!" Jess' beautiful voice called out. True to her word, a minute later Jess opened the door. Her clothes were hastily pulled on, her hair was wet, "Hello," her voice was wondering, she looked at me as if trying to remember where she saw me.

"Hey, umm, can I talk to you?" I asked, hoping she didn't remember the fight Kaiya and I had.

"Sure, come in," she lead me to a table that could fit four. I sat opposite her, "Do you want some food, or something?"

"No thank you. I was wondering, what you remember from, before, the accident," Jess's face was blank, I patiently waited for her to continue. After a minute, she shook her head.

"I can remember water, water and blood- my blood," she quietly replied.

"I'm sorry," I apologized for causing such memories.

"It's fine," I only just realized there was a tap running- or a shower. The water stop pouring out of the shower head. After a little less than a minute, out walked Kaiya.

"Hello Emo," he smiled, Jess kept out of it.

"Kaiya," I greeted simply.

"What brings you to our little farm?" he sat beside Jess, their hands touching.

"I just thought I'd drop in to see my brother and girlfriend," I smiled.

"My girlfriend, you mean?"

"Yes, I meant MY girlfriend,"

"Darren, get out of my house,"

"Jess, you have to remember me!" I begged.

"Yes, I remember you," I smiled widely, Kaiya looked guilty, "You're the one who ran into Kaiya's house and caused trouble. I hate trouble-makers," I groaned, Kaiya smiled widely in victory. This was hopeless, I walked out of the house, I was going to apologize to William.
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Yeah, sorry, extra chapter, I hope you don't mind. =D